/csg/ Chink Shit General

Yes, we know everything already is from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Chink_shit_general

• user gets lewd custom printed mousemat, refuses to share link • user strips down his USB to VA lead, not surprisingly gets chinked but has fun anyway • user gets his zircon memes and posts review • vicky fucked up AGAIN, lists $150 tablet on ebay for $10, dozens of user take the bait (still • user recives his $3 snes gamepad, is impressed • cheeky cunt bullys ali seller • lex kurosaki's girlfriend has a vag that llooks like a leather wallet • french user gets burnt by mad chink seller • user gets some bluetooth headphones, a tamagotchi and some metal model kits • user hosts rooftop bbq in chinkland previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>no mention of bunker anons purchase

>Poor people general

Daily reminder to cancel your orders with Vicky or else she will never send nudes.

What are you waiting on, fellow Sup Forumsents?

Current order list consists of:
Paidu watch 5 $~
All in One Card Reader 2 $~
And finally a mini usb wifi adapter 4.20 $~

Also, does anyone have the taobao registration and ordering guide available?


forgive me senpai

•sweedish user buys a set of blast doors, probably preparing for the upcoming european rahowa

damn son, all that bunker thing with servers reminds me of the cryptonomicon.
godspeed, bunker user.

>All this cute cosplay for sale

I need someone with a feminine penis ASAP.


Did a cheeky order lads.

Rooftop user here, I bought a Taiwanese made chinkshit 18 wat led flashlight.

It's solidly made out of steel and has a good focusing function which lets you shine the light out to 50m or something like that.

Pretty good if you can find an equivalent.

In 1 month summerfags like you will be gone

shit howd u get it so cheap? link?

Share the link, others would like to get in on a 25cent deal too.

if you buy it for me, i will model it for csg~

how the FUCK

nice.. link?

Bought it in a store in chinkland.

pls link user

>it's already weekend
>still no deliveries
Welp, I guess it's no-chink-package week!

Might as well buy more chink stuff

do you know what cree chip it uses?

There LITERALLY no such thing as summer anymore in the age of smartphones and 24/7 connectivity.

not user but i found the link: aliexpress.com/item//32713556813.html



I'M GOING IN!!!! (w. the Nillkin Glass - shipped to Canada with ePacket)

I'm halfway tempted, even if it's just to see what the quality on these are like. There's so many cosplays.

why dont you wait for the redmi 4?

haha wow that's super ugly

like I literally am not going to buy it for even 25 centimes

It doesn't have a store? spooky.

Is another vicky o you guys are going to getting poisoned.

Are there chink knockoffs of the dyson air multiplier ventilator thingy? I always wanted that anime fan but the price tag is just crazy.

As much as I want to buy that because it's so cheap, I have no use and no room for it.

That's a typical new store strategy, they put something at a crazy low price so a lot of people buy it and they grow their seller rating more quickly than normal. See the 1 cent balloons, 6 cent ducks, and 9 cent pokemon from earlier this month.

t. poor

Children Lovers Christmas Birthday Gifts

I'll check the packaging when I get back to the car.

32GB USB 3.0 flashdrive
32GB sharkmeme
Micro SD reader
USB>OTG adapter
128MB PS2 memory card
SOMAKE soundcard
BM-800 mic stand
10 pk of RCA>BNC adapters
And a $10 Chromecast scam off eBay.

The think I'm most looking forward to us the flashdrive. It was $12 and I was desperately in need of a 3.0 drive.

man, the previous thread was pretty funny

how much did it cost you? it's ~167 in geekbuying.com

>children lovers
>implying I need a giant plush animal to properly seduce an 8 year old

Discord doesn't work.

How much was the PS2 memory card?

Numerous bicycle components
Raspberry Pi case
Danbo figure :3
"""mechanical""" keyboard
VESA mount
SD card case
bluetooth audio receiver
Orange Pi
18650 charger
Motorbike headlight

>tfw when the ebay $10 kocaso tablet seller hasn't accept my payment

was I too late or it's the same for everyone?

My chink order list

8bitdo controller
MI band 2
Ganzoo knife
ROCK phone stand
10 pc steel wire key chain
6$ drone
32 GB usb stick
SD card case
Chargeable chink batteries

Bout tree fiddy.


Smart people general*

Also, who are you quoting, newfag?

i bought one just after i made this thread, so i think it's you m8

Are power color video cards ok or are they cheap pieces of shit ?

16gb flash drive
A bunch of 5-15c toys
USB Cables
USB adapter

Vicky to finally ship my "free" shit
A suspiciously cheap tablet
Now a 25c plush that probably costs them $10 to ship

Look mom I posted it again

8bitdo controller? For what console?


they don't have the pro prime in stock and the shipping options to Canada aren't as good.

I'm looking at 244.50 CAS with Nillkin glass protector.

Anyone got any other hints?

Also ordering one of these:

That's a sweet ass mousepad
Where can I get said item

Nope, I'm on the same boat


>Wallet Case for Galaxy S5
>Some of those shitty 1 dollar aviators with blue tint because why not
>8GB flash drive
>Xiaomi Pistons (I know they are shittier but I am just looking for something that looks okay and will last a while, which I hope this does)
>1 dollar gaymen mouse that should arrive next week
>shitty 3 dollar powerbank that will get confiscated by customs because Australia JUST put a new law banning lithium batteries being imported because fuck us

Pretty sure it's a manga/art book, guy has been here a while and always takes pics on top of it.

Got some Superlux 681EVO for a friend but gave them a listen before I let them go. Really amazing sound quality, even better than I expected. Better than my £40 AKGs. I'll probably get some for myself one day. They come with a spare set of muffs, two cables and a bag to carry it in.

cheers mane

what are you fucking faggot?

>put up stupidly priced item
>wait for idiots to purchase it with paypal
>use paypal to buy prepaid debit cards
>cash those out
>never ship items because it doesn't exist
this is a common scam, you'll get your money back, the only ones getting scammed will be paypal and ebay when the seller disappears.

shit is this real senpai?

here u go m8 hollow-press.net/collections/shintaro-kago/

I don't see the problem.

theres no point in buying it really desu, the seller has little feedback so it's not gonna be a pricing mistake.. just a scam

The velour pads are a bitch to get on properly but are completely worth it, make them so much more comfortable. I hope these headphones last me years.

Shiiiit thanks user
Love this guys style

Its an universal controller, works great for Windows, Android and iOS. Perfect controller for emulators


It was a promo thing, so yeah, it was.

Good taste

turns out they have another kago book i didn't see last time someone asked for a link

>mfw i will be taking pictures of chinkshit on a different book soon

so fucking vapey, really want one now :/

Is there a way to check low priced products on ali? like that stuffed thing for .25 cents

>Doogee X5 Max Pro
>magnetic base LED worklight
>1x 18650 battery
>nitecore um10
>$0.01 balloon
>$0.06 rubber duck
>$0.09 pokemon figure
>digital calipers
>5x USB LED card-style nightlights
>LED penlight
>fake AA battery for hiding drugs
>pepe tissue dispenser
That's just off the top of my head. There may be more.

So did vicky lose her store yet or nah?

searching x

then posting here

still 10.99. Time to get chinked lads

I'm doing a big purchase of small cost items in quantities up to


Just oredered these will update on how they are when i receive them and thanks to the user who recommended me a fiio amp, got the E10K locally for 35$

forgot pic

It is illogical to not order it. In the absolute worst case scenario you lose nothing. And there's a chance you may actually get a $10.99 netbook.

Paypal holds the funds around a month. Seller can't withdraw it within that period especially with pending case resolution

damn it, my purchase is still being processed. Am I being chink'd?


thats a pretty good deal desu

ive had my E10 for years and it's still working great

found a way to find low priced ali products

1. go to this link here: aliexpress.com/all-wholesale-products.html

2. click on any category heading

3. paste this on the end:

they don't usually hold funds unless you are a high risk seller. It's probably a stolen paypal/ebay account with a linked cc or bank account.

like a one in a million chance

Power color are pretty aight

15 cent sim card adapter if anyone wants: aliexpress.com/item//32702038012.html

Bought those for 10 cent on gearbest

Tell your friend to switch the leather pads for the velour ones, they're so much more comfy.
Mine are still going strong after 2.5 years

The easiest way to get them on in my experience is to flip the piece of fabric onto the pad, place the pad against the cup, flip the fabric back over the cup and then push it into place with something dull.
Took a couple of pictures to illustrate it

someone buy this for 1 cent: aliexpress.com/item//32692436008.html

Is it true that you can only put 32 gb sd cards in the redmi note 3 pro? My friend says they do but according to people on the miui forums, you should just format it to fat32

Serious question:

Can I buy a chink Windows 7/10 license key?


FAT32 only goes up to 32GB