Your tech trigger. Go!

Your tech trigger. Go!

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The only people who consider the big bang theory as a tv series and not a joke are people who don't know anything about tech-related stuff so I don't think anybody will have time to fuck with you sry

>not a joke
It's a comedy series. Pretty sure being a joke is the point.

I swear to god if there was a laught track after that line I would be pissed.

This. All the autistic nerd shit in first two seasons and feminist crap in the later ones aside, it's not a bad show at all if you can ignore laughing tracks in the background (which most comedy shows have anyway).

I'm not triggered by people who use "CMOS" incorrectly to refer a motherboard's non-volatile storage.

I AM triggered by people who are smug about knowing the term, and still use it incorrectly.

>if you ignore everything in the show it's not a bad show
Agreed my friend

Windows 10

I'm sure the writers or the producers were not laughing when they recorded that

>not GNU/Linux
>Botnetbuntu of all
very triggered

>if you ignore everything in the show it's not a bad show
Sure it is

Ubuntu and Alienware. The perfect recipe to make Sup Forums's asshole pucker with cringe.

>not arch
>not using a thinkpad

probably when people tell me how great windows10 is

Holy shit. We're so manipulated by media mongers it's downright depressing.


Alienware isn't absolutely terrible
They're still overpriced in general, but stuff like the Alpha isn't too bad.

Kek, my buddy showed me these a while ago. It is extremely offputting at points

>edit out the laughs
>the writing is ruined by LOOOONG pauses between lines

Used to be too many.
Most of em are about not putting a shred of research into whatever tech related thing you want to do.
Or just being an ignorant cunt in general, doesn't have to be tech related.

I've learned to just not give a fuck anymore though. Crippling depression cured me completely from being able to get angry.

They (the writers/producers) don't ever laugh. It is a machine: a straight up tool to make money. The laugh tracks are a result of Pavlovian testing combined with the herd mentality that the people who watch this shit are extremely prone to.

They will laugh on command which, whether honest or not, releases chemicals in the brain that give them a subconscious desire to see the show again.

My ex used to watch this show and laugh at every laugh track. It is one of the main reasons I ended the relationship. I am not autistic, just way too cynical to not get frustrated by that behavior.

She didn't even understand some of the jokes ffs

> .AVI


>yeah how dare someone enjoy something that I don't like!

I feel sorry for your ex. Nobody deserves to go through that.

I like the Pajeet. He's funny because he's more pathetic than me which is honestly hard to find.


It's actually great without the laughs, the pauses aren't long at all. And besides, a lot of other comedy shows use those, I see no difference between them and this show to make this show so much hated for it's fake laughs.
Your ex is an idiot then. Nobody sane laughs unless they find something funny, no matter the laugh tracks.

cool meme rated


>Nobody sane laughs unless they find something funny, no matter the laugh tracks.
Non-autists laugh way more in social situations than by themselves, and the laugh track is there to stimulate that.

go to bed stallman. you're drunk.


aww is the little babys feelings hurt?

But the point is only idiots get stimulated by laugh tracks. If you don't get a joke, you won't laugh, period.


This. There's no way Sheldon would be comfortable using a distribution that didn't afford him complete control over everything.

I could realistically see him using LFS.

sheldon is a poorly written character, of course he would like ubuntu

more like antergos




> BBT:
>"something something something DARWINIAN EVOLUTION something something something QUARK PARTICLES derp derp derp CURIOSITY MARS ROVER huuurrrr durrrr something something [INSERT SCIENCE BUZZWORD HERE]"

>Mouth-breathing dipshit:
>"hahaha I recognize these words from community college, I'm smart! this show is funny and intelligent."

Did I pretty much cover everything?


He called it "linux based" and not "linux", so GNU/zealots don't have anything to complain about.

I agree. I would have hated to date someone who would act that way as well. We were on different levels and I ended it. I was never mean or abusive though

You mean like the monkey on planet of the apes? The ape messiah? CMOS?

What is this fresh new meme?

I use cmos to refer to the cr2032

idk ask the other guy who is posting me

He said he didn't like Windows 7 cause it was more user friendly than Windows Vista, so I don't see how he could like Ubuntu since it's one of the most user friendly distros. Anyway the show is shit now, should have ended 5 years ago when they were still kissless virgins

Why the fuck does Sheldon use Ubuntu and Alienware? Wouldn't it be more fitting for him if he used a T420 or say a X220 and Arch or Gentoo or something like that?

because Linux takes such advantage of bleeding edge hardware.

It's suppose to HAVE jokes, not BE a joke

He's the guy who killed a CIA nigger back in 1999.

>are people who don't know anything about tech-related stuff

Time for bed Jimmy, don't make me get your father.

>if you can ignore laughing tracks in the background

They are particularly insufferable on that show

Some dude with schizophrenia made his own OS called temple and Sup Forums made fun of him for it, theres a video somewhere on youtube where he read all the comments on Sup Forums about himself on live stream.

They called him crazy, made fun of his appearance and sent a bunch of pizza to his home.
Dude seems chill.

Because it is the insert nerdy reference the show for cheap laughs.

I thought I recognized the guy, but why is someone posting his image all over the thread?

They paid for the pizza. They didn't order it to harass him.

being famous on Sup Forums has got to be horrible for this person if they actually have schizophrenia. Imagine fighting trying to figure out if you're"crazy" and you go online to Sup Forums and ppl there use your real name and picture and say you're crazy. wtf that's like a bad trip.

check it out

>friends clearing RAM on their phone every time they are not using an app
>bragging about how much free RAM they have
>won't listen when I tell them the entire purpose of RAM is to hold information so it can be accessed quickly, and not using it is wasting it

>not saying wirus
ya blew it

Because it's TBBT, not Silicon Valley.

Helf Lyfe 3 CoNFIIRMMED!!! LOL

Yeah what is that? Is it their accent or the letter V does not exist in their language because I know some native Irish speakers who cannot pronounce Vs because it does not exist in Irish.

Watched a bunch of vids on traversal and different algorithms, the said wertices a lot.

I think you'll find it's product placement

Every computer you see in the show is either Alienware or Dell. Just like how NCIS LA is all computers with Windows logos and every car in NCIS NO are all Fords.

My biggest trigger is when normies try to join Computer Science majors thinking it's all hip and easy trip to working in fancy headquarters like Google or Facebook. They barely create working apps in Java or Python, and get actually fucking hired at these places. Meanwhile I'm the only one of a small group of people that actually know how a linux file system works even, and I can't land an internship. I seriously doubt 99% of my class can even sudo apt-get install without having to Google it to copy and paste. Fuck them and their internships

it must suck being a pigskin

>My new computer came with Windows 7.
*audience laughs*
>Windows 7 is much more user-friendly than Windows Vista.
*audience laughs*
>I don't like that.
*audience erupts in laughter*

If you don't reply to this post, will you die?

It works as awkward comedy better than what it is

Wtf I hate TBBT now!

They have a V but the real Pajeets in the mountain shack trying to scam you tend to say Wirus because of thier isolation and different dialect