
Windows is literally the best operating system. Prove me wrong
>pro tip, you can't

>TFW 7 year old OS is better than anything released after it

Windows 98 and XP were the cream of the crop.

>not understanding there are different use cases

I can prove you're a retard, or are you just pretending?

I respect your opinion, however I feel differently. :^)

Lol pajeet fuck off with your adware OS


good bait dude xDDDDD

windows xp or die

2/10 made me reply

It is the absolute best for people who can't use another operating system, no argument there.

Yeah, best for who? The NSA perhaps?

That's not an argument

Try shitting in a toilet for once in your life, Rajeesh.

Most popular? Yes.
Best? Hardly.

Why argue? You can have your own preferences. Nothing I can say will change your rigidity

Not arguments.

>Windows is literally the best operating system
Only if you're a fucking user who just runs games all day long.
As soon as you develop, things start looking totally different.

Your statement lacks proof that I'm wrong.

There's nothing to argue with.

Re-read the OP. You're wrong.

Android is more popular than windows by a few orders of magnitude

>TFW 7 year old
>better than anything
Indeed user.

Each operating system has its own merits. You can't prove that one is the absolute best out of all of them. Windows is good for the average joe, GNU/Linux is good for control freaks and servers, OSX is good for my mother.

The burden of proof is on you to refute my claim.

Okay, then tell me what makes Windows so great.

Your mom is the best operating system.

Quite literally no one gets excited about windows. They miss old one's when they are deprecated but the whole point of windows is not being excited about the operating system. It's about being excited about what your doing with your applications etc. Never met anyone excited about windows ever. Maybe a new machine or maybe better drivers etc. but never about windows. Everyone just tolerates it and teases linux geeks because they love their operating system.

Maybe the a large component of the pull of the masses towards large corporations and away from open source is some spillover of mudsill philosophy where the doings of the rich are revered and those of the poor are not trusted.

Re-read the OP.

I get excited about Windows.

Wrong. Try agan

I would say in many cases that theory might hold up but in the case of an operating system I don't think it makes a lot of sense. I think if open source software offers everything a person wants they will use it. If it doesn't however, most people aren't savvy enough to give a shit about it being open source or not and will use the most convenient and streamlined botnet offering the features they need.

Linux is better for devs but Windows is better in every other way (photography, video, office, gaming, getting the work done, drivers, support)

>registry corrupts
>entire OS is bricked

Just kill me now senpai.

>You have the burden of proof even though I made the absurd claim
>lol such b8 what retards ITT

>Windows 98
Enjoy your unstable piece of DOS shit

>winsxs folder that eventually forces you to uninstall by inevitably getting huge
>UAC is a joke