>current year
>not being part of /two mouse masterrace/
i guess when you're a worthless NEET you don't have to be efficient on the computer ;-)
Current year
>tfw trackball and mouse
And another one bites the dust
good luck nerd
Dumb Maki poster
maki is so cute >.
>a mobile user thinks people care what he does
The board would be better without you. A board without mobile users would be better than a board without tripfag shitposters.
Did you really go through the effort of screenshotting and posting a tripcode filter? Sage and hide you sanctimonious ass.
why use two mouse?
That doesn't even make sense.
No (You) for you tripfag
its more efficient
is multipointer x finally working ?
how do you do it tho?
Is there a way I can have a mouse/keyboard dedicated to a virtual machine or something?
Like, all the keystrokes/mouse movements and clicks get directly intercepted by the VM, while my other mouse/keyboard works on my normal machine?
Because that would be pretty rad.
you use whichever is more convenient. for example, if you need to click a button while holding a shortcut, you could use the right-hand mouse. but to quickly change text fields, you might use the left-hand mouseāits closer to home row
>Is there a way I can have a mouse/keyboard dedicated to a virtual machine or something?
you just assign the device/usb host to the vm
tfw somehow never thought of that
That's a cool concept, I'll admit. But in execution it turns out to be shit.
Thata autisticly inefficient, faggot . The only reason you do that is because you cannot switch hands coordination fast enough based on your brain alone. Thus requiring two mouse.
what os do you use
Unix , mac , win based OS. What does it have to do with it ?
it's bsd isn't it
Not exclusively, why ?
bsd users = autistic
you = autistic
put 2 and 2 together
>bsd users = autistic
>you = bsd users
>inb4 autism
>not being part of the minimalist master race
this is why you're wife is a whore, op
B-but I am a worthless NEET who has two mice.