Niches that Free Software(C) can't fill

>A professional-grade image editor

>A GUI FTP client that does segmented FTP transfers on Windows

>An office suite compatible with the single most popular one in the world

What else?

We get it, you're too retarded to learn GIMP or how to save as .doc/.pdf
This thread is shit check my dubs

nice miss but check my 3

>video editing software that's up to speed with software such as sony vegas, final cut pro, and maybe adobe premiere

>you're too retarded to learn GIMP
guaranteed replies

>A professional-grade image editor
Gimp is professional grade.

>A GUI FTP client that does segmented FTP transfers on Windows
What does this even mean? What performs this task on Windows?

>An office suite compatible with the single most popular one in the world
It is compatible.

You both fucking suck, but check my dubs.

You're all doing this wrong
Check these dubs

>Gimp is professional grade.
It's not, though

If we're talking about professional grade on the same level as photoshop, it's not even close to being professional

step aside assholes

>professional grade
It can't even fucking do color matching, and let's not get into how the GUI is a pile of shit.

>What does this even mean?
Perhaps you should google "segmented FTP transfers" rather than asking stupid questions.

>It is compatible

Yeah, in the typical Open Sores way of not segfaulting on startup and this being touted as a success. Does Writer support Macros? VB? ODBC? Can it render a file the same way Word does? No? Then it's not fucking compatible.

Yeah that's cool but this is a digits thread, not some shitty, played out bait thread.

Check these, faggots

nice effort but check my 57

cool story bro

>video editing
>photo editing
>not-shit GUI FTP clients
>radio automation (the only option, Rivendell, while being quite good, relies on ancient libraries and is becoming increasingly difficult to compile)

Audio editing is actually getting better thank fuck, c.f. Ardour

That was a very good miss but check my 21

The only thing holding back GIMP is the interface. The back end is impressive and functional, but holy shit is the interface bad. Krita is top notch if you draw and Darkroom is great for raw sensor data.

Office is common, not good. LibreOffice isn't entirely compatible because the Office file spec is a clusterfuck.

Are your retarded? Linux has Lightworks and Resolve, both of which get used in blockbuster films.

Check my

>Yeah, in the typical Open Sores way of not segfaulting on startup and this being touted as a success. Does Writer support Macros? VB? ODBC? Can it render a file the same way Word does? No? Then it's not fucking compatible.
OpenOffice/LibreOffice can do pretty much all that.


I didn't say it was good, I said it was the most common. If it doesn't even support the most common functions, like being able to render a .DOC properly, then it is not a valid competitor.

And Impress, hoooooooly shit. Two different minor revs of the same program render the same file two completely different (wrong) ways.



Nice try faggot, now check these

>or how to save as .doc
But Libre Office supports .docx

>Can it render a file the same way Word does?

Different versions of Word don't even render the same file in the same way.

only my 70 can save this thread

>professional grade image editor
We went away from print media forever ago, no one needs Photoshit.
What is this, 1999?
>office suite compatible with the single most popular one in the world


I'm sorry you don't have an 03 as nice as mine

And this is why Word is awful.

However, most of the world uses it. The latest version of Writer can't correctly render a file that renders the same in Office 98 and onwards.

I have an example, it's this monster form with tables everywhere, but I can't post it because business, and the redaction necessary to sanitize it makes the broken-ness illegible. The problem is that the tables end up hanging across pages and across each other. Imagine an IRS tax form as created by a monkey, and you get the right idea.

>free or paid
>isn't FOSS

>hurr you don't need it
>hurr deprecated
>pic related

Nice memes, freetard.

what is "professional"? Give me bullet points. there are professionals who use GIMP; I know a professional concept artist that actually swears by GIMP Painter.

>no one needs Photoshit
Holy shit you're retarded

Every recent version of Office can open LO files. Fuck Microsoft's shitty format, just save a document normally and send it to Microsoft drones, tell them to open it with Office.

I can see you're not very familiar with the enterprise world.

Baby duck syndrome.

I bet you pirated Photoshit anyway, kid. I bet adaptation of Gimp would increase 600000% if the company that sells Photoshit decided to crack down on piracy hard.

dumb kidposter

>crack down on piracy
They can "crack down" all they want, the latest release will still be up in the usual places within hours.

DRM is a corporate meme.

I see you're a paid Microsoft drone that is trying everything he can to keep Microsoft's sinking fucking ship afloat.

>can't fill
just because it doesn't fill that niche does not mean it can't

ok, kid

It's true though. The only thing it can't do is SAVE in docx format, but that's really a non-issue since anyone capable of opening a docx can open a plain doc.

>>An office suite compatible with the single most popular one in the world

You could use open and edit MSOffice file extensions for years with other software. MSoffice suite can't render a file the same way, anyway. Also there is nothing on MSOffice you couldn't replicate with other software.

He said free, not open source.

A 10/10 browser

Free means open source. The word you're thinking of is libre.

>Operating system that doesn't track my every move

>Choice of decktop enrivonments

>Gaming community not full of autists

>free software
>gaming at all
>community at all

Graphical User Interface

>Can't even draw shapes without jumping through 5 hoops

lol, trips and you're not gay

Audio anything.

Every very specialized, industrial quality and size software; because you won't find enough capable devs who care.

For example, I doubt there will be a unpaid hobby FOSS project that implements the functionality of eCognition.

Nah, Adour is fine. The software isn't the issue here.

There's always OSX.
>Operating system that doesn't track my every move
Check, just don't turn on error reporting or use anything Google
>Choice of decktop enrivonments
Unless you want some autism-level customisation, you can replace Finder, change colors, even go pretty minimal.
>Gaming community not full of autists
We don't really have a gaming community, so go us

CAD software.
Buy you cs-meme degree don't care.

Gotta concede. It's much better than using Window$

Y'all retarded niggas can't pull dubs. Check em out.

Nice. Oh, wait.


>It can't even fucking do color matching
GIMP 2.9 can

>gets 69
Check my dubs and to answer op: everything

What docx features fuck up libreoffice at this point?

I genuinely want to know.

Anything that Microsoft put in the docx standard, but not in Word, (and vice-versa) in order to purposefully break compatibility

A non shitty torrent client

Honestly, as a Linux (ex)user, Linux is good if you don't do photo editing, video editing, Office work and can't afford a Windows license. Yeah, I understand, security, privacy, ext4 but for what? At the end of the day I want the work done. I always installed Libreoffice, Gimp, Darktable, Krita, Kdenlive. I rarely used them because they are not reliable from my experience. I broke lots of CDs and DVDs with Linux. The Intel driver is slow as shit if your screen goes to sleep and you wake it up. I just want to finish what I have to do then move on, do something else. I liked Linux but it really isn't for me. The privacy didn't help me at all, just made me feel alone in a fucked up world and everyone around me is dangerous. It's now worth it, not for me.

i would answer with workarounds but since you said "Free Software"...
>FileZilla (seriously why tf are you even still using ftp???)
>LibreOffice or OpenOffice

Not him, but at least in smaller businesses people don't give a flying fuck about what type of file something is as long as they can open it with their program of choice

I literally use Google Docs, GIMP and Atom for my business.
And I shoved Ubuntu down everyones troath.

Where is your god now?

What is it with freetards and these two meme tier """alternative"""s? Have they ever even used photoshop etc. and their libre counterparts enough to ever establish a worthwhile perspective or even at least know their way around the programs? What the fuck makes these people think their opinions are in any way whatsoever valid?

>desperate fossfags spamming dubs rather than facing the truth

>doesn't know how to use software or look up how to
>using integrated intel for photo or video editing

they're not, "alternatives", they're solutions. Alternative implies it is a lesser choice to the original and lacking in some way.

>people saying gimp
>gimp can't even snap while scaling


checkmate freetards

And the word 'solution' implies they're in any way effective or functional. I guess neither description is entirely accurate but I'm going to say 'alternative' is at least a closer match of the two.

A torrent client that properly implements actual prioritisation of what chunks to download (i.e. try and get the ones that the fewest clients have to prevent torrents getting stuck att 99.99% and similar)

Why? Because all freetard clients fall back on the shitty and bloated boost-powered libtorrent.

It is like freetards are too dumb to implement basic TCP clients


I love these threads. Wincucks always suddenly pretend to have a bright career in graphics design. When in reality all they use PS is making shitty poorly-edited and unfunny memes, which can be easily done in MS Paint or GIMP.

google: keylogger github
RedHat Enterprise Linux
debian survey
*random tv box firmware*
check 'em

at my level I actually find GIMP to be way easier to use

You cahn edit memes in photoshop after watching 2 videos on yt. It's not that easily performed in GIMP.

The freedom to give up functionality and productivity for privacy has existed since before free software. If I really gave a shit I'd just do that instead of making half assed compromises.

So try doing one with your friends, that implements better tech, and thwart libtorrent then.

Nah, YOU can't pull off dubs like me.

>he needs yt videos to make quick memes on PS or GIMP

Granted GIMP is a bit counterintuitive, but PS? Nigga

I thought libreoffice worked well with Office files.

OP specifically specifically used the word "niches" and didn't imply regular people won't be able to make do with free software. Why so sensitive, lincuck?

Isn't whatever torrent client you use on Windows free, AND available on Linux? Or are you just talking to the autistic whine babbies who refuse to use anything that's not proprietary?

I thought this was availabile on Linux

also everyone is a professional video producer*****

***** video game footage and webms

It is.

It does, wincucks just make things up because they never actually even used Linux before.

>implying lincucks aren't doing just that ITT in an attempt to add legitimacy to their endorsements of meme applications

Are you retarded?

lonix users make shit up so they can feel special for using an inferior os

Shitcheck samefag ITT, kill yourself. Nobody cares if you're a windows or linux fag, but you are definitely a faggot.


FSF has the bottom 2/3 that you wrote.

We use a superior OS. You use the pleb shit with more holes in its security than Swiss cheese.

Also, you have to restart your computer to install updates? And you can't use it while it's applying updates? You fucking pleb. What is this, the dark ages?

nobody cares about that neet

Also when office 2007 was released, office 2003 because useless because it could not even open a docx. At the same time both openoffice and libreoffice could. Just for the fact that outlook exists as part of MS office makes anything open source offers better.

>We went away from print media forever ago, no one needs Photoshit.


If Photoshop is your only skill, then no other photo editing tool is going to be 'professional grade' in your hands.