>running malware as main operating system
Running malware as main operating system
>being freetard
>not enjoying freedom
>listening to toejam-sensei
>software barely works
>no games
>no drivers
>screen tearing
but you get to post your shit-tier rice in the desktop thread on Sup Forums
>>software barely works
wrong, open source developed software is higher quality, since it's developed by more persons
>>no games
wrong, go to steam or gog and check the available games
>>no drivers
>>screen tearing
> open source developed software is higher quality
So, tell me how your proprietary programs can be superior if you can't even check the code, lol.
Back to pleasing old men for money.
My file picker has thumbnails :^)
>buy intel based machine
>amd graphics card
>qualcomm atheros wifi chip
everything just werks
no non-free drivers required
feels godly my friend
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Your computer runs non-free code as root when you turn it on, unless your CPU is 8 years old.
>that one friend who unironically uses a Microsoft operating system
Stability, more features, consistency, documentation, user interface, backwards compatibility etc
If you care so much about technicalities fire up IDA and see which is better optimized or whatever.
> implying that Luvi doesn't do the same
You're using 10yo arguments.
Doesn't matter when the operating system is a 100% free environment and controlled by me personally.
He's actually right though, otherwise I would be using shitnux too. I can't deal with screen tearing and weird bugs. they had more than 10+ years to make operating system stable and as bug free as they can possibly make it and they still could not manage it.
Who is "they"? :^)
>Stability, more features, consistency, documentation, user interface, backwards compatibility etc
Why did you list out the features of open source? Did you miss quote?
>If you care so much about technicalities fire up IDA and see which is better optimized or whatever.
So you literally have to use reverse engineering and more proprietary software to see how a program works?
All the jokes people would call Linux developers and other related. When will Linux be good? WHEN?
As long as you have access to the WWW and the world's most powerful operating system who gives a shit about screen tearing. It's not even a priority.
Ricing is not just looks (which I rarely worry about) but also input configuration. Most "hipster" wms have a bit of a learning curve but if you know vi keybinds it is generally just a matter of configuring the wm to utilize them and behave properly for certain windows. You of course needn't know vi to fo this but it is super cozy to have a standardized input method
It is rewarding to have a computer interface that you have configured to fit you. Also only using the keyboard winds up being faster (for me at least but I am sure this is a common thing). You can bind just about any program to fit the scheme.
Within the window you can have single key commands (t opens new tab) along with a shift layer so that T opens a duplicate tab. Alt layer is for the window manager (Alt+hjkl moves between tiles) and super is more of a wildcard layer for misc commands (super+r runs dmenu plugin to access commands).
It seems hard to learn but by configuring each of these layers key by key you should know them right away.
Again, it is rewarding. Also, if you put /home on a separate partition (or keep a backup of that filesystem/tree) you can simply export all of your configs to any new installation without having to redo anything.
It isn't for everybody and to each his own, but there is merit to knowing how to configure your system. It isn't difficult.
>no games
>doesn't realize poster meant "AAA games" i.e. Witcher 3, GTA 5, Fallout 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, hell even fucking Overwatch wasn't released on Linux platform and a toaster could run it. There are games but the majority are older titles that a toaster could run toady or stuff a smartphone could run at 1080p 60 FPS.
I am more than happy to jump ship to linux when there is better support for the platform. Right now I feel like Linux is the Wii U of gaming. Niche and doesn't have the library to support the wide variety of gamer tastes compared to their competitors.
This. Kb shortcuts are a god send.
But really, why on earth would anyone use vi?
>microsoft confirmed malware
>ITT: butthurt tech illiterates, trying to make linux bad
I just already knew vim so I used that. I plan on using conkerer as a browser so I will end up learning some emacs standards as well unless I decide to just mask all keybindings to vi.
To me vim is best editor because I don't get into scripting behavior enough to fully utilize emacs/justify learning it. Honestly I tried emacs and it just didn't click like vim did.
>suggesting IDA as an alternative to open source
why not write everything yourself user?
Windows 10 is utter garbage, even if you disregard the botnet factor.
GNU+Linux is awesome, on the other hand.
Trust me. I dual boot, so I know.
>says something is bad
>posts the "it's perfect" image
Try spacemacs. It just werks, has powerful and convenient vi bindings, almost doesn't require any additional configuration. My .vimrc ended up with >300 LOC and it still wasn't comfortable, not even to mention complete bundles like spf13.
.spacemacs in the other hand has literally couple lines of my code and 10 or 20 variables set up (which, btw, can be done via embedded gui).
damn, how's it feel to be this dumb?
Why did MS let Indians ruin their software?
I'm never using Windows 10 as long as I live.
vi is easy peasy
get a cluepon kid, it's a fucking text editor
I still use PINE for email too, get fucked losers
Tell me how your freetard software is superior if you can't check the proprietary software's code.
>Inb4 pretending to audit code is a benefit.
are you really this dumb?
it must be painful to be this stupid
>freetard software
>proprietary code
Just leave Sup Forums already. It's a shame.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
so does mine :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>malware is a better OS than any Linux distro
>not using the smiley with a carat nose
Is this the new desktop thread?
>a spying OS is better than a non-spying OS
And no, it can't be disabled. Microsoft can easily get around that shit.
elementary os wallpaper, you can download them on the interwebs
Just... wiping my windows hard drive and using it for Lubuntu now. Sucks M$ went down that road.
>a spying OS is better than a non-spying OS
It really is
what would you use to call stallman on his cellphone all the time if he doesn't have a cellphone?
It's so sad that nowadays normalfags are such gamma faggots who can't stand up for their own rights and freedom. They rather enjoy "comfy" bait programs, made to get their shekels or their private data to milk more shekels out of them.
Call us when you can run photoshop without a windows emulator (and no that half baked Gimp shit isn't better)
Kek barely works on a good day
Straight delusional if you think drivers are avalible. Even thinkpads are a shit show of troubleshooting and zero support on even the most vanilla distro.
GIMP is better, you're just too lazy to learn something new.
Enough free drivers are available out of the box and additional proprietary drivers if the free ones make problems.
Personally I dropped it because on a P50 you loss the finger print scanner, WWAN, WPA2 enterprise is a pure cunt. And new issues popped up constantly. I keep CentOS on my T400 as a neat toy though. Although even an old thinkpad needs a lot of trouble shooting.
I might be stuck in a bot net but at least my workstation works.
>GIMP is better
No, it's flatly not. As a graphics professional why the fuck would I spend 3-5 minutes doing a manual workaround for something Photoshop can do in two clicks with a better looking and more customizable end result? Does GIMP have clipping masks, yet? Layer styles? Stackable layer styles? Content aware fill? Puppet warp? I could keep going.
> (You)
>Enough free drivers are available out of the box and additional proprietary drivers if the free ones make problems.
Ahahahahahaha no.
Are you retarded or you simply didn't understand his sentence?
There is a micro-os inside every intel processor and noone but intel knows the code.
>As a graphics professional
Yes it does.
Filter me if it rustles you so much.
Yep. I got into basically the worst field. Kill me now, bury me at sea.
(Last I used GIMP was in or around 2009, so maybe this isn't accurate anymore)
You have to install a bunch of user scripts to get a worse version of what Photoshop does by default, and it fits the whole theme of working harder for what other software does quickly and easily out of the box that plagues GIMP. As someone who bills at a flat rate for most of their projects, I can't spend more time fighting software to do what I need to do.
I will definitely give spacemacs a shot. I try to minimize my vimrc as I have found even a few plugins weigh it down. One of the main reasons I use vim is because it has no delay.
Anyone else notice this with vim? We should have a text editor thread
>convenience is more important than freedom, everyone, make me a slave, give me dick, I'll swallow, I promise, just give me a pillow so I can sit comfy
What if I want both dick AND freedom?
so sexy
>having to spend more time paying attention to your OS doing inconvenient workarounds than your actual work
And your not the slave how?
>"meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme"
you've been here way too fucking long. get some sun.
>has no aruments
>starts memeing
If you understand the system you rarely spend any serious amount of time working around issues. Either it is a simple fix or a bug. Stay on a stable branch to avoid bugs and don't touch shit if you cannot fix it.
Newfagslike you killed the jee
But it is alright, we were worthless anyway, right
Wincucks BTfO
>muh games
Holy fuck just kill yourself or get a life
>get a life
Why are you here? Why aren't you in a place for people with lives?
>implying "they" are a singular company and that linux isn't just a kernel
>The article talks of installing “Linux”, but the context shows it is really GNU/Linux that users install.
>is really GNU/Linux
Fuck off with that shit.
Saved. More people need to see this.
> loonix
> get a life
someone webm this thing
hows that smartphone with only your mom and dominoes as a contact? straight malware.
Are Russians going to annex Microsoft now?
Most of them use XP which is a nice source of information about almost everybody for KGB.
Gets me every time
>he thinks liniggers have friends
fucking kek
This website is 18+.
What's the source on this?
>people are actually falling for this shit
not an argument
he's right about linux having no games, by the way, as great as linux is.
>he doesn't know the difference between decrypting and cracking
Go home, winbabby.
RSA is assymetric cryptography
If you think this faggot factored what's probably a 2048+ bit public key I have a bridge to sell you
Stop antagonizing people when you have no goddamn clue what you're talking about
read decypting =! cracking
Again you're not fucking understanding what's taking place in this video
Unless he either hooks whatever's sending the screenshot and dumps the buffer before it's encrypted (not shown in the video) or replaces the public key with his own (not shown in the video either, assuming an untampered copy of Windows) it's simply not fucking happening
>not realizing how important gpl is/was to the world
Not him, but why are you even trying? We all know that Win 10 sends keylogs and voice recordings home (it's even in the EULA), so why are you trying to claim it doesn't send screenshots? Just stop.
I don't doubt Win10 has plenty of invasive telemetry, especially in its Insider builds, which is also why I don't use it
But passing that blatant horseshit as "evidence" will only make you look like retards to anyone who actually has even the most basic understanding of cryptography