ITT we post #JustWindowsThings

ITT we post #JustWindowsThings

>worrying about viruses
>having to defragment your hard drive
>your OS deleting unapproved applications after updates
>having to install third party programs just to plug gaping security holes

Other urls found in this thread:

>your operating system recording your keystrokes and sending screenshots to microsoft
>having permanent, unremovable adware directly embedded in your operating system


>Tidy UI's.
>Decent video editing software


>muh adobes suity
Get a Mac poorfag.

>your OS working in perfect compatibility with your hardware out of box


It doesn't matter anymore though, because is all true

Windows 7 was the last windows


>no drivers for network
>"please download drivers to fix"



>boot computer
>100% disk i/o
>make coffee
>100% disk i/o
>drink coffee
!00% disk i/o

>Being able to use any software you want thats miles better than anything freetards can provide
>Being able to pirate said software because who gives a shit
>Being able to play games that aren't tux racer
>Not looking like a complete faggot(Mac) or a pedophile(Linux) in public
>Having programs and hardware that work perfectly without any configuration or having to search some neckbeard's website for a fix


>adware in installers
>bandwith wasted
>it costs over 150₤

There sure are a lot videogame addicted NEET's on this board.

>OS actually boots into graphical mode with Pascal cards out of the box
>OS doesn't get stuck at a black screen while booting

>having your OS kill off your render that you've been working on for hours

>>Not looking like a complete faggot(Mac) or a pedophile(Linux) in public
flames aren't allowed, user

>things that were invented by other other operating systems actually belong to windows

>your OS deleting unapproved applications after updates
I've never heard of this, any more information/sauce?

>pedophile(Linux) in public
I think people only on Sup Forums think this. Everyone I know either doesn't know what Linux is, or they don't have an opinion.

Windows is cool, though. I just don't like how they have been able to force stuff on people because they're such a large company. Otherwise windows is very comfy.

>not looking like a complete faggot(Mac)
more like
>not looking like a complete poorfag cringelord with a shitty plastic gaming laptop(Windows)


Being the only consumer oriented operating system that costs money.

>Shitty plastic gaming laptop
You can do that if it fits your needs, or get something better looking.

That's the wonder of Windows, and you hardware will work!

But seriously, unless you're a nu male hipster faggot at Starbucks or someone rich with too much money and no idea what to do with it, you don't need a Mac.

>press print screen @ nothing happens

>things that were invented by other other operating systems
>Windows invented graphics cards
Is this how repulsively stupid the Linux fanboy community is? Are you "trolling" or something?

but user all of the qt girls at my university use macbooks

>Hurr only windows has a graphical installer XXDDD
You've never installed an operating system, have you?

>someone rich with too much money and no idea what to do with it

if you were true alpha you wouldnt give a shit about the tech they use anyway

>>Windows invented graphics cards
Holy fuck, lol. Get a load of this retard.

>you wouldnt give a shit about the tech they use anyway
This is how Sup Forums should be.

>wiping out hotmail accounts
>outlook email accounts
>365 office monthly subscriptions
>skype application, web portal
>One everything

You actually have to hunt drivers when you do a fresh install. Still true for W7

>Being so much of a beta that you think having some laptop will impress girls more than you not being a wimpy, autistic faggot

seriously does Sup Forums comprehend that

>be gentooman
>write windows virus that downloads cheese pizza
>bundle with gaymershit torrents
>windows security is nonexistent so it spreads like wildfire
>windows photoDNA detects the offending images and notifies the authorities
>gaymerNEETs everywhere get arrested

> haven't booted windows for a week
> boot
> installs updates
> asks to reboot, say yes
> reboot
> more updates show up
> asks to reboot, say yes
> reboot
> more updates show up

fucking lel

someone please do this


You forgot the other toddler OS.

PLEASE tell me someone has done this
I want to believe

>install Win7 SP1 from like 2004 because microsoft never releases updated ISOs
>running updates takes 3 days while eating 100% RAM and CPU

just torrent a clean win7

turn off plug and play
plug and play turns back on

turn off security center, firewall and defender
they turn back on

background intelligent transfer off, updates off
open disk cleanup, updates are deleted

This is incredible.

Like, what kind of absolute fuckery must be going on behind the scenes?

>Doesn't need grub
>Don't need to choose swap and root and all that shit
>VMs always work
>Don't need to use the shitty "repository" aka linux app store
>Actually good file explorere

Just be sure never to name your account "user" :^)

>needs the windows bootloader that occasionally breaks everything
>needs a 32gb or more pagefile.sys
>has lower performance on everything because of winbloat, including VM's
>downloads virus infested programs from the internet that are bundled with toolbars and adware
>file explorer can't recognize most file types and will refuse to open them if it doesn't like how their names are formatted


What do you mean it refuses to open the file? You just choose the program and it works.

>can't open text formatted files if it doesn't like the file extension



>he has to select a program
fucking winfags





>Windows vs Linux
>when it's so easy to use both
I do not understand.

>>your OS working in perfect compatibility with your hardware out of box

You've never installed Windows yourself.

OEMs ship out Windows with drivers already installed for the PC.

If you install a vanilla copy of Windows you will almost always be greeted with VESA fallback 800x600 graphics, no sound, and no networking drivers so you can't even download the drivers from that computer.

It's just one severely assblasted mactoddler falseflagging as both sides.

>an ISO that's 8 years older than the hardware it's being installed on doesn't have drivers from the future

No shit you fucking moron.

Updating to Windows 10 anniversary edition, Bitlocker stops working, having to roll back to previous build, HOPING windows won't force upon me ad update.

Best part about it is that windows remembers what program to open it with the next time :)

>install Win7
>pre-update patch
>disable botnet
>everything works fine

>windows just werks even when it doesn't

Installed Windows 7 + SP1 on fucking old laptop. It initially shipped with XP!

It didn't have Intel video drivers. 800x600.

But you know that's wrong, user.

This should be the next Sup Forums project

>install program updates
>now you have 20 toolbars installed

>playing games makes you addicted and also a NEET
>you definitely can't have a job in a high-end field while also playing games in moderation
You are projecting pretty hard here, user

>People look through them
>Get opened and closed
>Have screens