Convince me not to buy this $900 monstrosity of a card right now Sup Forums

Convince me not to buy this $900 monstrosity of a card right now Sup Forums

>gtx 1080 with the highest stock clock speeds available
>2x8pin power connector
>12+2 phases
>full liquid cooling, covers gpu, ram and vrm's
>4 year warranty

A similar cooler kept the 980 Ti, a more power hungry card, under 50°C during load. I don't doubt that this card can be overclocked well above 2 GHz.
And I know, for $300 more you can get a Titan X, but those all have shitty blower-style housefire coolers.

Wait 1 week then buy it. Always a good idea to wait to buy things.

There's going to be a 1080 Ti version of this shortly, dumb ass.

because you're going to play esports 95% of the time and those could run on a 750Ti

Not OP here, how shortly are we talking? I was just about to drop all the money I have on a 1070 for my first build.

If you are looking at a 1070 then the 1080Ti is a completely different market than you. Just get your midrange card and be happy and leave the high end for the big boys.

Seems unlikely, are you sure?
The 1080 is already being sold for around $700-800, and the Titan X is sold for $1200.
There's little place for another card in between there.

Why do you need the extra power connectors and phases? It still likely won't clock any higher than any other 1080. MSI Sea Hawk and Evga Hybrid offer similar cooling solution and form factor, MSI model being tested to be really effective with the cooling performance and also cheaper.

Has any site reviewed this model yet?

Nah seems like a fine idea. If you wait a week then someone will tell you to wait a week for something else. Technology is changing too fast and if you get that you're probably not going to notice any extra frames in an upgraded model.

Haha, hey fuckskull, how about answering my question instead of being a self-righteous cunt?

I work a shitty IT job in the United States. I pay for my bills, my food, my clothes and I have a shitbird 2 year old kid I have to take care of because my wife died in childbirth and I didn't even fucking want kids. All this computer bullshit is secondary to me and I could give less of a quarter of a fuck about it. If you would have given me a real fucking answer I would have saved up my money and bought the 1080ti and then I would have bought a reservation ant a fancy restaurant so I can fuck your fat mom on the first date, kike.

There's little place in a $400-500 price difference??

Wait for Vega.

You sound like a cuck

not going to happen, why on earth would nvidia release a new card if all it does is beat its own cards?

1080ti will come when Amd has an answer to 1080. which wont be anytime soon,

even the 490 is stated to be somwhere between 1070/1080, so no need for the 1080ti still.

>what is a condom and how do they break

Overclocking places a real strain on VRM's, so having more of them to divide the workload on reduces temperatures. Not to mention the watercooling cools them down much better than the crappy blower fans you find in MSI and EVGA's models.
Sadly, no reviews yet though. Maybe because the card is in short supply.

I feel the same, I've been waiting on the perfect GPU+vidyacard since forever and this seems to be it.


>not waiting 3 months for hbm2 high end
its your money, burn as much as you like kid.

how do you know the 1080ti will have hbm?

>$400+ GPU
Get your head out of your ass buddy

because HBM2 is the new standard. everything will be using it.
gddr5x is a hold over till HBM mass production is more efficient.

>can be overclocked well above 2 GHz
you are fooling yourself if you think watercooling improves the OC capabilities of a 1080 in any significant way. At best you are looking at 100Mhz higher overclocks compared to air cooled versions, which at ~2.1GHz is less than 5%.

1080 is overpriced as it is. Paying $900 for one is retarded.

Why would they spend all that money developing GDDR5x if they are only going to use it for a few months?

That's what I was thinking.
It also wouldn't make sense for the 1080ti to have hbm when the titan has gddr5x.

Titan X does not use HBM.
1080ti will not use HBM either.

Only HBM2 card to come out any time soon is Vega.

And you think waiting for a crazy expensive new top of the line card is saving you moeny somehow or even offering better value? What about when you finally get your hands on a high quality GTX 1080 Ti vendor card with the cooling you desire and the news about a potential GTX 2080 are circulating... Were you just a kid blowing money on the Ti there too for not waiting for the new card? Also why'd the put HBM on the TI? I'd rather they wouldn't and grab popcorn when some retard here flips their shit for Nvidya not using it, never mind the performance and efficiency of the card.

just get an EVGA hydrocopper Titan XP when it comes out

and stop bitching like everyone on this thread

pic related, reference card OC

buy flagships and give zero fucks 'cause you're responsible to manage your own cash