Help me tech gods does this look ok its going to be my first build

Help me tech gods does this look ok its going to be my first build

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You're going to want to choose a different case if you want Sup Forums's approval.

But i dont have that i dont understand lol

Open for suggestions what would u use

What about this one


Lol u mean my phone psshhh shit i regret buying it to but it still works so meh i was thinking about gettin a note 7

My build is almost exactly the same, except that I have a GTX 970 and a i5-6600k. I own the black version of that case, it's a fine case. Also if you're willing to invest just a little bit more money, the build will do you so much better in the long-run if you pickup an SDD and put your OS on it. You should also consider upgrading that hard drive because one terabyte is basically nothing if you're expecting to store programs, games and documents on it. Don't know what monitor you're gonna grab but I'm gonna recommend 144hz.

Replace the 390x with a 1060. They're approximately the same performance, but the 1060 is $50 less

Thanks guys will do

New and improved?

Little more expensive but i want it to be good lol

Your case sucks. And it might not even fit a 212 evo. But i'm not looking that shit up for you. It's a shitty case anyway.

You are using an microATX Mobo on a midtower case. What the fuck?
Lemme tell you right now. If you try to attach that 212 Evo puzzlebox onto a microATX, you're gonna have a bad time.

For fuck's sake, you're spending a grand on a PC. At least buy an SSD.

Make sure your monitor can support the frame-rate's your going for.

Did u not see the new link lol i get it though i have to do some more research about cases

No i didn't see the new link. I do now though.
You're still using a microATX mobo.

I can tell you want your PC to be pretty so I won't recommend an R5 to you. But try something from the Phanteks or Rosewill lines.

Unless you're planning on running SLI in the future or upgrading your videocard; I'd say your processor is needlessly overpowered compared to the rest of your build. But maybe you're going for a CPU intensive game or doing CAD.

Going for dayz standalone heres a new link did some research on micro atx vs atx dude u just saved my ass lol thank u

And yea i kind of want to upgrade in the future i want this build to last me a long time

Again with the aesthetics focus.
Read the reviews on that mobo, it has a fairly high rate of Dead On Arrivals (DOA) and Manufacturing errors. But you can always go through their return policies until you get a good one i suppose.
If you get one that works it'll probably be a good mobo.

That mobo has bundle options. I'd investigate that if I were you. Save yourself some money to invest in other areas, like a really high end case, better GPU, or Peripherals.

That's a high end CPU and likely to command respect for a few years even after Zen and Intel's response comes out.
Definitely allows for upgrading your GPU. Go for it.

Thanks for the help gonna see if i can find a cheaper mobo but more reliable
Aesthetics video. Might be useful
Here pulled this one off logicalincrements for ya.

Thanks man i like that on better then the one i found on part picker ok last link think i got it ironed out now