/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

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This actually looks very nice. Can anyone else speak for Apricity?

I consider Antergos to be more of its own separate distro from Arch. It has its own package repositories, it installs packages differently, targets a different audience, has its own bug tracker, and a separate community.

so I don't really post here a whole bunch
my distro of choice is the ubuntu fork/clone/whatever caled "Trisquel"
I use it for two main devices
my x220
my server (with nginx as the server tool)
Honestly, it's a lot of fun learning the in's-n-out's of Gnu/Linux and for programming at any substantial rate it's 2nd to none. Overall I enjoy it and I prefer the way it handles over Windows.
I know this is awfully /blog/-y but this is the GNU/Linux appreciation thread so fuck it.

from debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-basic_defs.en.html
The project name is pronounced Deb'-ee-en, with a short e in Deb, and emphasis on the first syllable. This word is a contraction of the names of Debra and Ian Murdock, who founded the project. (Dictionaries seem to offer some ambiguity in the pronunciation of Ian (!), but Ian prefers ee'-en.)

Isn't Ian Murdock dead

They need to rename it to DeadIan

Murdock died on 28 December 2015 in San Francisco. Though initially no cause of death was released, in July 2016 it was announced his death had been ruled a suicide.

The last tweets from Murdock's Twitter account first announced that he would commit suicide, then said he would not. He reported having been assaulted by police, and having assaulted a police officer, then declared an intent to devote his life to opposing police abuse. His Twitter account was taken down shortly afterwards.

The San Francisco police confirmed he was detained, saying he matched the description in a reported attempted break-in and that he appeared to be drunk. The police stated that he became violent and was ultimately taken to jail on suspicion of four misdemeanor counts. They added that he did not appear to be suicidal and was medically examined prior to release. Later, police returned on reports of a possible suicide. The city medical examiner’s office confirmed Murdock was found dead.


Memes aside, is it really worth moving from Windows to Linux? I don't use much proprietary software but my real concern is that I won't be able to use Acrobat Pro DC on Linux.. something that I use daily. I don't play games either. Most of what I do is listen to music, read documents (office stuff), and browse the internet.

P.S. I do think I am being picky - I'm spoilt rotten by Acrobat, everything is so smooth and it just works.

On a side note does anyone know a really good alternative to Acrobat?

So it's another Mint? Sounds fantastic.

Is Linux a daily driver OS or is it purely a hobbyist/sysadmin sort of thing?

I'm a Windows normie. Is Linux for me?
It's hard to get a real answer with all the memes.


Why are you considering Linux?

Ian Murder

How do I make it so applications open where my cursor is/the monitor my cursor is focused on rather than opening on my main monitor every time? I have multiple monitors so it's a little inconvenient.

Using Openbox if that matters.

go to appdb and see what is supported

With the shitfest vista was, i moved to linux and i've never had to go back to windows for anything.

>Why are you considering Linux?
Do I need a well thought out reason or something?
I've been with Windows all my life but everybody on Sup Forums shills Linux and bashes Windows so I'm wondering if there's something to it or if it's just a programmer thing. I don't program.

How are you opening them?


Doesn't seem to be supported as well on Linux. To be honest I'm looking for an alternative that's as smooth and stable as the Acrobat that's on Windows.

It's literally in the OpenBox settings manager

I have a bunch of services that all write logs somewhere.

Is there a way to look at log files by service as opposed to combing through /var/log/whatever?

I'm on Debian 8.4.


conspiracy: He was murdered by the US government for his contributions to FOSS with suicide as the cover-up.

Besides not having all of the ©newest®video games™ available, and LibreOffice/OpenOffice not being perfectly compatible with MS Office, it does normal desktop tasks just as well.

Try zathura, there are other options:

>I don't program.
Then you probably don't need Linux.

Linux is super convenient for programmers who mainly live in the command line.

I just started Linux Mint Cinnamon in a virtual box and I'm just curious, it is really that small for real? Or is it a virtual box thing? I can barely see anything even though it's set to the right resolution.

Shit is making my eyes hurt and giving me a headache

Oh I'm retarded thanks.

I'm someone who's looking to eventually become a programmer, and I'm pretty interested in Linux. Do you suggest any books/documentation that would get me caught up with all the syntax and jargon?

No you don't

So just curious

It's fun, I use it as a hobby. If you want to check it out go ahead. There are sometimes inconveniences you wouldn't see in Windows. Lack of support, lot's of googling and troubleshooting, etc. But it's fun, if you feel like it.

I don't program either. I just go online mostly.

Virtual machines make everything small

> Mint

Please love yourself. Install Ubuntu if you want APT. Install Fedora if you want a good package manager.

Codeacademy is a meme site for learning how to "code" but it's linux CLI course is decent.

Literally me a couple years ago. Vista was trash, so I tried Ubuntu just for fun. But eventually I just wanted Windows again because "it just werks" and gaming.

Now with the absolute abortion that Windows 10 is I'm looking to get into Linux again.

I just don't know where to start other than Linux Mint, which I tried but wasn't a fan of.
What's another of babby's first other than Mint?



did you try moving your screen closer to you're face

Just use Ubuntu mate since you already have experience with Ubuntu.
Nothing wrong with it and it's easy for a babby to use.

> Babby's first distro


In all seriousness, try Kubuntu.

Install Manjaro. Once you get used to linux, convert to Arch. Once you start using pacman/pamac/octopi/etc. and the Arch/AUR repositories, you will find it hard to like anything else.

Don't worry bro, I'm just trying different ones in a virtual box as trials to find what I like.

I'm super new to this shit, so I'm taking baby steps


If you're interested in learning Linux, Arch Linux is a good start. Be aware that it might not be as "easy-to-setup" as other distros, but that's part of the fun.. at least for me.

I just installed Ubuntu for the first time /fglt/

This looks absolutely hideous, how do I install another desktop environment on top of this unity thing? I really liked Mint's KDE 4.14 but Mint in general was pretty slow, meanwhile this Ubuntu is snappy and fast.

change dpi within the vm

Is Debian beginner friendly and not shit?

And fwiw I've tried going back to Windows after years of using only Linux at home. Despite all the trouble with Linux, Windows just felt so locked down I went back. Big, basic, complete difference there.

>Is Debian beginner friendly
No. Do give it a try however, I eventually ended there after starting with Ubuntu.

Just install Debian with xfce

That's hard to say definitively .. Why don't you try it out

did u try

apt get install kde

going through git.gnome.org I could not find the gtk2 source of the legacy theme raleigh

if by chance you know where it is please link

you can set a vm with xp or even a licenced image for 2d work developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/

This to be quite frankly honest my head shaking family.

This is nice.

Not entirely related to Linux but I have a question
What's better, UEFI or BIOS?

Hubba Bubba

Not many know of it or how to configure it. It's harder than Gentoo

uefi is a rotting peice of shit that should have never come to fruition.

ALWAYS check your mobo for bios support over uefu

I hate UEFI so much.

Asked last thread but didn't get replies.

When it comes to partitioning the drive to dual boot, how large should a partition be?
I want to dual boot linux and windows but I literally will only have windows to play the occasional game.
How would my partition need to be for that? Also for reference its a 128gb SSD

I found UEFI easier when trying to dual boot Windows and Linux because I didn't have to create an EFI partition (Windows already did that for me)
I split my 1TB Hard Drive into 100GB (for documents), 600GB for Windows and 300GB for Linux (with 16GB swap)

Isn't that for advanced users? I'm pretty beginner.

Nope, because kde 4.14 apparently isn't the only one out there. There's some 5.7 that's the latest, but it looks pretty ugly, and I don't like it.

lol wut

why pink gum

Shit nigger, I don't have that kind of space with this puny SSD

arch and gentoo are the hardcore advanced user oses

so what de do you want

The only "advanced" distros are Gentoo and LFS. Arch sort of falls into advanced but it has the best documentation and as long as you follow steps and know what you're doing it isn't really a problem.

>16gb swap
why so big oniichan

>Who is anyone?

People who use Linux. I'm tired of retards pretending they're badass because they installed a distro via terminal.

I have a CS degree but I'm wondering how much actual opportunity there is nowadays for actual programmers instead of webdev meme language retards.

Full disclosure: I have no actual real world experience. I'm 25 and chose to travel the world learning languages (and teaching English) while studying various IT fields in my spare time.

I'm pasting this because I want people to tell me how stupid I am or what I should be doing.


I feel like an old fuck that's making it too late. I have an affinity towards actual langauges (fluent in Japanese, spent 7 years learning it) and am learning Mandarin. Am I being an optimistic retard?


Wat? You have to be literally retarded to find Arch hard. Even the installation is basic if you know how to use a computer. Even if you're a normal fag, there's thousands of guides online and even tools that offer CLI/GUI installers for it. Pacman is one of the easiest package managers to use, and Arch repositories/AUR are better than anything but Debian's. Only distros without package management and repositories are hard to use, and not even hard more so than tedious.

When will this cancer stop of people who aren't system admins or developers trying to use linux?

2x the size of RAM is what I was told.

I was told to make swap just half the space of your RAM, so mine's just 4GB

which one is it gnutards

I believe this advice is from the olden days of yore.

Should I format my hard drive as EXT4 or BTRFS?

Twice your RAM if you want to use hibernation. Else same as RAM.



> install grsecurity
> double free
> can't fixx it
> give up for several months
> go back to it
> fix double free
> fix boot issues
> end in sight
> finishes bootload screen
> goes to yellow underscore in top right corner of screen
> ctrl-alt-f2 lets me go to terminal
> startx goes to black screen with my mouse pointer and stays that way

I would say another elementaryOS. Btw everything is welcome if helps people to move to GNU/Linux.

In trying to figure out how to install my new HDD, I just found out about LVMs.

Is it worth setting an LVM up or does it not matter? Arch wiki says they have lots of advantages but wew this page looks complicated as fuck.

according to you guys what's the best desktop environment and why?

KDE 4.14, before they made that new one. But at this point I'm willing to settle for anything but unity.

It depends of what you need.

XFCE its, for me, the more flexible DE out there.

MATE and Cinnamon are really good too. LXDE its ok but is ugly as fuck and openbox could be very hard to rice if you're new.

I think Windows 7 has the best DE. It is DE perfect. XP is second.

It is just, how computers are supposed to be. Everything else is just a variation.

I use Windows at work and Linux at home for six years.

i like kde because the software that comes with it is all pretty good and almost everything will work out of the box

doesn't kde use a lot of ram or is that just a meme

Debian and Slackware r the two major distros I know of that have 4.14. Otherwise if you want to stay on Ubuntu, there r a bunch to choose from lots of ppl like xubuntu or ubuntu mate

So, since my laptop only has a small SSD partitioning the drive is out of the question for dual boot.

What are your opinions on Wine? How is it at running Windows and their programs?

depends but a typical ubuntu release needs at least 6G just to install

much less if you use the network installer

in general, / 10 to 15G or more depending on the programs you would use

win 7 needed at least 30G for the C drive to work

Wine its ok with low performance programs or old programs. You wont run Photoshop CC with Wine but probably Photoshop CS2 will works fine.

How do I get Logitech Gaming Software to work on Arch? I have a Logitech G300s mouse and I miss my CS:GO macros.

it uses 400-500mb on my machine, probably more than something like xfce4 but you will have less of a headache getting things to work

What about games on Steam? That's basically the only thing I would still use Windows for

how customisable is it? like does it look good or can you make it look good?

might be the wrong thread to ask but,
I'm running a server with a database and a lot of custom software/configurations on it
I'm looking for a way to backup the entire server (important software, configurations, database, images, etc) nightly on a second server
this way if the first server disappears we can be back up and running without losing much in just a few minutes

server is running centos 6.7

i'm talking about xfce btw, kde doesn't look like it's worth it

xfce4 and kde are both very customisable in my experience

you could make either one look like pic related or go the opposite direction and install arc or some other dark theme

The issue with all this freeware stuff and Linux and "freedom" is that normies still will only ever use the usual botnet shit.

Sure I can use Linux and brag about no proprietary stuff, but if I want to video chat with my girlfriend who is currently away for her job she'll insist on Skype or Hangouts because that's what all her other normie friends will use.

Shit like that, mang

Damn that looks good, is that XFCE?
Doesn't Skype have a native Linux application now?

>Doesn't Skype have a native Linux application now?
Implying that changes anything,

it's xfce with numix icons and i think the arc theme

Yeah, unless you want to live like rms, you gotta compromise sometimes.

UEFI. You don't even need a bootloader.

Nope. You have to stand up for your rights and for your freedom. People shouldn't forget that there's no difference in real- and digital life. Imagine someone comes into your room and listens to your phone calls, reads your mail and records you with a video camera. Just because in a computer you can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Shit like this needs to stop and it can only stop with free software and to make the change, you need to stop to make compromises.

Steam has a list of games that work on linux natively. If you want to run AAA games and you have time to learn about it you can try virtualizing Windows and doing GPU passthrought,