/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice
pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub (embed)

Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.
Wireless is frowned upon.
Headset requests are frowned upon.
Noise isolation ≠ Noise cancellation
If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Last Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.
>Wireless is frowned upon.
>Headset requests are frowned upon.
>Noise isolation ≠ Noise cancellation
>If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"
Remove this dogshit already.

second for best speakers under 100 bucks

No. Stop asking every new thread.


IR orgy

>when one misinformed cuck user tried to meme me into getting bookshelf speakers but then that other user rekt his shit and saved me and got me to buy studio monitors

Should be a M50x on top the HD598.

We had something like that previously when we had two /hpg/ threads at the same time. One with the addition and one without. The one without went to archive after only two posts.

You lost. Get over it.

>fucking outside your product line

It's going to be another eternal battle between that HD600 shill and K702 shill all over again isn't it?

It feels a bit lacking. We need a DT880 shill as well.

From what I see it's just two misinformed cucks railing against one another. It's a classic subjectivity vs objectivity all over again except this is a hobby that deals with a lot of subjectivity in the first place.

>this is a hobby that deals with a lot of subjectivity in the first place.
Hey, man. Don't say sensible things like that. You'll anger hardcore objectivists.

That's kind of the point.

4 votes against this cancer, lets not have that shit in the OP again.

You are forgetting most /hpg/ OP's are weaboo autistic,elitist manchildren.

Their perfect would only have m50x,AKG K7XX,HD600/650,MDRv6/7something,DT770/880/990

Shit would be boring,but theyre too fucking retarded to understand.

Ordering the DT 990's and unsure what amp to get, will the Fiio e10k be alright?

I can't seem to find anything else in the £50-60 range which can power 250 ohm headphones.

At that price range I'm pretty sure it will be the best option. The E10 will deliver enough volume to make you deaf, and I would say it can even drive loud enough the 600 ohm version.

>(embed) (embed)

Looking for ear speakers
$150 max
Android phone or rockboxed clip+
>Preferred type of headphone
>Comfort level
super comfy
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
Klipsch s4 (great iem's imo, but I've gone through 3 already, each one losing a channel after a few months)

I'm starting uni this year, so something comfy to wear to class is ideal.
Thanks guys

HD600 master race.
user, DT880 is obsolete.

>user, DT880 is obsolete.
What eclipsed it? Are you just trying to remove it from the big three because of personal opinion?

I kid, DT880 is the only acceptable alternative to the HD600 IMO.

Around $300
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Comfy :3
>Preferred tonal balance
Lots of sub-bass without mid-bass bloat, relatively flat midrange and treble
>Past headphones
DT770 (returned)

DT770 sounded nicely but was too uncomfortable. I listen to meme music like Eurobeat.

Who else /memed/ here?

Reminder to have good source audio components.


I don't need to explain myself. Never reply to me ever again.


Reporting in.

HD600 a shit.


I don't give a FUCK about AKG vs senn stuff but;

That cable has a nice stress relief on it,wat cable is that?

That's the default Q701 cable.

Electrostatic speakers are a huge meme.

Does anyone know if studio monitor speakers like rokit 5 or jbl lsr305 become extremely discounted on Boxing Day? Similar to how there are specific known headphones that become discounted every Boxing Day

>falling for the studio monitor meme

It's not too late before you make a fatal mistake user.

Reporting in.

Studio monitor is a phrase that indicates neutral response. It's useful for music production. Stop talking out of your ass.

More like martin logans are just overpriced and overrated. There are DIY estat speaker designs you can find out there.

pic unrelated

Why wouldn't I want superior sound hearing music the way the producer intended it to be heard

estat loudspeakers just aren't good at all. they're a nice gimmick at best

If your source components are smaller than your headphones, you have failed as humans.

No, consumers typically don't buy them so they rarely get large discounts. You might get a small discount on it however.

>bookshelf faggot

What the actual fuck?

>Studio monitor is a phrase that indicates neutral response.

You mean like the producer intended it to be heard with dynamically squashed brickwalled albums like Metallica's Death Magnetic?

Not the same user but you seem to labor under some retarded notion that producers don't screw up or that people might want a different sound than the producer mastered.

Nothing wrong with planar drivers for speakers. There just needs to be a company that does them right without charging car money for them.

>wireless is frowned upon
But why? It doesn't cost more than regular headphones and doesn't sound noticeably worse.

Oh okay thanks
Go watch your bass boosted YouTube mixes bookshelf cuck

>d doesn't sound noticeably worse.

Watching you poor cunts argue whether your shitty JBL or KRK "studio monitors" are good or not is hilarious.

Not necessarily, but typically studio monitors are better quality than their bookshelf counterparts. There are exceptions to the rule on both sides.

It's just a dumb meme on the OP. Wireless is fine, it will only get better from now.

they are inferior to electrodynamics by a longshot, there's a reason why the majority of top manufacutrers don't use them at all.

Your DAC is wasted on those speakers, they sound terrible.

>That knob.
>That tiny headphone in the center.

It doesn't.
Look up reviews.
Get with the times you old geezer, we're not on Bluetooth 1.2 anymore.

Anyone have any reccs for my post?

Huh the funniest thing is that you blew your entire budget on those that the rest of your equipment is complete shit lol nice monitor poorfag

Said someone with that piece of shit HD800S. :^)

Terrible speakers.
Terrible headphones.

Both of you faggots need to put the Benchmark DACs to good use.

To be fair I don't think you're in any position to say that because you fell for the HD800 meme.

>Go watch your bass boosted YouTube mixes bookshelf cuck
Typical. When you cannot argue the post insult the poster.

Typical and pathetic.


Unlike the LS50 you can't find better headphones for $100 than the HD800. I'm willing to bet those Scythe speakers sound better based on what I heard when listening to the LS50.

>Bluetooth 1.2
Should I make a new whpg if we're going to go through shit like ?

Thanks user, I'll check this out.

I, too, find them uncomfortable but I think its because I'm used way too much to open headphones. These feel like are trying to blow air through my ears or create pressure I just don't know whats the deal with that. I'll probably return them

Forgot pic

Not memeing but what's wrong with the KEF LS50? I'm pretty sure that they are well received by almost all publications and reviews.

>you can't find better headphones for $100 than the HD800
Sony MDR-7506, Etymotic MK5.

Where's my prize?

Are you the same retard from the last thread who tried to reject an article explaining how bluetooth sounds worse because the article was two years old?

You tried, I'll give you that.
Headphones, not IEMs. Everyone knows headphones can never match IEM accuracy.

It's bright af

Not even that guy but 2 years is a long time for technology. I'd reject it too if you tried using that for an argument since a lot has changed for Bluetooth technology since then.

I find them to be unnaturally bright, esp. in the low mid to low treble region.

Sounds like you're under-powering them.

It's a typical audiophile bookshelf speaker.

Nice aesthetic design, prestigious branding.

But shit sound quality.

>my amp made these terrible speakers sound not terrible
Yeah okay.

I have a Sony SBH20 the headphones are detachable with 3.5 jack, after a year of constant use the left one is muffled a little bit and I wnt to replace them with similar cable length (1m)

You're the one saying you don't want to hear music how it's intended to be heard so I thought bass boosted YouTube trap music mixes would be for you

nah, I don't own that garbage

it was powered adequately

It's not powered adequately until you use a terrible sounding McIntosh amp amirite

Two wrongs make a right after all

>2 years old tech article
>still relevant

amps don't really make a difference on sound quality though, no matter the amp ls50 are shit speakers

>Not even that guy but 2 years is a long time for technology.
Let me ask you what area of technology has improved so quickly that information from two years ago is no longer credible or relevant?

GPUs, one of the fastest moving was stuck at one node for five years and made incremental improvements. Haswell CPUs are still cutting edge because Broadwell and Sky Lake aren't a significant improvement. We're still using the same wireless standards from over a decade ago with few wireless evolutionary steps.

You clearly haven't heard a McIntosh amp then because they manage to make everything sound garbage.

>Sandy Bridge CPUs are still cutting edge because Ivy Bridge, Haswell, Broadwell and Skylake aren't a significant improvement
You can thank Intel for being the jews that they are.

D-dudes I just picked a rando image on google searching for electrostat speakers.


>You're the one saying you don't want to hear music how it's intended to be heard
No. I'm the one saying that what was intended to is often not the best way to enjoy music. Your appeal to authority is not only fallacious it is ridiculous.

How so? I heard them quite a bit of times, there's even a few at my local best buy.

Do you agree that saying an article is two years old is a trivial objection?

Everything sounds like mud on them.

I got rid of my 2500K, it's still competent but the Haswell CPU performs better in games like ARMA 3 and the like. Then again, it's the garbage optimization at fault.

Different user.

>You can thank Intel for being the jews that they are.
And AMD for being an incompetent bunch of retards that can't make a competitive product to save their life.

But let's not turn this thread into an AMD vs Intel debate.

Let's see, in the last 2 years we've gone from gtx 960 to gtx 1060.
Improvement? 1060 can outperform a 980.
Rx 480 came out which competes with 290x

We have something happening called progress, regardless what the gpu nm is

High output impedance?

Posting for a friend who is too retarded to into Sup Forums
>Preferred type of headphone
>Comfort level
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
Shitty skullcandy buds that break after 3 weeks, some shit he found off gearbest (awei es 120i) that he liked.

Other then the obvious entry level panasonic/monoprice, what earbud/iem is gud and wont take a month to get from china?

But i3 6100 is faster than an i5 2500 in many modern applications

Where do you guys buy your used gear? Amazon and ebay are overpriced.

Just like GCN, they invested too far into the future and it backfired on them, lucky for them low level APIs in graphics are actually picking up while on the CPU side of things single threaded performance is still a huge factor.

And shit tubes.