Friendly Apple General

When is jailbreak for 9.3.3 32-bit coming /fag/ bros?

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why are poordroids in this thread?

>he thinks he is rich because he can buy a $500 phone or $1000 laptop
If you don't have at least one yacht then you should leave this website

you're better off waiting for the iOS 10 jailbreak, a sad truth I know.

No iOS 10 for 32 bit devices, though

>What is iphone 5

i just jailbroke my ipad. any recommended downloads also how do i get cracked apps?


its actually 1300

Applecucks still need jailbreak in 2016? LMAO

I own a superior device.

was $1000 for quite some time

>Just got an iPhone SE. I've not updated past 9.3.2 it shipped with.

I'm aware of the Pros of jailbreaking but I'm not sure to the cons.

I already have a Xiaomi. When I was 16 I would jailbreak for sure but now I'm old and have a job so who gives a shit?

>so who gives a shit?
stock iphone is for housewives and literally retarded people. poordroids also judge iphones by stock ios to shit on it, but jailbreak frees the phone and lets you have more than a fucking calculator. what you'll do with jailbreak wholly depends on your preference though.

Yeah but what do you actually do with your jailbroken iPhone?

Wtf i hate OP1 now

"your mother will die in her sleep" posts should seriously get deleted
also, (You)

i don't do much for now since i couldn't have much time to mess with it but i am doing right now is basically

automatically send my gf good morning messages between 8-10 am
download movies from torrent sites to my computer with a few clicks
hack whatsapp limits/hide last seen while seeing others' last seen
pie shortcuts for some apps
download folders for extensions


That can't be a superior device, it doesn't have the Apple logo on it, WTF user


>When is jailbreak for 9.3.3 32-bit coming /fag/ bros?

Pangu is NOT working on it. It's not coming.


wtf is that


Shouldn't the title be /FPG/ for friendly Pajeet general?

opo isnt that great

He didn't say that. He said he owned a superior device, which is true of anything that isn't iShit.


Appl3l users are fags

>Pajeets using iPhones
Here's your (You)

Posting on my iPad Air 2, a lot better than my old nexus 7, I only use the iPad for shitposting now anyway.

thanks opo

>using iPhones
Here's (You)

>not based HTC

literally the only smartphone brand worth buying from

It's not coming you smug cunt. If you're still using 32-bit you have no room to call other people poor.

iPhone 5 and 5c are 32-bit. 5s is 64-bit. Fuck off retard.

>can change icons
>get detailed crash reports and safe mode when things go wrong instead on an apple logo on a black screen
>glorious root access
>custom gestures
>custom animations and animation speeds
>custom springboard toggles
>free music from itunes
>Sup Forums browser similar to clover
>set any gif as a live wallpaper
>custom lockscreen
>customize music app
>download any file through safari
>strobe light using back camera flash
>use phone as flash drive or even a linux live usb (needs 10GB free)
>usb file browsing without itunes or shit like ifunbox
>r/w to external drives by lightning cable (expandable storage)
>unrestricted bluetooth file sharing
>bypass shitty EU volume limits
>lock apps and files and use passcode/touch id to unlock
>add number keys to first keyboard page (adds an extra row on top)
>system wide dark mode
>unzip and unrar tools
>iwipe to zero out free space for additional security
>vfdecrypt to decrypt iOS system images (true full device access)
>mac spoofing
>rpl (replaces strings in files)
>uuid generator
>aptitude (command line apt frontend)
>bitchx (irc attacking)
>connect.c (socks and https proxy)
>cydia eraser (unjailbreak)
And those are just a few of my favorites. iOS is basically BSD in your pocket when you jailbreak.

It's also semi untethered this time meaning every time you reboot you need to rejailbreak. This is useful because instead of fighting a never ending battle of bypassing jailbreak detection you just reboot and jailbreak later.

>tfw getting an iphone se tomorrow

My Androidâ„¢ device already does these things

Good luck doing it without root or even a custom ROM. You're in the same boat.

You do realize 99% of iphone users don't jailbreak because they are normies?

>i use a massive gaping privilege escalation security hole exploit to get root privilege and basic android features and then prevent apple from patching it so i can keep those features, while inviting russian hackers to freely steal all of my login/passwords and data
>this is how utterly shit iOS is and i'd rather have ruskies and chinks steal my identity if they help me "break out of jail"

>iPhone 5 and 5c are 32-bit. 5s is 64-bit. Fuck off retard.
iphone 5 is getting ios10 retard. i think you are wasting oxygen by living with that fucking pathetic brain of yours.

>doesn't understand something at all
>shits on it to look cool

What does an iOS version have to do with the CPU architecture? Apple could make iOS 10 builds for the iPhone 3GS if they wanted to. I'm not the retard here. You are.

you just said this
fucking retard.

No I didn't you dumb nigger.

>itoddler thinks he understands anything
>posting about his fruity toddler toys on a technology board

I've contributed code to many iOS projects including the P0sixpwn jailbreak. I know more than you do. I'm also confident and intelligent enough to put up a solid argument without childish pictures. Go ahead, fight me.

then you replied to me without any frame of reference you fucking shit. learn to read next time

>I know more than you do.
Spoken like a true iToddler.

I can reply to whoever I want. What are you going to do about it?

Prove me wrong instead of calling me names.

>iTard LITERALLY bragging about standard 5 year old CM features that finally came to his fruity toy

Prove you aren't an iToddler.

PROTIP: You can't.

>quality of posts

these are 10 year old jailbreak features

Most of the things I listed have been around since iOS 2 or 3. I'm also an Android user. I'm not sure why you have such a hard time accepting that jailbroken iOS does all the same things Android does.

Stay mad.

fuck you ron
i bet you are a poordroid

Jesus christ what a fucking autistic faggot you are. And I'm saying that as a goddamn normal person who gets a little frustrated whenever those words are tossed around this board or there's casual anime girl objectification and other 'quirks' of this site. You are a human cancer and your thirteen year old ass needs to get off the internet, let alone Sup Forums. Stay in school, respect your elders, stop acting like an edgy little fag and understand social norms exist for a reason. And you're not allowed to use drugs. Not because drugs are bad, but because there is no way you will ever develop the emotional maturity to not devolve into some sort of white trash junkie.

>calling someone else autistic


>friendly apple general

On topic though, I checked out the jailbreak scene on iOS, why do you guys have to pay for everything?

We don't. You can pirate everything easily. It's just good to support the devs if you enjoy their tweaks.

fags always have to pay for everything to unlock their toddler toys

see Also it's illegal (at least under US laws) to charge money for a jailbreak.


I don't see a valid argument, only asshurt and blind fanboy rage.

>literally fag

I got some insurance that will get me a basically new iPhone if my old ones broken (I'm going to tell them the power button is not working in which case theyll replace the whole phone every time, done this a couple of times now).
Sometimes when I went there with an iphone 4 or 5 I asked them if they can upgrade it to a 4s/5s if I pay a fee of course (it was like 150 bucks).

If I go to an apple store with an iphone 6 and do the same, how high are the chances they'll upgrade it to an 6s.
Does anyone have experience with this?

>iPoverty: The Post

Well I pay for the devices every two to three years and for the insurance too.
What's wrong with getting a great deal out of it sometimes
U jelly?

>U jelly?
You must be 18 years or older to post here.

Left my MacBook on with screen off overnight to torrent something and I think I lost less than 2% battery life. I'd probably have lost 50% with another brand laptop.

If you wanna shitpost go to Sup Forums

today's rumors about there not even being a second speaker in the ip7 is really making me consider a note 7.

what the hell is apple thinking with the removal of the headphone jack and other jewery?

>iFag Air 2 better than Nexus 7
Bullshit. I have both and the Nexus shits all over it.

Didn't Tim Cock say that the 8 will be a massive overhaul? Might be worth waiting.

You don't have either.

You were saying?

If you want to post Apple products go to /toy/

Get a Moto X Pure or Nexus 6P. Sammy will give you one OTA update and tell you to fuck yourself if you want root or an unlocked bootloader. Samsung is worse than Apple.

Nexus 7 is a million times better.

I know you're and you already got BTFO here so do us all a favor and fuck off.

>If you want to post Apple products go to /toy/

>You were saying?
Photos aren't the same as the real thing in the grown-up world.

>Samsung is worse than Apple.

Wouldn't /quite/ say that, but they're both super shitty.

Samsung at least has the GearVR going for it, and Android in general is just much more customizable than iOS.

The thing that Samsung is shitty with is KNOX. If you root your phone, fuck you, have a voided warranty. But Apple does the same with jailbreaking.

Sour grapes and gamergate everywhere in this thread

haha funny reddit pic xDDDD

Reasons why Samsung is worse than Apple:
>took it upon themselves to lock down bootloaders and enforce stricter image verification without contacting carriers who now have to deal with pissed off customers
>rooting the note 5 and s7 edge will brick them, as in they literally won't turn on if you trip knox
>getting samsung to release usable stock images is like pulling teeth where Apple provides them through itunes for restores and I think that withholding factory firmwares should be illegal
>on the rarest of rare occasions that they do push out an update, samsung does a half assed job and something is always broken, missing, or unnecessarily moved
>touchwiz is still terrible
>along with carrier bloat you can expect duplicates of every fucking stock app that you can't delete without rooting

Apple also doesn't have any kind of flash counters in their devices. As long as you're using stock iOS when tech support runs diags or you take it to the store they can't tell you jailbroke it and won't void the warranty. I had an iPhone 4 when I was 16. It was jailbroken. Based tech support guy told me to wipe it before I took it for repairs so that I could keep the warranty.

do NOT get a nexus 6p you will regret it, if you want an iPhone get one, if you want android get a one plus phone, i have a nexus 6p and its fucking garbage

Android and windows users are literally so brainwashed by shills that they can't even allow a apple thread to even happen with out shitting in it like the streets of their hometown.

2 rupees have been deposited in your shit wiping hands Rajeesh!

What's wrong with them?

Sorry pajeet, in America we poo in the loo.

how big is the Apple hate folder that comes on your PC at your viral marketing firm Sanjay? I promise i won't tell Mr. Kumar you told me.

its an uber-thin flimsy piece of shit marked up to apple-tier prices without an sd card slot.

>one infinite loo.webm

case in point: viral marketers, please report.

Seems about right.

>chocolate rain some stay dry and others feel the pain.webm


could this autist not take the heat or something?

le shit nigger