Ditching Arch for Fedora

Currently thinking about replacing my Arch boxes with Fedora 24. Memes aside, what were your experiences with Fedora, especially the latest version?

>inb4 it's Arc Flatabulous

I don't think it's worth it. Fedora comes with heaps of bloatware and needless services so you'll have to spend some time to remove that. The repositories, even if you add RPMFusion, are quite lacking, not to even mention missing AUR equivalent. Also the release system sucks, because every 6 months you have to use some weird scripts to update Fedora to a new version. Otherwise it's fine, I never had a slightest problem with it.

Just switched from Fedora 24 to Antergos on my main machine.

Fedora was nice it just felt like an uphill battle anytime I used it. The only reason Torvalds uses it is because he's stubborn and doesn't like change. If you want a distro that doesn't need any fuckery try Debian or something.

Also font rendering was shite.

I like it. It's more up-to-date than Debian and has more stable updates than Arch.

As others said, the repositories are lacking a little, but it's not bad if you're just doing development on top of pretty common tools and libraries.

fedora is literally shit


That's a bit of a strech

Nope. I have been using it for like 4 years or something. It's good, but Arch is better definitely.

With DNF, upgrades are painless now, literally 2 commands to download and install/reboot.

Nothing changed desu. They basically made fedup into a DNF plugin. After reboot the packages need to install and the system is unusable. In Arch everything can be upgraded with a package manager.

Is this kde?

I don't really see where the repos are lacking

I use fedora for development and I've had a better time using it than any other distro. Quick and painless setup. The update process from 23 to 24 was literally clicking a button.

The only complaint i have about fedora is that they dropped cmus from the repos.

yeah, and the upgrade process in arch can fuck with your system. why anyone would want a system that does that is beyond me.

pretty sure it's gnome

To be honest I'm using Arch on my laptop since yesterday, so I don't really know yet :3. I'm not moving to Arch yet on my main computer; Fedora has been working there for years and it never needed any repairing.

Works great for me - never had an issue with it.

that actually sounds like a pretty good setup. i don't really have anything against arch. i used it for a long time. Arch is more of the fun system you can hack around with. fedora is more of the work distro. kind of boring but very reliable. Debian even more so. but i like to live dangerously so i need a faster update system than debian so i use fedora.

every time I see dnf, my first thought is duke nukem forever even though I know that's not what dnf means for fedora

>i like to live dangerously so i need a faster update system than debian so i use fedora.
more like
>I like to have a system that is more likely to break on me.

What packages were too old in Debian Sid? I don't understand you people who desire to live on the most cuttingest of edges.

I used to use Fedora as my daily driver and I thought it was pretty good. The packages were up to date and I never had any breakages. Can't complain at all about it. Although I did find its implementation of KDE to be somewhat buggy, but that was back in F23 and you should always expect cutting-edge KDE to be a little wonky.

>No fonts
>Can't install certain packages because of licensing issue
>Beta tester unstable distro
>half ass freetard wannabe garbage
>Completely replaceable by CentOS
Fedora is useless

fedora works unlike debian. but there is alot of issues and bloat. maybe try a net install?

You do realize i was joking right?

Hell I even said Debian was a great stable release and you're still complaining so it's not worth it. I like all distros for the most part. And just some knowledge, I've used fedora for years and have yet to have my system break.

From what I've seen, Fedora doesn't really care about working well with kde. I've tried to use it a few times and it was never as smooth as kubuntu or opensuse.

>From what I've seen, Fedora doesn't really care about working well with kde. I've tried to use it a few times and it was never as smooth as kubuntu or opensuse.

Yeah they don't seem to care too much about it. Oh well. Even so, it wasn't horrible. Just not nearly as good.

Fedora Xfce is the shit though.

enjoy rebooting for updating/upgrading

Fedore never worked well for me, crashing, driver problems etc.. Tho i actually never managed to get debian working well either...
Arch is much better
This is my personal experience so take it with grain of salt

those are issues of people that never used fedora m8

just don't...

>enjoy rebooting for updating/upgrading

You can do a minimal install, you don't have to install the standard gnome desktop.

I've upgraded 4 times and it's never broken.

why did fedora get so beautiful when I switched from it to OS X ?

Have fun using packages from like 5 years ago.

Have fun not knowing what Debian Sid is.

Meh. At this point, Arch is a better experience. If you're looking to change, try Gentoo. At least it has things you might like better than Arch. Fedora is just very meh for a rolling release distro.

>Debian Sid

>using debian at all

based winbabbie

"It just werks"
Except for packages, which are lacking even in third party repos. If you're ok with having rpmfind.net as your homepage, it's a pretty solid OS.

>A fact is now bait

is that stock gnome with arc theme?
How can I make mine look like that?

Hello. No memes.

My linux experience.

With Fedora

I like it okay.

Thank you very much.


what is that file manager called?

I've had a remarkably solid run F19 to F23. Way too common screen tearing in F21 aside nothing that has made me upset. Just slap RPMFusion on it and take a look at COPR's.

Fedora > Mint

Daily reminder that fedora us a useless beta tester distro

If Fedora is beta, then Ubuntu and derivatives are perpertual snapshot fuckups.

I agree with your post overall, but
>Gnome comes with heaps of bloatware and needless services so you'll have to spend some time to remove that.
There we go, all fixed.
>Also the release system sucks, because every 6 months you have to use some weird scripts to update Fedora to a new version.
That's how releases work. I prefer rolling release as well, but every single product that works with versioned releases does this, and some don't have the cute script that upgrades for you without losing files. Of course if you don't want this there's rawhide, which would be about as up to date as Arch and rolling release as well.

>all of my opinions come from Sup Forums memes

Because OS X sucks and a lot of things in it are made in much less obvious ways than in Fedora/most distros.

>is that stock gnome with arc theme?
>How can I make mine look like that?
By installing gnome with arc theme.

Nautilus, it's the stock gnome file manager.


>every 6 months you have to use some weird scripts to update Fedora to a new version
but that's wrong you lying faggot. Fedora has 13 month support time compared to Ubuntu's 9 mo and distro upgrade is done straight from software center or with dnf.

Still more stable than fedora will ever be. Gives you an ideal of how shitty it really is

having to use external repos is enough to stop me from using it. I escaped windows for trusting issues, I don't want to see the same thing happening on GNU + linux.
This is why debian and gentoo are the only sane choice.