Is he dead, Sup Forums?
Is he dead, Sup Forums?
what made you think he might be?
this is a retarded question to ask without any prompting.
what if he wasnt alive in the first place
dead man switch went of...
this is a man involved in the deepest avenues of informational technology..
he knows his shit. hes dead until proofen otherwise
He is like Schrödinger's cat.
Russia is the box, and Snowden the cat.
He is both dead and alive.
that's not how it works, faggot.
No. His wavefunction has most certainly already collapsed.
Honestly, I respect the guy for having the balls to speak up about the shit our various ABC agencies are up to, ( and still up to ), but the guy did it all for nothing. He ruined his life, got slapped with treason, and had to flee the country all for what? Nothing's changed. Everyone saw/heard and kept on going like nothing happened. The most I did was change my fucking passwords to my various accounts.
He had a cushy job and should have just kept his mouth shut. This is the selfish side of me speaking. Had I been in his position, I'd have kept my trap shut, collected my insane paycheck, and retired early.
Exactly. People don't care anymore. Look at shillary corruption and nobody cares.
The irony is that your question is the retarded one being referenced
>tweets cryptic code
>tweets "its time"
>deletes it a few minutes later
>hasn't tweet since (in the past 10 days)
>use to tweet almost every day leading up to the tweets
if you dont know something either research it or ask, don't come out swinging calling people retards when you're the dumb fuck who couldn't be bothered to do 5 minutes worth of research
no but my soul is
i'm aware of the tweets. someone asked about this when it happened and glenn greenwald said snowden was fine. so unless there's something new, this is a retarded question informed by nothing except dissatisfaction with evidence.
Snowden is still rich and still making bank.
He gets paid $25,000 per speech.
Except now he has expenses. He needs $500k minimum in a bugout bag and several identities. He's probably on a half a dozen kill lists.
No he doesn't. He's safe in Russia, The KGB most likely protects him but probably also monitors him.
He will most likely be granted citizenship and permanent residency after a while.
Russia will protect him in retaliation for what Obama did to Russias economy.
i wouldn't care less
>in Putin's Russia
Oh, honey...
>for what Obama did to Russias economy
What the fuck are you talking about? Obama did jack shit, European nations did that with sanctions.
Yea European "Nations" lol.
More like US puppet states.
I see your geopolitical understanding is as deep as I've come to expect from Ameritards.
>Russia will protect him in retaliation for what Obama did to Russias economy
One Snowden isn't worth the economic damage Russia has received. I would value Snowden at best 10 million us dollars worth. Hardly more.
>Mumble mumble adhominen muble
Is this a Trump impression?
>he doesn't know what an insult is
>Oh, honey...
>Gay as fuck reply
>thinks Russia is dangerous
Enjoy being beheaded by refugees, euroqueer
>doesn't get the obvious HIMYM reference
Let me guess, you were born in 2001.
>thinks Russia is dangerous
Only one of us have been there, and yes, it's fucking dangerous.
Hopefully not, he's due for some enhanced interrogation techniques.
The majority of Americans think he's a traitor. Russia is done with him, so he'll probably "kill himself" soon.
>The majority of Americans think he's a traitor
[citation needed]
It's more that the government labeled him a traitor and anyone who knows anything about the leak knows he did a good thing by informing the public.
He's fine doesn't mean he is not in danger.
Can we trust Glenn though? Maybe he's just saying that to cover for Snowden. Maybe Snowden told his friends to keep up the illusion that he is alive for as long as they can
You two are idiots. Just because nothing has changed at your neetbux level doesn't mean that reflects the world. For a big example of how retardedly ignorant you are, good the dissolution of Us EU safe harbor and it's replacement, Privacy Shield.
There is more to life than money, you yankee pig.
This thread has me JTRIGgered as fuck.
You are disgusting.
What is this image? Shitpost or actually something. The placement of the multiple limbs are not symetrical, and it's weirding me out..
this is not leddit, faggot
>expect to read "More like EU puppet states"
>read US
You are truly a retard.
It's from an actual NSA slide, it depicts a virus.
Technically they are all Israeli puppet states.
Not exactly.
Ed is going through sex reassignment surgery, the reason people haven't seen him in a while is because of the HRT and the numerous surgeries he's going through.
Wait for it and you will all see.
I have to say, I was always about the "lulz." I don't know if I'm changing, probably not still watch death videos eagerly, but I feel genuinely bad for this guy. He was decently handsome, intelligent guy with great potential that got utterly ruined mentally by genetics. He could have been one of us that didn't suck. I still laugh, because I'd cry if I didn't. Maybe it just hits a little too close to home for me.
Safe harbor doesn't work out for Germany. You ameriniggers spy on our cocks like Years before that.
When Bradley Manning became Chelsea Manning, I seriously wondered if this is some government effort to ridicule him so people take the leaks less seriously.
>haha it was just some crazy tranny, who cares
I hope so. He's a godamn traitor, not to mentioned he supports Hillary and is a SJW
Yeah well you don't be speak good English so your logic is flawed
>mfw I'm pretty sure this is what happened to my friend from high school
>he was always a ridiculously skilled programmer
>wrote malware for fun
>he goes missing for about a year and I don't hear from him even though we were really close
>somewhere in that time, apparently someone hacked CIA director John Brennon's emails
>the guy who did it calls into CNN for a phone interview using a burner number
>mfw it sounds exactly like his voice and the way he talks
>more time goes by
>I finally hear from him
>apparently he's a tranny now
>mfw nobody will believe this story
>mfw no face
Phone interview for reference
How so?
He only proved the system is too corrupt for reform, Even after his revelations did the NSA get shut down? Did anyone that authorized the ILLEGAL spying go to prison? NO. Not fucking one.
Nah, he's still of some use as one of Putin's little puppets
It's not corrupt though. You I just don't understand they're doing this for your safety and protection.
Did they tap his bp until he got mind broken and wanted to be a little girl?
Does he still program or they fucked his head beyond repair?
pretty hot desu
So why am I statistically more likely to be shot by police than to die from a terrorist attack? You guys (and I say you guys because you're probably yet another JTRIG shill) are a bigger threat to public safety than the justification for your power.
That's the very definition of corruption. If they weren't corrupt, I wouldn't have safety or protection. And I still don't have safety or protection anyway. People are still getting killed by mass shootings week in and week out.
Nobody can get Slick Eddy!
You have nothing to hide right?
I'm trying to steer clear of whatever went down with him, so we haven't talked much. He (they?) still programs, but only normie webdev shit.
>but only normie webdev shit.
Your poor friend got mind broken beyond repair.
They probably did some fucked up shit to him and also told him they would fuck his family too.
It's about free speech, not privacy. Surveillance is a matter of knowing what people think so that you can control what they can and can't say or do.
It's like you want to live in North Korea or something.
You're also statistically more likely to actually come into contact with a police officer on a daily basis; your statistic doesn't make any sense.
is he just attention whoring or what, if he said "it's time" why hasn't anything remotely interesting happened in 10 days, and what's with the stupid code with no explanation
Yes it does you retard. The risks are clearly tipped more heavily towards police state than terrorism at the moment. You only want to worsen the larger killer of innocent people in order to fight your perpetual invisible boogeyman
>The risks are clearly tipped more heavily towards police state than terrorism at the moment.
How does that follow? I fucking hope the police is more relevant and influential in my life than terrorism
>is against government corruption, spying, espionage, erosion of citizen rights
>supports hillary
he's a leftist fag, he's like a woman, can't think for himself, only relies on what the media tells him
That sounds like an informed, impartial opinion.
So you're saying you want to be unjustly shot by police? Fucking authoritarian cucks...
Nah. Crazy Ivan knows what he's worth in the grand scheme of things.
If there was a secret agent capable of silencing him, it would've been done long ago.
The real question is: Is he on the killer payroll that astroturfs certain backwoods forums in order to perpetuate the myth of the two party system.
He already gave the documents to Russia and China, and there wasn't any doubt he had a dead man's switch. What's the purpose of killing him? It's not like he himself read all those files.
I voted for Trudeau. I'm saying that being more likely to be shot by police than terrorism is a flimsy reason to argue corruption
>He already gave the documents to Russia and China
Hello shill. Those are some nice unsubstantiated claims you've got right there.
And it's an even worse reason to argue for even more police state power to fight terrorism. If police are killing more people than terrorists, you don't give the police even more power.
He's on a coke binge with Assange desu
da komrade, very reputable
He's just trying to get publicity for the movie coming out about him
this shit is so fucking gay .. If he were dead it would already be confirmed. Take off your tinfoil hats for a second and just think you numale faggot children.
Why are you so assblasted? Are you another one of those cucks that likes taking it in the ass from big daddy government?
Underrated post
good one kiddo
Well are you? You seem awfully fond of the idea of having someone watching your every move to make sure you don't step out of line.
because i said he's not really dead?
are you just trying to be retarded or is it natural?
>hurr Snowden is a drama queen traitor waaaaa
right, you are definitely retarded
I know you are but what am I?
Friendly reminder that NSA TAO's ROC is staffed by eccentric weirdos and nerds, some of who have lego death stars or wear capes at work
we can only hope. Only a special place in Satans domain for liberal cuck traitors of his ilk.
That guy was a skid, whatever he told you was a lie. He hacked Brenny by Social Engineering some pajeet at AOL
Tell me how many mass shootings and terrorist attacks have been prevented by NSA's data mining. They're surely doing it to protect us, right?