/bst/ battlestation thread:
watching mr robot edition
/bst/ battlestation thread:
watching mr robot edition
it's ok i guess
Good evening, pls rate.
wow lad this is pretty good????
nice specs!
Fuckyes/10. Bonus point for making america great agin.
>haha trump xDD
fucking neckbeard lair, i really admire you tried bringing some nature in your neckbeard cave by a meadow wallpaper but still dont conseal the sad fact that you live in a dirty dark neckbeard lair you hairy enormous cuck
kill yourself
>hahaha democrat...
project much Sup Forumslack?
fuckin rotten abomination anime fucker cuck boi
Same shit another thread
>Still with a photon Cannon
>Sup Forums
why did you post image of yourself
>muh waifu
pretty nice outside of taste tbqhwyf
>no programs in taskbar
>elderscrolls online
>shit anime
user....it would look better if your computer was turned off.
literal spaghetti/10
fucking cringed
you father despises you yes?
tfw too lazy to buy and attach wire management trough
shouldnt you be playing with legos newfag.
this is an adult site
I work 8 hours a day, go to the gym, and have a somewhat gf. I only spend a few hours in there a day. I wouldn't consider myself a cuck neckbeard and other buzzwords but I can see how someone would think that.
It's aesthetically pleasing. I find your mouse pad abnormally large.
450dpi and a low sense in CS demands a mouse pad this big
Nice monitor setup
Could have been better if it wasn't for that ugly cable management
Is that an Airport Extreme or Time Capsule?
I'm interested in buying one, let me know your thoughts.
I wish people would wait for the old thread to fucking die before starting another.
its an airport extreme. i have not used time capsule, i don't back up my macbook as i save everything on my server in the first place.
+great wifi, and router performance
+does not run hot
-looks ugly as fuck compared to the old airport extreme
-theres a fan in there, even though its really quiet it does make a sound
-no browser configuration and needs to restart for every change
-only 3 lan ports
all in all you can do better for that price.
10/10, always love seeing your keyboard
jesus christ that looks terrible
kek. are you a child?
cheers m8
Anything I can do to improve?
im not a miracle worker
Why do I never get r8'ed?
>buy an expensive laptop
>too poor to afford a decent keyboard and mouse
link or name to monitor?
begging gets you nowwhere
I usually hate the gimmicky keyboard backlight but that one's dope as fuck
Any good? Or just ok?
> expensive laptop
> $2000
nah, that's fine I have a job.
> too poor to afford a decent keyboard and mouse
wew lad, I only use them for gaymen anyways, the keyboard and mouse are fucking great too.
good, if you calibrate it
lets say I technically shouldn't be here
what's the big-ass mousepad for if you use only 25% of it
how can you navigatae your cursor across 3 screens on such small area?, what is your sensitivity?
your post images bring me down
have a butt
I added the specs, do you like it user?
That mouse pad though ughh
so is that your cubicle or
Why go through all that effort to change what's on the screens?
> compare a retina display to a regular full HD panel
for privacy
This is literally an entire thread of people who can't divide by 2
is me.
speaker on the floor, tidy up wires, turn off flash.
It's really only poor people or trolls who think people buy cheapshit sometimes because they're poor.
hi again. i'm not happy with the speaker placement either.
Dude I have the same Sinon figure. You get it at a con or online?
Don't show these normies the way of Lain. Is nothing sacred? 9/10 though for goat monitors and site.
Herro all, I just ate Costco pizza and it was delicious.
You know the drill, r8/h8. If you r8 or h8 me I will r8 you back and no I won't hate on your setup if you hate mine. That would be in bad taste.
you've had this same setup for years now....
>being an SJW
get the fuck out, fat cunt
Well he has probably lived in the same home for many years.
Using chromium on windows
I have some 6" bookshelf speakers I'm going to wall mount.
Is there anything I should know?
What a sick picture. Like like an angry crescent moon until you click on it.
hes in a college dorm. that photo is literally 3 years old at least/
Maybe he's borderline retarded and can't pass his classes.
Sup poorfags. Forreal though, if I see 2x 480GB Intel 5 series for $100 each, should I pick up?
where do you buy this keyboard or did you you just change key caps? anyways. any info would be cooll thanks
Hey I'm technically a genius, and I didn't even pass high school, so I don't think he has to be borderline retarded to fail his classes.
Nice box, I'm guessing some rich guy threw it out of his Bentley on the highway?
Very true.
it's an industrial SSK from modelfkeyboards.com
I bought a set of blank keycaps from Unicomp but the blue ones are original.
but jesus 1,075 for that thing? or am i reading something wrong lol
Yeh it's pretty expensive unfortunately
tips fedora/10
The one on the graphics card came from a con and the one laptop I ordered online on the day of its release
>the mac guy made a thread
Here I am with mine. Phone will probably fuck up the image, sorry. I got her from a con also
Here's my shitty battlestation. Forgot pic :(
8/10 how do older games work on those ultawides? i want one but i'm concerned about the aspect ratio fucking up my games
this looks like my setup when i was a teenager. minus windows95
is your gpu on fire?
Lmao it works for me. I'm still global in counterstrike, my server runs 24/7 no problems, I'm super comfy, and I still have my job as a network cryptology tech so I think all is well :)
Nah. The fury comes damn near close tho :p
Whatever happened to the kid living in the shed?
He still pops in sometimes, poptarts and all
are you in a confession box