Tfw switch to TempleOS on my old CRT

>tfw switch to TempleOS on my old CRT
post your experience with this.

Feel like a big guy. CIA niggers ain't got shit on me.

why doesn't Windows 10 include that feature?

templeos isn't a replacement for your desktop os
it's simply an environment to worship and to play games.
fucking nigger get it right

Does Temple OS even have any programs for it? What can you do other than install it and mess around with... whatever it has.

You're already quads

Checked and /thread.

tell me exactly how you installed an OS on your old CRT.

fucking cia niggers giving me all these digits

Trips of truth

>getting trips after quads
that makes me believe god's work is real, and i'm a butthurt nigger atheist

You speak the truth, user. Now I'm a believer.

one more 4 luck

daily reminder that if your code has more than 100k loc it's satanic and you're an MIT nigger for writing it.

quints and i'll switch to templeOs as my default worship environment.

woa glitch in the matrix

You can talk to God. That's pretty cool, right?


God's messenger has spoken

how the fuck did you manage to run templeos on a CRT ?

it's hidden in the API. All drivers are written that way

If there's a god, and he gives me trips, I'll run TempleOS in a virtual machine.

There is a God.

HA. Dubs aren't trips.