>not having a sleeper build
>pic related in a Dell Optiplex

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Ew, who buys Nvidia?

jesus christ
sleeper builds are a joke
they make sense on cars but no one is gonna be looking at your pc

sleep tight guppers

why go through all the trouble if noone will ever see it?

>shills on sleeper build
>Doesn't show specs

Cmon OP, at least give us a speccy screenshot

I just saw it, though.

64GB Kingston Fury 2400MHz DDR4
512GB Samsung 950 Pro

Higher-end workstations come with durable components and you get them all in a bundle for cheap. They might not be the highest performance, but they have great longevity and aren't made out of bubble gum and aluminum foil.

Projects are fun for the non-millenials

Does this count? The case is from a Dell Dimension XPS T700r

>sleeper build
>not in aged white/beige case

Wtf is a sleeper build

well if you ever get swatted while you're playing games the fbi wont look at your old dell they will look at your iphone first

I like sleepers cause my people who are trying to use my pc won't go near it cause it has that windows 95 patina to it
even though it is a straight beast

High crime areas.

Led lights and shiny shit gets stolen first.

I would like to get my hands on a POS Packard Bell and do this.

Using an old ass chassis but with modern hardware inside.

I just literally googled this and found out what it meant after 10 seconds before switching back to this tab and seeing your question

you could have done the same, why didn't you?

good fuckin question. WTF IS A SLEEPER BUILD?????

and for what reason? is this some kinda fetish, like futa, anime or traps or diapers?


If you live in a high crime area and you build expensive computers you've got your priorities fucked up

>black optical drive
You blew it

what is a sleeper build


so the lack of bay covers and PSU wiring poking out of said lack of bay covers is alright though?

OR you live in a major metropolitan american city. And prefer to have the convenience of city living instead of being out in the fucking bumble fuck boonies that takes an hour to commute.

>spending time and effort modding a shitty OEM case instead of buying a case with better cable management and airflow from a company like Phanteks or Corsair

looks like cheap shit from the outside but has good components inside

Arent sleeper builds horribly inefficient? i was planning to put my new rig into an old beige case but the airflow on that shit is horrible

Bullshit, the FBI grabs everything. They'll even grab your xbox because it has a hard drive in it.

if im going to shill out on good stuff inside why would i want to shill out on a good case, isnt the whole point of someone looking at your pc to see that you actually spent money on it

Yes. They're awful and meme. OPs case is going to be so hot you could fry an egg on it, and with both of those (probably) 1060s so close he wont even be able to get the most benefit out of the cards he bought. If he runs them at full capacity (even before he overclocks) he'll fucking fry them or get auto shutdowns out the fucking ass depending on how aggressive he is.

1060s don't do SLI

still not recommended to put it in such a case

>spending money on a case

You can get $50-$100+ better hardware specs by using a free case

also, most new cases are fucking gay

>using shitty OEM cases with no airflow
>even worse, leaving your shit out in the open to get damaged

my 3.16GHz Xeons overclocked to 3.8GHz hit about 70C when maxing out all cores

My GTX960 runs passively most of the time

Im this guy:

airflow is fine

enjoy your niggers

So it's like a reverse macintosh?

i approve of this statement

>not living in Omaha

10 minutes from downtown, 10 minutes from country

Life's good.

I am literally you dude
Sleeper build in a DELL T1650

I know that feel you had when you drilled those rivets out of that hard drive cage, user.

>Optiplex 790 reporting in.
>Stock board
>Stock CPU (i5 2400)
>Giganigga GTX 760
>EVGA 600w
>All of these parts from CL, totaled less than 300 bucks

what's the point of sleeper builds, is it meant for workplace or classroom infiltration when the equipment is prebuilt

OP can you fit those Titan Xs in SLI? moar pics

it looks good if you're into that kind of stuff and there's no denying a jank looking compaq is a lot less likely to get swiped than a noobkiller laser prism tempered glass megapiped coolerking case, but how do you handle cooling that newer, much higher TDP than the case was made for, hardware?

not indian people


What's the point of ruining your componentes lifetime like that

evidently if you're rich enough to buy 2 pascal titan x you always move on to the latest and greatest hw anyway

reduced lifespan doesn't matter


only reason i don't do sleeper builds is the airflow and temperature gains from modern cases

>tfw got new case and went from average 60c to 45c

this man gets it thank you everyone is not a miser

gg have fun op, refreshing to see titan x sli for once

praise be to top tier enthusiasts

>my perf per dolla


Well, makes sense l guess, but still
Rich people who made it from zero just don't waste money like that unless you're a milionaire or something

>Dell Optiplex
Enjoy your proprietary motherboard and PSU and zero fucking space.
I had to do that shit four times at work
You know what happened the fourth time? I pried off an RCA jack with pliers and hammered the case outward so that the card would fit in the only available PCI-e slot.

And when there still wasn't enough room, I removed the CPU heat shroud and heatsink, rotated the heatsink and slapped that shit back on with duct tape, but not before pouring new thermal paste over the old thermal paste.

It was a GTX 980. Held onto the board with duct tape because the PCI slot on the case got hammered out so I couldn't screw it in.

He has the custom shit in there already you cocksock. And you're thinking of the BTX models.

I'm pretty sure I have pictures. The damn thing booted but I didn't take pictures of that.

Hold up, shits over 4MB


I don't think I'll ever understand this sleeper bullshit, if the whole point is to make your build look really shit from the outside I could grab a bunch of scrap timber, throw it together lazily and provide all the mounting points I'd need to fit my build in there and I'd easily win this pointless game.

It's not cool or funny, buy a competent modern case made of good materials with all the features you need so your expensive hardware has somewhere secure to sit. If you can't do that then you're just a poorfag trying to justify your inadequacy to strangers on the internet.

When the Swedish cops raided TPB they even took the network cables.
Tech illiteracy at it's finest.

sometimes you make money by spending more money 'cause you know how that's the economy works and you get points off your credit card and what not... have fun, you really think people care on proving stuff it's all for kicks and giggles

Power supply was ATX but it still didnt fit. Side cutting shears.
I'm trying to save other retards from doing this stupid bullshit.

Please explain.

>not in aged white/beige case
find me one that's ATX preferably mATX

PCI slot wasn't designed for double-wide cards so I hammered it out.

Well then have fun shitting on other peoples' hobbies.

How do you think case modding got started?
It did not start by putting blue LED fans in everything like these days, more like putting the angle grinder to an old case to add more fans and better airflow so you could pull those extra 15mhz out of your cpu.

>I don't think I'll ever understand this sleeper bullshit, if the whole point is to make your build look really shit from the outside I could grab a bunch of scrap timber, throw it together lazily and provide all the mounting points I'd need to fit my build in there and I'd easily win this pointless game.
You're probably very young or only recently got into computers if you don't understand it.
>all the features
>If you can't do that then you're just a poorfag trying to justify your inadequacy to strangers on the internet.
Not strictly true, in my late 20's and I more than make due, but there's something alluring and nostalgic about old cases that compels me to pick them up even for new hardware. There are challenges, but I feel like the end more than justifies the mean.

One of my biggest regret is no longer having my first pc case, it was a compaq of some description. Not sure if the form factor was ATX though.

That picture also shows the pried off PS/2 slot that was in the way of the card.
Last picture. Rotated heatsink and taped on because there were no screws to hold it on.

It did boot and I did install Windows on it, but I don't have any pictures of that.

lurk more

I don't need to explain anything to you seriously, basic economics

Who cares if other people see it you self-conscious cunt.

It's not that, it's the way you worded your fucking post

>You're probably very young or only recently got into computers if you don't understand it.
Ad Hominem

>Doesn't know what a feature is
Do you want a window on your case? Do you need to be able to fit a 240mm radiator? Do you want hot-swappable drives? You know, like a feature on any other physical object that exists.

>but there's something alluring and nostalgic about old cases
What an awful bullshit attempt at justifying your need to be lolsorandum :DDD. I hope for everyone's sake that your need to be special ends up in multiple hardware failures.

>Ad Hominem
Not really, it's just the impression you gave me. I'd make a similar assumption of a 7 year old went on /gif/ and started asking what the big deal is with all these blowjobs and creampies and how he doesn't get it.

>Do you want a window on your case? Do you need to be able to fit a 240mm radiator? Do you want hot-swappable drives? You know, like a feature on any other physical object that exists.
I don't really need either of those things, or extra USB, front audio or fancy lights and windows. Must be because I'm not 'MLG' enough or because I leave the hard drives in there and use an external storage medium for moving files.

>What an awful bullshit attempt at justifying your need to be lolsorandum :DDD. I hope for everyone's sake that your need to be special ends up in multiple hardware failures.
it's not a need to be special or being 'lolsorandum', I like something so I'm going to go after it. Now this is ad hominem if I I've ever seen it.

How does that work when at any given time you don't know the total $ of consumers and you don't know the total Q of suppliers?

I took Micro and Macro economics, but forgot all of it. IIRC, it was just a "LAW" that seemed to work generally, but actually didn't ALWAYS work and there were times where the reverse would happen, like in the case of 'veblen' items.

Also the elasticity of price can cause the "law" to not exactly work how we would expect because the demand for certain goods won't increase as income increases, or vice versa.

At the end of Micro Econ, I felt like I had just done a bunch of BS that doesn't really exactly mirror reality. Kind of like after realizing that physics was just a gross inaccurate interpretation of reality and we can't know all of the particular variables at any given time.

Oh well.


>Ad Hominem

Not the other guy buy I agree with him. Also you not only seem young you seem fucking autistic by spouting shite like that.

Go play in traffic, the world needs less autism.

nice memes dude

So people don't steal because it looks like shit

i dont think i could hate anything more than i hate gpu threads.

>Wat is drill
>wat is diy

I have a 990 and I could barely fit a fucking 370 in it without blocking a bunch of the sata ports


Use a Dremel you retarded child.


I made a sleeper once. It lasted a week then I put the original guts back in and installed Windows NT 4.0

Why bother with anything when you're just going to die anyway?

Besides, some people actually have friends.

recently moved away from this case, im thinking about rebuilding a new pc in it though, since i have a spare 750ti, 8gb of hyperx ddr3 and a spare ssd
i can get another cheap biostar motherboard, pentium g and a decent psu for pretty cheap

Ayyyy, fellow Omahan. C`mon OP, live the good life and make Omaha your Home-aha!

>clearly says Titan X
>black Nvidia angular reference cooler

I love that case. I did a sleeper build in one for a friend of mine.

Ho Lee Shit
Fellow Omaha-bro here, this is the most omahaians I've ever seen on Sup Forums ever.

All too busy snaggin that corn, dude.

>Tfw we might already know eachother.
Be kinda weird.

Some prebuilts were destined to be sleepers. Do it.

>tiny-ass noctua cooler

>how do you handle cooling that newer, much higher TDP than the case was made for, hardware?
Pentium 4s and Pentium Ds had higher TDPs than (most) modern processors
Also, I just run with my side panel off. I would do this no matter what case I have

no one is shortening component life span. youre making shit up. I have an old beige case and all my component temperatures are good. I have a nice big CPU cooler and a relatively efficient GPU with a nice non-reference cooler. if youre capable of using your brain you can make an old case work fine and keep temps plenty cool. if youre not capable of using your brain, then yeah, play it safe and just buy the largest case you think will make you look rich like a fagget