Form or functionality

>form or functionality
Which one Sup Forums?

Thinkpad wins both hands down.

>unusable pointing device vs best in class
>shitty 16:9 vs 16:10


What does the Thinkpad do that the other one doesn't? Don't tell me you actually use that stupid pointer stick.

Both have fucking terrible keyboards.

The fuck is wrong with your Mac

>Windows on a Macbook Pro
Enjoy your self-made shitty trackpad
Meanwhile people who aren't retarded still enjoy the best trackpad in existence on OS X

That's not a mac you fucking retard it's the Xiaomi laptop

>command key
>VAG rounded

Are you fucking blind fucking retarded or fucking both? Go take your acne medicine and go to bed, kiddo.


That's why I choose Thinkpad

Macbooks have a shittier keyboard

Carbon X1

>Installs Windows on both of them
get out


T460s master race

But the Thinkpad has both. It annoys me when people imply that Thinkpads don't look good.

i don't know how anyone gets used to typing on a macbook. the spacing is all off. i'm almost forced to peck type with 2 fingers because it's so fucking weird

If it was for me Thinkpads would not waste space on trackpads.

Porque no los dos

thinkpad with mac os x

Function, of course. MBP it is.


Function. This is Sup Forums, not /fa/.

Function, obviously. I don't care which laptop Sup Forums thinks is the most popular meme. Get the macbook, install Parallels.

It's the laptops clit.

The only clit you'll ever touch

Function over form, always.

A pretty laptop that doesn't work is useless whereas even something that's been in a fucking fire and melted or warped but still functional becomes superior just because of that functionality.