>USA no spend enough on space
>soon another country do overtake
>space become big
>USA left behind
>country become backward and kaboom
>what use was military budget?
USA no spend enough on space
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Space is military
please explain
Military is space
Military budget funds space weapon development. Military budget funds transportation research. Military budget funds building material research.
Why is the UN even on there, who gives a fuck about that internationalist faggotry?
milispace is spilitary
Got to love how Uncle Sam wastes so much fucking money on our school system, yet we have a dumbed down system that prioritizes the unteachable over the bright minds that could be learning so much more.
America is on a mission to prove who has the bigger dick. You cannot stop this conquest, and never will.
You forgot watches
>b-but m-muh education budget isnt high enough
This... So much this...
Im not saying I am smart but for fuck sakes, if they didn't spend so much time trying to help the fucking retards at my school who were not willing to learn, and spent that time on me instead, I probably would have been able to write essays when I went to uni.
silly user when another country takes over space they won't have an army to protect their countries
RIP Poland
The 'Outer Space Treaty' is holding mankind back
Jet engines, nuclear power, computers, the internet, radar, among so many other technologies developed in the 20th century are products of military investment
I reckon we would been purging Xenos across the galaxy if the 'UN' and 'peace activists' never existed
N-n-no child left behind
>mo money fo dem programs
I really wish the space race never ended, just think about it. The US and USSR constantly trying to out do each other sending increasingly better tech into orbit. We'd all be in space right now.
The US is quite literally the international police force. If they didn't spend so fucking much on their military every other country would need to spend way more.
>no nigger left behind
I've benefited from no child left behind, but the extent to which I have is nowhere near how much others have been. Let me say, it does have its benefits.
For those that give a shit.
It is wasted on so, so many others.
The issue is the whole system is unionized which means you could be a complete asshole of a teacher but still get paid just as well and have just as much job security as the teacher all the students love. Might as well be communism. The lack of an incentive to teach well means all the students are at the mercy of their own natural capability unlike military training which is stringent to help ensure optimal results.
>muh welfare queen money
There is no one to bomb in space.
This is why we either have to find aliens to bomb or colonize some planets. have those colonies break off from earth to become threats that need to be bombed.
The US government is only allowed to levy taxes for one of these things. Guess which one it is?
yvaN eht nioJ
Why are redditors so obsessed with space anyway?
There's nothing up there. Just dust
> America is spending too much money on the military
> Trump proposes to make NATO members pay more for their own defense
Fucking liberals, what the hell do they want?
>Majority of cosmic research done in public and private institutions completely separate from NASA
>Air force does a considerable amount of r&d for space travel and near earth space stuff
>NASA has very little actual prospects for bettering society in any way and serves little purpose outside of existing for posterity's sake
Why do people lament the lack of funds for an institution that is by and large useless?
Gay women of color in charge of everything.
The military is also useless. If the reason the military gets so money is bux from aerospace and weapons industries, then pump money into scientific institutions instead. Why are the largest scientific experiments all done in europe?
Amerifats can into science, they just don't want to
Is this thread the new desktop general?
>Why are the largest scientific experiments all done in europe?
[citation needed]
I'm sure the US just wasting money on their military budget for no reason. Just give the White House a call and let them know they should save some money, the thousands of experts that figure out the government budget will definitely take your shitty meme graphic into account.
I don't get why the LHC was built in Europe when the US has more than enough space within one country. Must be because of religious fundamentalists who see science as the devil.
The Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) was being built in Texas in the 90s. It was significantly larger (insert an "everything is bigger in Texas" joke here) and more powerful than the LHC. Congress canceled the budget when it was half finished. The international scientific community has been against participating in large US-based science experiments ever since--our political climate is just too unstable to run multi-decade experiments.
How about
>military money goes to literally anything else taxes is for
Dumbass cuckservative, it wouldn't be hard to follow and understand if you could use your brain for more than 5 seconds at a time
Military technology is equally applicable to space.
>what is the V2 program
>what is the US rocket program after they cucked Germany out of its greatest minds
>country become backward and kaboom
That happened shortly after the cold war already.
the thousands of experts that figure out the government budget
You mean the guys who want to siphon money to their MIC friends?
We'd splash all 8 of those they have in the first 30 seconds of armed conflict.
Just realized it looks like a dragonfly.
Military is the most important, it deserves the most funding.
>>> Trump proposes to make NATO members pay more for their own defense
He didn't propose that. He proposed that he'd violate the fucking treaty by not doing a fucking thing if another country were to attack one of the NATO members.
>> Trump proposes to make NATO members pay more for their own defense
Good, turkey has been abusing their NATO position for too damn long. I hope russia declares war with those terrorist funding cockroaches
"the most funding" is a very differant thing than half of the fucking money the entire government has just so some fucking fat shit CEO can buy 12 more cars for show in his mansion somewhere in some mountain range.
Funding NASA and other domestic organizations is for making the country a better country. Funding the military is for keeping the country at the same level it currently is.
At some point there is a good balance but it isn't at 50% (or is it 45 now?) of the budget going to bombing 90% civilians in the middle east.