How the fuck could you choose?

How the fuck could you choose?

I could go without either.

>a year without sex

Check the domain name, jack.

I don't get sex anyway so I choose phone

I did 20 years without the former

I prefer my phone.


tfw 2 years without both (i leave my dumphone home) so its ez.

Are you me?

If I give up the phone, can I have a year of sex?

The real question here would be:
Would Sup Forums give up their cell phone for a year in exchange for losing their virginity?

I probably would.

>29 years without sex
Another year doesn't matter much.

>buys 600 dollar phone
>won't chip out 40 bucks for a low rent hooker
>bemoans being a virgin

Get your priorities straight, bub.

All I get are shitty clients, so I can do both
>i've gone 35 years without sex anyway

can i bring a netbook everywhere? If so, then no phone.

Easily a year without a cell phone. I already haven't had one for four or five months.

>Wanting AIDS

fuck, my record is only 18

No sex, easily.
I've been going without since I was born 20 years ago so another year should be no problem.

I'll take the phone.

How about neither?
I've been phoneless for a year, and sexless for 27

>resorting to a prostitute to lose virginity


I think I'd just feel worse doing that.

I'd rather buy a new $600 phone.
Although my Sony Xperia Z1 Compact is still doing what it does, it would be nice to get an upgrade.

Eh, the first one would just make it 28.

>a year with no sex

So like a normal year?

>putting pussy on a pedestal

>tfw no sex and no cellphone

>tracking devices
is NEITHER an option?

I don't have to choose, I have had neither.

>he needs a prostitute
are you that ugly?

I turned down plently of grills because I didn't L O V E them

Fuck off, retard

>ii joudan desu...

25 years without sex is pretys fucking easy

Learn to read idiot. I was telling him not to get a hooker because she most likely will give him AIDS

Since nobody has sex, let's rephrase this.
A year with no masturbation or a year with no phone?

I could go without both, having never utilized either to any great extent.

I've been without either

my Thinkpad has 3G so i don't care about not having a phone.

A fucking decade with no phone

Year with no sex, obviously. Cell phones are useful in emergency situations

>implying females

> a year without sex
> nothing changes

I think the answer is pretty obvious.
A year without sex.

Eh. I use my phone to get sex from girls in my area.

So that would be self defeating.

I'll just keep the phone and fap to their pics instead.

Unless you're assuring consistent sex for that entire year. Preferably sex with the type of girl I want.

A year with no cell phone sounds nice.


(change grills for bois though)

You don't get any sex anyway so that's not a very good question.

ive been living without both since forever

EZ, no cellphone, I have a ThinkPad

Sex isn't a bug deal for me, currently gone over 29 years without

I'll trade you my phone for one sex.

What sex? Gay sex included?

I have never fucked a woman - but I've done a lot of men instead (and they did me ;) ).

I guess I'd say no phone, it would make for a decent willpower challenge.

But what if someone wants to have sex over their cell phone?

>choosing no phone doesn't guarantee you sex
Easy choice

The longest time I hadn't sex lasted two years. It was stressful ad fuck. I chose sex over phone.

Still I need my phone to keep in touch with friends and girls but whatever

Become the wizard you've always dreamed of being.

I've gone a year without sex before. It's whatever. My phone and shitposting keeps me sane at work.

why is this even a thread

Facebook is /s/ for some people

Fuck you I don't want the normalfag of OP in my board


You can get a male. Go for a twink or something, they look feminine and you don't have to be gay to go for one.

>implying females aren't tracking devices

I'd lose mine but not with a human.

I'm not confident that I'm able to support a family and I hate being constantly reachable.

can I really only pick one?

You're all sad

A year without both.


I've already gone 26 years without either, so I think I'm good either way, senpai.

I haven't had sex in 10 years, so it's pretty damn easy to choose.

Sex is probably the most overrated thing in the history of mankind.

I've already gone 22 years without either.

I'd give up my phone for steady sex for a year

That shit would be tough though. I'm assuming i wouldn't be able to just replace the phone, I'd have to get a land line but that feels like cheating.
I wouldn't be able to receive calls from work, or look for new employment. I'd have no way of contacting emergency services. I'd largely be without internet connectivity unless I was at home or at a computer terminal somewhere

But yeah I'd do a year here and there during the slow periods

It may sound neckbeard as fuck, but cellphones and sex are overrated.

Working on 4 months no ass. 3 more til get cut and assuming tests come back so i can officially bang my wife through the bedroom wall and into the kitchen.

Still tho. Need my cell/10

What the fuck are you talking about