Desk top customization thread

post ur customized desk tops

pain and suffering

scream -_-

my custom wallpaper


do you use a different computer a lot?

no why?

Desktop threads are banned and you know it, quit shitting up the board.

>Desktop threads are banned

this is a desktop customization thread
completely different

Sure thing kid

oh yeah the rest of the board is so great

reported for backseat moderation

sorry, did we interrupt your smartphone generals, gpu wars and help threads

hmm really make u think
just different specs thats all..

i have a gaymen laptop with the same rice but i haven't used it in a while

ohh ok

Just because other shit threads exist doesn't give you an excuse to make yet another shit thread.

Not against the rules. Submitting false reports and announcing reports are though.

guarantee this thread is better than anything you've made

never got the github for that music player

Sup Forums IS shit threads there is only 3 good threads up at any one time. its all generalshit now

is me piping ur mom while ur in school against the rules?

Wrong, I make BSD threads here and there

so i was right

>OS discussion is worse than ricing

just stop lad your embarrassing you'reself

Says the faggot redditor that probably hasn't even been here a week

been posting here since '96, nice try kiddo

whats the point of sageing if im here to bump it?

makes you think


Eat a dick you fucking shitstain

wow, so emotional

If I sage at least I'm not bumping this shit thread. If you choose to then that's your own mistake.

it can't be healthy to get that mad lad might want to see someone about that

wew lad. you sound upset

>being so retarded you don't even know how to reply to posts

I'm not even remotely upset.

ur dad not pulling out was a mistake


Wow xDDD u sure showed me

his handsmust be so sweaty right now

No. 56056430
please either post you're desktop or leave, you're off topic posting will not be tolerated any longer



the threads fucked

just ignore the troll

That was the plan

I'm not trolling, dumbass. I'm derailing a thread that shouldn't exist.







>This thread

Puro pinche pari


delet this


Are you retarded? This is a technology board. You're spamming anime. There's an anime board for that.

anime website

Anime website

No need to talk like galatzia mexifag.

janny/mod can you please kill yourself. None of the posters like you.

Technology board.

of an anime website

in the anime website

Alright alright but this thread will die soon anyway

post a picture of yourself so we can laugh @ you

this is an anime website

I want to take off Azusa's shorts non-sexually.

An anime website with both tech and anime boards. If you're just posting anime and not discussing technology, you belong on

anime website, anime goes anywhere

No it doesn't, you goddamned weeb.

Have you forgotten how Sup Forums works or are you just new? Anime has been here forever.


anime website

Do I use any tiling scripts?

I blame archOS' impression of Win3.1

>go to korean claymation forum

If you're not discussing technology you belong on a different board. If you're spamming anime, the board you most likely belong on is TECHNOLOGY BOARD

No need to be so uptight m8
Only redditor or Sup Forums would be agitated because of anime
You're not some kind of faggot right

no tiling is for nerds



posting anime pictures and spamming anime are two different thigns

of the anime website

When did desktop threads get banned? Was away for a while.

Technology board

Suck a dick you goddamned faggot, you belong on Sup Forums and we both know it.

Never been to reddit or Sup Forums


Which is why I'm not telling you not to post anime, I'm telling you to do it appropriately. Which would not be on Sup Forums unless you're discussing technology.

anime website

Technology board

of an anime website

anime website

With an anime board.


Check my quads

all boards are anime boards
get this...
anime website


Technology board


Terrible logic. Go shitpost in Sup Forums already

anime website

Technology board



on an anime website