Google manager, 27, is raped, killed and set on fire while running in woods near her mum’s home

>A GOOGLE manager was found raped, murdered and burned after going jogging near her mum’s home.

>raping Google managers
Now that's what I call 'using Google'

Well and truly rekt.


>working for Google
she deserves it, better have worked for the FSF, Stallman was right

That's what you get for having no guns.

That's what you get for pushing the botnet

I dont get it

This is just filling the gap in male-female murder rates gaps. Equality? This is what they wanted.


shoulda used free and libre software

Wasn't another google employee killed not too long ago?

Probably one of her co-workers. Remember this post.


he an heroed because he found out google was specifically tracking his searches. Beast sex and nazi sympathy, he was publicly shamed by his fellow employees for not being part of the groupthink.

Good. Women shouldn't be managers. She got what she deserved.

How do they know she was raped?

Well I guess someone found a way to penetrate the Botnet.

wew lad

Holy shit. You made my day user. Kek

>google was specifically tracking
wtf does that mean?

>The Sun



That what happens when you work for that shitty advertising company.

poor word choice; he was an employee so they targeted him for logging any searches he made through their engine.



Holy shit I completely forgot this board even existed.

I already posted it there.

What happened to the Apple employee that killed himself or was assassinated inside a meeting room at Apple?


>implying that board exists

i remember reading another article where it said that her father warned her not to run in that area. i guess she thought google's special sjw powers would protect her.

>Implying it doesn't
It's not Sup Forums dude

>Now that's what I call 'using Google'
Is that a joke?


ITT: Autism

Do you not know anything about the justice system or are you baiting?

Lol now I'm really interested in hearing what justice system has to do with crime investigation and autopsy


The real question is whether she was stalked using Google. That would be ironic.

it's scary how disconnected people here are from reality.
A woman just died "llololol botnet haha"

That's sad.

we will never hear the end of this. End result will be more benefits for "women in tech"

People die everyday, who gives a shit?


We need more of it as the disparity in male-female murder rates is astronomical, user.

pic related, the eye witness

Care to take a guess who killed her?
- Undocumented citizen (natural conservative)
- Youth
- Member of the religion of peace

Sadly this.
The real question is was she killed by some random guy or a guy who works with tech?

Finally, some fucking good news. For a second, I thought the botnet was winning.

Score one for the good guys, dumb Stacy whore is dead, one botnet enabler eliminated.

Keep up the good work guys!

Either dindunuffin or religion of peace.

The style of the murder is pretty much only done by them.

My bet is also on some youth who was in the woods preaching the word of the Lord, that burning part especially leads me to think that.

you're the worst kind of posters on the entire fucking website, and I'm not talking your position ; it's just super-annoying when a cunt quotes every fucking post in a thread and each time you hover over the replies there's your stupid and useless comment, I wish you were a Google manager right now.

>all this anger

Based on this, the killer was most likely white and installed gentoo on his computer at least once in his lifetime.

this is sad, even for a linux user.

Nah, it was just another case of "not asking for it while dressed like a whore". Whore wanted to show everyone her curves, whore got raped and killed.


I'm from MA, it was probably some feral white trash heroin addict.

top kek

nothing of value is lost, should have stayed in the kitchen!

Scroogled again!

>live in shithole with 40 poorfags getting killed every day
>somehow I'm suppose to feel bad about some privileged skank getting wrecked for not having common sense

No, you're the disconnected one

>being from the MIT nigger state
Get outta here MIT nigger.

This is why you should CCW

nice plant. You got us good.

No. MAssholes represent.

Lol, you guys are so disconnected from life, you're happy when someone is raped and murdered brutally.

Seriously, your affective life is pretty much nonexistant. No wonder you can't function in society.

Cheering about someone dying in horrible conditions is as low as being an ISIS member and cheering for the death of infidels.


>Americans literally have Spanish on everything
Can't make this shit up!

How long until le hat meme dump?
Back to ledit

Thanks, we try hard

People die every day. You didn't even know her, if she wasn't a google employee the news probably wouldn't even hit the newspapers. Get over it, nobody cares if someone they didn't know dies and if I laugh about it, that's my fucking business.

Nice edge, kids




Your tiny effeminate brain incapable of complex logic is just too stupid to understand my post.
user, I...


I wish I could be as virtuous as you are, alas I can't pretend to care about strangers on the internet.
Not saying that girl deserved to die, but I don't care that she did, doesn't change my life.

He died

Since I left the city

>At fucking Google

Sucking cocks all the way up the ladder

Hate to be a fag, but got a source for all this?

>things i give two shits

pic one

Is the /r9k/? Why so much autism?

>I'm from MA, it was probably some feral white trash heroin addict.
it's a decent probability

Google is botnet, so when the botnet gets hurt it's time to celebrate. Thing of the greater good.

>muh edge

What exactly did she bring to google?
It says she was a "manager" but that's so vague, what did she manage?

As a final year comp science student who has studied at two different universities that were both top 3 of my country, literally NO girl in any IT/compsci/softeng course looks like that.

I feel like she was recruited based on
1. She was a girl
2. She is good looking

Google is seriously such a piece of shit. Gotta push that narrative that girls are just as capable and willing as men in IT.

I bet she did a bachelor of arts and was given a salary comparable, if not better, than the nerds doing the actual work.

I hope i'm wrong.


Man the dick sucking that happened for her to get that job.
Holy shit she must be the goddess of blowjobs.
RIP you wont be missed there are million of cock suckers out there

I see quite a few attractive female engineers around, so it's not really a stretch or anything.

I really don't believe you.
Of course there is always outliers but they're rare af and they're almost always non-Caucasian women from terrible backgrounds that are forced into money making professions.