
irrelevant, customization is more important.

if it's too slow for you follow life hack number 1 and get new hw

>he doesn't know what life hack number 1 is
don't be poor

Other urls found in this thread:


>irrelevant, customization is more important
t. freetard ricer linux user

It's okay user

What does this mean?


>minor optimisation

it's an aspie who opens a thread every time something is changed regarding libpng in Firefox.
just ignore.

Nice thread OP. Truly causes you to realise.

You know, if they wanted they could just write custom code for each useful/popular instruction set and use runtime selection based on the CPU arch. This is what pixman does.

>irrelevant, customization is more important.
filthy ricefags should be shot

> he uses firefox with bundled pnglib instead of the system lib

user, no, not all girls are sluts, you should go to outside more often (•ω•)

Found the female. You're obsolete.

>Using outdated system libs instead of the latest release

Look at this faggot and laugh at his stupidity

Someone please explain to me what this means.

bundled libs are the ones out of date and full of security holes
do you even gentoo?


Mozilla's libraries are up to date, the libpng maintainer updates it every time there's an official release

It just shows retarded, clueless ignorant faggots like you shouldn't be posting if you don't know SHIT about anything

you have no power here

how can someone be this retarded?
they're jerking since 1.6.22 while I'm already running a newer version

Firefox includes a library that displays PNGs. Now they realized that they can turn on some options so it runs faster if your CPU supports SSE instructions (every Intel and AMD CPU sold in the last 15 years do)

Are you stupid or what? Nightly is running 1.6.24, which is the latest version


Again, stupid people like you should not post here

Neither are all males fags, but...

I am already running it. Your solution is to run an unstable version that still had the lib days after it was released? How many goalposts are you going to move?

But I get it, you're a frustrated Magfag or Wincuck and think bundled libraries are smart because you don't know any better.


Idiots like you, don't post if you don't know SHIT

You bundled libraries are outdated and to update shit in Linux causes issues

obvious butthurt samefagging


you do realize that bundled libraries will always lag behind, right? unless you invent a time machine, it is not possible

inb4 i was only pretending to be retarded