Despite some feeble efforts by Intel Corp. (NASDAQ: INTC) to diversity its worker base, only 3...

>Despite some feeble efforts by Intel Corp. (NASDAQ: INTC) to diversity its worker base, only 3.7% of its workforce is black. This is against 13.2% of the general population.
>Blacks are not the only group underrepresented on the chip company’s payroll. The white representation is 50.8%. Men make up 74.5%.
>In contrast, blacks represent 8.3% and 37.4% of AMD's (NASDAQ: AMD) workforce, respectively.

Other than AMD, what are some DIVERSE tech companies I can support?

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> he fell for the diversity meme

I sure hope that in a few years we can all look back on this diversity meme and go "boy that was fucking retarded".

And by "all" I mean everyone, not just us here.

>only 3.7% of its workforce is black.

>your skin color and sex define your qualification

I hate the current year.

The SJW will come full circle and hate themselves and that is when racism will really die in this world.
Until then the left nutters and right nutters are going to keep trying to separate humanity with le epic racism may may to some extent so we can't rise up against the real oppressors.

>AMD has more black workers than Intel
Finally an explanation for why AMD is such a failure :^)


Who fucking cares lmao


You are not going to enjoy living in this century.



The. Fucking. Irony.

Don't worry I live in a post-socialist dunghole, womyn rights and multiculturalism is widely considered a unfunny joke

Only when all races have merged into one (except for perfect jewish master race) will the sjw scum finally die.

I fucking hate the current year

What about the genderfluid transnigger pansexual nonbinary tumblr femme demiboys?

Does that mean they're illegal?

>Today, Intel announced it will launch a new agriculture business
>They plan to grow cotton in the south of the US

>not supporting all of this faggotry
>Soros not a Jew desu
Nice try Soros


>Linkedin 60% poo in loo

I can see why MS thought they would be a 'good fit'


t. Sam Hyde. fuck off edge lord.

I wonder how a black dude feels when he finds out that he's only been hired because he's black.

I wouldn't want that.

Didn't you know? All the nignogs are working at AMD.

how do we know these numbers are true?
I know about as many black people as I do women.
I feel that the 4% black people is closer to the truth and women make up about 30% of the population.
And since anecdotal evidence and what I feel should be regarded as a higher important truth, intel does nothing wrong.

nigga fuck off.

>Meal ticket!! WOOOOOOOO!

m8 if you were one of the rare over 100 IQ blacks you'd milk the system for all its worth

It means they declined to take part in the survey. 8% of people realize it's retarded.
>I feel that the 4% black people is closer to the truth and women make up about 30% of the population.
That's impressive.

I don't think you understand.

I am pretty sure we all agree that race should not play a part in selection in a job application process. But it does when you start focusing on diversity.

Focusing on diversifying your workforce is actively being racist in your recruiting. It is no longer a matter of qualifications and personal merits but a matter of ticking skin color and gender boxes.

Diversity is fucking retarded.

Ayo hol up.
Let's hire based on race rather than skilks

>The white representation is 50.8%
Despite being a much larger portion of the population, but that is not a concern.


Ok so now we know why AMD is dying.

Whites are underrepresented too. Funny they actually tried spinning it like it's an overrepresentation

Apple music shouldn't count

>This is against 13.2% of the general population.
Seems like we need to kill a few whites for equality :^)

One day we can ignore race and just look at merit. The lack of blacks or women is solved in kindergarten, from there people have to gain an interest in the industry. This stuff should be encouraged to teenagers not adults. It's just basic concept of supply there's just s higher supply of white and indian men in these fields. They got to start in the classroom not in the job application.


>AMD has more diversity
>its CPUs are complete and utter shit

>Intel has less diversity
>its CPUs are the best

Lo and behold.
Also the author is a retard if he thinks Jews will allow niggers into their company.
He better start making articles whining about those 50 000 blacks who were deported by Israel, if he has the balls that is.
Jews don't want niggers anywhere near them.

>If only few black/hispaninc/women... work in Stem fields, it's because those said tech companies are racist/sexist, and that has nothing to do with the fact that maybe, most black/hispaninc/women... aren't interested in Stem fields

>instead of focusing on manual labor jobs, let's just focus on jobs were people are barely active.
>No women in construction? Who cares

Fuck off reddit

It's funny you don't also tell OP to go to pol.

Is it because you are OP and you just don't like arguments against you?

Isnt it in Israel?

Stop including me in this bullshit.

>companies should hire people based on their skin color and not their qualifications because fuk raycism amirite xDDDDD


Are you mad Bernie Sanduhs got BTFO?



I agree with this man. We need more ebony booty in the business.
I need some ebony ass pillows to fondle and sexually abuse in the office.

implying feminazis wouldn't report you for harassment for just looking at them and get you fired

It's too early in the morning for hyperbole

Why would i look at feminazis? All of them are ugly as fuck and don't have any booty except nasty cellulite booty which looks like a marshland. They have to dye their hair like some irradiated chicken and stuff giant thick glasses on their faces to get attention.

What you see in my picture isn't a feminazi my friend. That is ebony booty. Smooth ebony booty don't need no feminazism.
Because smooth ebony booty ain't sexually frustrated or ugly.

chicks report guys they don't like for sexual harassment all the fucking time, hell, it seemed like my dad came home weekly with a new story about they bullshit
>implying feminazis there aren't attractive feminazis
you also said you were going to sexually abuse your "ebony ass pillows" like any chick wants some creepy guy sexually abusing them let alone anyone sexually abusing them

easy way to lose a job

that* not they end of 3rd line

>like any chick wants some creepy guy sexually abusing them let alone anyone sexually abusing them
If sexy chicks didn't want me to sexually abuse them, then they wouldn't be wiggling their chocolate asses at me.
As soon as my fabulously beautiful and handsome face is met with their smooth ass, they automatically know it was like destiny glued us together. And all the ideas of reporting me evaporate.

>>implying there aren't attractive feminazis
You gotta drink approximately 2 barrels of alcohol and eat about 5 handfuls of shrooms in order for feminazis to start looking attractive.

>if sexy chicks didn't want me to sexually abuse them, then they wouldn't be wiggling their chocolate asses at me
you're absolutely right
>tune in at 5 for our reporting of crazy lunatic tech guy blowing up office after being fired for slapping a woman's posterior in the work place


well considering texas climate it may be even profitable.
just pay for welfare
gotta diversify bro

Only uncivilized heathens slap asses. That's your problem user, you are stupid as fuck.
Asses are treated by shouting "such smooth ass" at the woman to attract her attention.
Then you go towards her, duck, and put your face upon her ass while hugging around her thighs, and rub your face on that ass.
The trick is that unlike an abrupt ass slap which will always trigger assault,
the ass rub proceeded following a compliment, and it evoked motherly instincts in a woman since it isn't a violent action like a slap but a tender rubbing of the ass with the face. It also evokes a surprise effect without being too abrupt, ergo you gave her some time to process and visualize what you are doing before you are doing it.
Thus the effect of "i want to slap him" never materializes, and the effect of "ain't he embarrassed?" does. Now the cutest thing to a woman is when a man is visibly embarrassing, and not violent. This is the effect of rubbing your face on their asses instead of slapping them.
You virgin heathen.

>you virgin heathen
>sounds like the biggest cuck
still sexual harassment
you're still getting fired
>durr why would she wear short shorts and s crop top if she didn't want to be violated
because she wanted to wear shorts snd a crop top to look "cute"

>implying most of the women in tech aren't raging feminazis
you're delusional user :^)

>In contrast, blacks represent 8.3% and 37.4% of AMD's (NASDAQ: AMD) workforce, respectively.

qeque, so thats why their products suck cocks so much


You are more often not hired because of your skin. People overlook my education and experience, and assume I'm from "dem streets". On more than one occasion, I've been called "dawg" in an interview. I will always be seen that way by upper management, but once my peers get to know me and find out I'm just as nerdy as they are my day to day is great.

Wut, how?

the person who posted the picture said it was rounding error, i just stole the pic didn't make it, i have another similar one

>blacks make 13% of the population
>13% of blacks have an IQ above 100
>0.13*0.13 = 1.7%

if anything, they are being overrepresented at intel.


no woman

Well that explains why Intel is better


equal opportunity != equal representation

Now Sup Forumstards fuck off.

Yeah, I don't understand it either.

I'm not american and I don't understand having a "diversity quota". Why are you guys forced to include the american version of gypsies in your workplaces?

Why are companies who don't conform made fun of like in the article OP linked.

Because the extreme left wing controlls the media

Sjw are stupids.they are just à bunch of racists people. But since it's against white men I guess it's alright! Then they wonder why we call them retards..

Diversity quotas are racist. You're saying "you should hire this group of people" based on their race/gender, not their qualifications.



>White men are smarter than bitches and niggers

>blacks represent 37.4% of AMD

who cares. people should be hired if they have the skills to do the job. not because they are some race or gender or whatever someone comes up with tomorrow