Gtx 1060 sli or rx 480 crossfire?

gtx 1060 sli or rx 480 crossfire?

>inb4 can't sli 1060
I can.

Other urls found in this thread:

GTX 1060 can't SLI.

Upgrading from gtx 570 sli btw

What games do you play?

Single more powerful card > two weaker ones

Get a single 1080 you mongloid

CPU is an overclocked i7 870, 4.15 ghz.

Currently gta v and bf4, but I doubt my 570 sli would handle upcoming titles very smoothly thanks to vram and I'd like to be able to turn up settings like texture quality.

Plus no dx12/vulkan support.

SLI is depreciated. There is no point now.

who is this semen demon

MultiGPU is very viable still.

My plan is to buy one now, buy the second one used when next gen is out.
Worked great for my 570s.

This isn't 2011.

And multigpu is better than it was back then, good point. Especially with sfr back in the game

Enjoy overpaying for microstuttering crap that doesn't scale well in most of your games. Your information is severely outdated. Hell, even back then it wasn't as good as a strong single card. You're delusional.

Feed my delusions. Which is the better choice and why, 1060 sli or 480 cfx?

Whatever, pal. There's no point in arguing, because you know better than anyone who advice you otherwise. Buy yourself two 1060 and "SLI" them for these superpixels :^)

Who is this semen demon?

The 1060. Seriously though, just get a 1080. You'll be much happier.

Who are these semen demons?

Why 1060 over 480?
Vram isn't an issue since it stacks with sfr, so is the gpu faster? Or is it just for the reduced power consumption/heat?

>the women are getting older by each picture

pick neither

>1060 work in SLI in games
>implying that single 1080 isn't better than two RX480 or 1060 (if they could work together)
>implying that VRAM stacking is or will be a thing in near future
Stop living in your delusions.
At least your dubs are nice.

Please explain how you'll SLI without the card having SLI fingers or support for it?

Do you have a lot of money? Buy 1080.
You don't want to spend gazillion dollars on GPU? Buy 480.
Are you broke? Buy 480.
Do you value your money? Buy 480.

>I can.
SLI is proprietary Nvidia technology. How can you SLI two 1060s when Nvidia removed SLI as an option from the 1060? Are you confusing explicit multi-adapter as "SLI?"

OP stated, that he has some magical powers to make it work.
Maybe he thinks, that it's the same way as in Crossfire, where dual card communication is done through PCI due to wide enough bus.

Worked for my friend with 750 sli and on getting sli working on my cfx only mobo.

1080 isn't an option, please stop suggesting it.

Why not 1060?

Never noticed, let me break that cycle

>buying 480
enjoy waiting till christmas lmao

>It can also enable SLI on some non SLI/Crossfire compatible motherboards
Are you confusing enabling SLI on MOTHERBOARDS with enabling SLI on GPUS?

That's not an issue for me

Like I said, got gtx 750 sli working for my friend.

That's from 2012, has Nvidia patched that yet? Seems something they wouldn't want to allow

>1080 isn't an option, please stop suggesting it.
Price/performance ratio of 1070 is worse than 1080. 1060 is uncapable of SLI, when 480 is slightly slower, significantly less pricey and can into Crossfire. You have no other options.

You, OP, are the biggest moron I've seen on Sup Forums since 970 release.

>Like I said, got gtx 750 sli working for my friend.

>The year of our lord and saviour two thousand and sixteen
>Anything other than single-card

Why would you purposely spend a whole heap extra cash on a second mid-tier card only to have it sit idle 99% of the time because most games never bothered adding support for it.

Buy a single 1080 and have good performance on anything or buy whatever the fuck you like because clearly our advice doesn't really matter. You just want whatever poor decision you make to be validated by strangers on the internet.

> or buy whatever the fuck you like because clearly our advice doesn't really matter. You just want whatever poor decision you make to be validated by strangers on the internet.

Nah, works on w10 drivers for my 570s.


Good for you, but what does this have to do WV the op?

Pretty much just here for opinions and advice overall in helping decide between my 2 choices.

Please tell me

>Good for you
Good for me to doubt what is technologically unprovided for? Thanks. I agree with you that his belief is unfounded. If he wants to be sure he should go to his friends house and check the Nvidia control panel to see if SLI is turned on. Just sticking two cards in and having them both registered doesn't mean he is using SLI.

Whoops! Wrong image.

>Nah, works on w10 drivers for my 570s
Yeah, but 570s have support for SLI, the 1060 explicitly doesn't

2 choices
>1060 sli
>480 crossfire
Why Sup Forums gotta get so autistic over something so simple?

My best guess would be Claire Abbott.

pick one

Well it works for my friend and his 750s in w8.1 so I assume it hasn't been patched yet

The setting is turned on in nvidia control panel, it wasn't there until he applied the patch and it's been working great since.

Why not both?

Why not? You tell me, senpai.

>The setting is turned on in nvidia control panel
There has been evidence that demonstrates the 750ti cannot be SLI'd and yet you continue to maintain it is. Evidence has also been provided that demonstrates two 750tis can be put into a system and registered but not be SLI'd. All evidence points to what you claim is not true and yet you maintain it is?

I'm going to need a screen grab or some evidence to believe you.

Good point. You tell me.

Wow. It works with two year old card in synthetic tests. Surely I'm going to buy 1060's for spicy three-SLI setup, because some guy run ONE, he showed only GTX750, two old year card in synthetic test.

Do it and cry on Sup Forums about why it's not working.

It seems like you keep your cards for some period of time. Get a 480.

>shit ancient cpu

your only option is the 1060

>Those retarded shoes

Why in the fuck do these bitches think they look good on them?!?!

Also, fuck SLI and crossfire, just spend the money on a 1070. You'll be better off with it.

Question, what is the power consumption of the Sapphire Nitro + ? Not the Sapphire Nitro Plus OC.

Has Talos Principle and Ark been patched for Vulkan yet? And will BF1 have full support or only a few features?

this 100%.

What's your problem dude? Got got proven wrong, go cry about it somewhere else.

Is the 480 really that much better? I've seen a couple of benches, it destroys in doom vulkan but in aots they're roughly the same.

It has been heavily overclocked though? Will it still be an issue with an almost 50% oc?

1070 is not an option.

I want 7 of those, ROTR has been patched, right?

I'm going to do alright with my i5 4690k just not sure if 480 or 1060.

My tiny Chinese gf wears those goth new rock boots in size 3 UK. It's like watching a deep sea diver trudging.

What does she do?

If you're worried about power consumption of 2016 GPU you should upgrade your PSU.
Also RX 480 is unable to draw more than 165 W in any case.

>It has been heavily overclocked though? Will it still be an issue with an almost 50% oc?


Got any sauce? I'm guessing my i7 should be ~i5 4460 or 3470 performance with that oc, got any benches with those CPUs?

The performance gap between 1060 and 480 is less with the stock i5 750.

480 is cheaper than 1060, usually is slightly slower or same speed with some exceptions and Nvidia likes to gimp older gens when new comes out. RX480 is no brainer.

Not worried just can't find reliable data.

When it comes down to it's a efficiency it's nowhere near the disparity of the GTX 970 and r9 390.

I freely admit I don't understand how usage graphs are calculated.

here it says 225w.

Do they actively gimp through inaction?

that cpu is so ancient it will cause problems no matter what.

here's an i5 4570k for reference. get the 1060 or if you're super broke just get a 970. don't ever touch the 480.


They actively gimp through drivers and game optimization.
They always give you plus delta for safety.

and another

>every card use over 3,5 GB
>GTX970 somehow doesn't
>"same settings"
It's 2014 all over again.

I'm sure 4690k will cut it.

Ah, that makes sense

the 970 hits well over 3.5gb in the same video. it uses less in general due to having less vram than the other 2 cards. the same benchmark on my 980 does the same thing.

since you brought it up. care to show me any evidence of it being a problem at all general gaming use? i've been waiting 2 years for someone to prove it to me.

Completely disregarding your entire post as soon as I saw gimp.


How about in dx12/vulkan?

No they don't.

>gtx 970

In all fairness though it's starting to look like the 1060 sli is a better option with my processor

>since you brought it up. care to show me any evidence of it being a problem at all general gaming use? i've been waiting 2 years for someone to prove it to me
tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
literally the first link on youtube

>How about in dx12/vulkan?
see it won't be much different.

60% is the fan speed. the 3rd number is gpu utilization.

>In all fairness though it's starting to look like the 1060 sli is a better option with my processor
>1060 sli
Oh, boy, here we go again.

so all these videos are lies then? assassins creed is in there too. where's you proof that it's a problem, i'm still waiting.

>fan speed

Looks like sli 1060 it is.


970 vram problems is a meme.

>retard only has 8gb ram
>game and background processes are pushing it to the limit of system ram
>blames it on the video card


Dude the same video shows it's not a problem, skip to 57 seconds and the card is running perfectly fine with no stuttering yet is using more than 3.5gb

Oh shit, I only have 8GB.

Is an upgrade to 12GB for 15aud worth it?

it's up to you. i doubt you'll run into any issues with 8gb ram because i also have 8gb and i've never encountered any system ram issues in any games as of yet. you may aswell upgrade to an i3 6100 or something and get ddr4 which will probably be a better investment due to ddr4 being the current standard.

about the video, it's just some retarded slav who is probably running 30 tabs of cuckold porn in the background which is causing the slowdown.

Fuck off faggot.

>retarded amdrone can't grasp meaning of "previous-generation"
>he thinks the 970 is current generation

everyone point at him and laugh,

Oh that's good then.

But I think I'll take the ram cause it'll be a cheap upgrade, Just in case.

AMD legacy! = nvidia legacy
Why would a card no longer in production be anything but legacy?
It's still getting driver updates, my 570s are still getting driver updates and performance enhancements.

>cg art
What the fuck is going on here?

Maxwell cards are previous gen retard

I'm sorry you forgot technology advances over time and new shit comes out

What is going on in this thread?

People getting butthurt over not being able to bash nvidia apparently, after a quick read

RX 480 crossfire

With my i7 870?
Why that over a 1060?
Open to any serious points and arguments for either side

This is a good thread

Multi GPU may be viable, but SLI is depreciated.

DX12 multiGPU is the way forward. SLI (and crossfire) were a hack that performed poorly partly because the APIs weren't made to leverage it so it only worked at the driver level.
DX12 changes that. SLI and Crossfire are depreciated and that's the end of that.

An example of vRAM usage and required vRAM usage.
Clearly not everything that is in the vRAM needs to be there to maintain the framerates.

>mfw pcie 2.0 x8+x4
>mfw gtx 670 sli
>mfw massive waste of money since all I play is bf4
>mf4 getting roughly 80% scaling in bf4

I'm getting like 110fps ultra settings 1080p. Probably would be better with a faster cpu and better pcie bandwidth, but my monitor is only 75hz so I'm perfectly happy with my performance.

Forgot to post my face




Check out your frame latencies, while you're getting 110fps, your frames are being delivered right after each other- it's like a double barrelled shotgun, you get two frames delivered at once, then it reloads which takes much longer.

So it's like:
frame1-1/300th second-frame2-1/60th second-frame3-1/300th second-frame4

And so you have 110fps but it's like you're are 60fps

Then you mix in monitor refresh rates and you might have it happen where half your frames aren't even displayed on the monitor at all, since it's between refreshes.

Shit, how do I check that? I'm curious now since I've never noticed any stutters or lag in bf4

You're fucking retarded. 1060's physically lack the capacity for SLI. YOU CANNOT SLI 1060'S. I don't give a shit what kind of driver hacks you think you can pull, it's not going to happen.
Best you can do outside of DX12 is dedicating one card to handle physx.

If it works in dx12, why not 11?