Can AMD even complete

can AMD even complete

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this is now a elon musk hate thread



does jen-hsun wear leather jackets everyday

sponsored by Hermès© - La Maison des Carrés©

dat elon face "Summoning the Demon"

Elon Musk warned in no uncertain terms recently that the invention of artificially intelligent machines could pose the “biggest existential threat” to mankind.

Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, spoke with unusual force about the perils of a technology that could quickly spin out of its inventors’ control during an MIT symposium on Friday, the Washington Post reports. “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon,” he said.

“In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out,” he added.

Musk called for an international regulatory framework to oversee advances in the technology. He has previously likened artificial intelligence to nukes on Twitter.

>does jen-hsun wear leather jackets everyday
I sure as fuck hope so, he definitely has the right to do so.

Jen's jacket costs more than AMD itself.

Guy looks pleased as fuck. No wonder he knows he's getting some of that Nvidia.

Graphics should be left to professionals, to the Nvidia.

leather jacket is his shit just got real clothes.

Musk is fucking retarded, oh my god. He made money on paypal and I give him tesla and spacex, even though he does jack shit there, but recent hyerloop, him saying electric planes are the most efficient planes and this shit is beyond stupid

That's one heck of a pizza box


Musk is nothing more than an investor who happens to have a ton of money, understands the technology market and spent his money in the right places. His understanding of actual technology is almost nonexistant.

no doubt coz he's the one who twitted this picture to nvidia


Reminder that this guy gets pays less than the chink CEO from AMD despite achievement more for Nvidia than the chink lady has done for AMD(sinking the ship)

>...he received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from its College of Arts and Sciences...

>degrees mean anything

You do realise you could literally jack off all the whole 4 years in college?

>born in Afrika
>got engineering degree
>personally Invented online news and got thousands bux
>personally invented online payments and got millions
>figured out a way to make profit frm solar pamels
>Personally invested his own "First and the only" private spae program
>Personally invested his own car company to accumulate money for his own space program
>Launched first in the world reusable rocket
>Contributed to gene pool bu having shitloag of children

Musk is literally the best person alive.

Is Elon natty?


no matter what he does, his money can't buy him not shit genes

He has genes of a private space program owner.
Gotta be pretty cool.

Missed the news on the recent gene editing?

Designer babies ahead, friend.

a qt

They honestly can't and it's sad

do you know what is the purpose of openAI?google it son or stop shitposting

but he can buy hair transplant and qt3.14 waifu

Actually he can

If you were the CEO of AMD you'd want to be paid lots too, since you're not going to be CEO for very long

Once AMD dies, Nvidia will finally compete in the CPU market.

>chink lady has done for AMD(sinking the ship)
AMD would literally be dead by now if it wasn't for Lisa Su. She's overachieved massively getting their share price back up so much off the back of budget APUs, rebrands and the disappointing Fury line. She took over the Titanic and still somehow has half of it floating two years later. It's a shame that she doesn't get more respect, given that people whine about women being given positions of power without deserving them (like that dumb blonde bimbo at Yahoo), yet still shit on one who's done extremely well. And who's also an actual engineer, rather than a career suit.

She's a tranny dude

yea big data and the internet of things

this is the source on AI bringing the apocalypse, kinda sensationalistic

Yeah he just read Artificial Intelligence by Nick Bostrum and wanted to paraphrase someone else's smart ideas.


But she's a minority. She's not a leggy blonde who cashed out at Google and heralded as a genius for doing so.

She's making AMDs shoe string budget compete with companies whose quarterly profits dwarf AMD's annual profits.

And her dick is bigger then Jen Hsun Huang.

Why does Nvidia always look so shady?
Raja looks like a nerdy cuck but Huang looks like a fucking comic villain desu


you know that huang was employed by AMD right

taiwan numbah one in the industry

samsung is a legit behemoth reaching many industries, whenver you're close to the worlds factory you get that pull

designed in the valley

that doesnt change that Huang looks shady.
He even hid the GPU in a metal briefcase like it's his latest doomsday device


this whole open vs closed source, white vs black, ying vs yang is a constant dynamic in IT history seriously


>the gaymen revolution will be creamed


You don't need genes when you have money.


He must have the smallest penis on earth

no,its a nonprofit company and they want to share the power of AIs, "democratize" AI, also they want to evade a bad cenario

It's fitting because communists are poor, so poor people can identify with this.

>man ha than the the we the

What did he mean by this?

I wish they could. It would drive down prices for everyone.

>His understanding of actual technology is almost nonexistant.
Funnily enough, anyone who actually worked with the man - even the people who hate him and/or got fired - say the exact opposite.

what is that thing there?

>owns a private fucking space program
>while you shitpost on a Burmese basketweaving forum

His genes are already better than yours senpai.

b b but he is an overhyped meeme, a aam i right boiz?

i actually agree with the AI/atomic bomb analogy.

we're still decades away from that, though

I hope his zero emissions runs him over like that Russian actor.