So i have a 2006 Mac Pro lying around. I'm wondering if it's even worth upgrading at this point...

So i have a 2006 Mac Pro lying around. I'm wondering if it's even worth upgrading at this point. I was thinking about getting a couple x5355 CPUs and 8GB RAM for it. apparently it can reach fx-8350 level CPU performance with this setup.

I'm looking to throw about $100 at this, not including the GPU i would throw into it. Would it be a nice little machine for hobby 3D work, VMs, and the occasional WoW session?

Other urls found in this thread: m2 ssd ssd mac pro mac pro

See pic related.

Yeah you can do that. I have a 4,1 that I flashed to a 5,1. I upgraded the following:

GTX 970
2x X5690
other shit

I get like 100fps in wow with max settings. It's really nice.

Can you post a screenshot of how many copies of this image you have?

this has literally nothing to do with iPhones.

Nice machine. Do you think the 5355/65 would bottleneck a 960? I also am aware that the 1,1 only supports SATA II. is there some sort of SATA to PCIe adapter i could use to get the full performance of the SSD?

>Can you post a screenshot of how many copies of this image you have?
What copies?

Are you 100% sure? I'm new here btw.

It's very worth upgrading, especially going further than just $100

I have a 2008 mac pro, and it's very fun to have a Mac I can actually do stuff on that isn't web browsing

>Do you think the 5355/65 would bottleneck a 960

Nah, shouldn't bottleneck. Yes, you can get something that does sata to pcie. Here's what you get: m2 ssd

and ssd

That's what I'm running. Works awesome. It'll work right out of the box.

There's also this thing mac pro

Note if you upgrade the GPU you wont see the boot screen unless you flash it by sending it off to some dude. Screen will be black until the login screen. Just keep your old GPU in case you ever have to do something important. I have it plugged in in addition to my 970.

You'll need 2 of these for a GPU mac pro

are you using it to run windows to play wow, did they have bootcamp in 06, im surprised it's 64 bit

No I run it in OSX.

Oh yeah I upgraded its wifi to an iMacs 802.11ac adaptor as well. Supports bluetooth 4 as well so you can do handoff and shit

It's trash.

how long till you run out of pci slots

also how much have you spent on it, just curious

>decade old computer

i spent nothing on it

just the m.2 card was $300, someone spent money on it desu

Yep, I love my MacBook, just wish I had something more powerful to go along with it

So I would have to flash the 960?

>Do you think the 5355/65 would bottleneck a 960?

Absolutely. even Phenom II x4 965 bottlenecks a 960 a bit, and the difference in single core performance between that and the x5355 is night and day. compare them on any site and you'll see what i mean.

You'd have to send it in if you wanted the bootscreen, IE the Mac logo. Otherwise the first thing you see is the login screen.

Like I said, I just keep my GT200 or whatever in another slot and switch my monitor cable if i need to

> ram up to 32 gb(apple only 'certifies 16 but some say they successfully installed 32)
> socket 771
Which means you could get a second hand (or new) Intel Xeon X5492 running 3.40 ghz along with those 8 or 16 or even 32 gb

Spotted the underage

Spotted the underage

What a witty retort

>What a witty retort
What a witty retort

>the underage shitstain is too retarded to even try
How shocking.

>calls someone else underage

>>What a witty retort
>What a witty retort
What a witty retort

Like I said, you're too retarded to even try. Do us all a favour and off yourself.

>>>What a witty retort
>>What a witty retort
>What a witty retort
What a witty retort

>tells someone else to off themselves

>literally has no argument
Feel free to stop posting any time.

>being a mactoddler
Feel free to stop posting any time.

Nah, I'm good