ITT: We rate each others technology based rooms on a scale of comfyness

>ITT: We rate each others technology based rooms on a scale of comfyness.


It's messy and I need to put up my prints on the wall. Just moved in a month ago

What's in the tank?

Looks comfy mate, are gayman chairs worth it? My chair has served me well but Im in the market for a new one

R8 comfy.

Is that a head board for a bed frame behind your desk? other than that looks comfy I have the same mouse G402?

Aka battlestation thread.

Why do you have 2 Nvidia cards in the doorway?


Smart dolls, huh?

Where else would you put Nvidia cards?

Wired into a thermostat and 240V mains for winter.

>gaymen chair
Sure way of flaunting you're a manchild

The dxracer I have is alright, pretty comfy and sturdy, well adjustable with good quality leather. I'd recommend it if you don't mind its looks.

Your TV setup looks pretty comfy man.

Nice and simple, I dig it.

But it's summer.

Always be prepared for a surprise attack.

Nothing really interesting in it besides boxes and a tote covered in tools and components
I do have this shelf with Thinkpads though

Nice bkub


And then my battle station
New desk still hasn't shipped

Pic was trying to get rx460 drivers working on Linux
They're shit, my 750ti blows this top tier 460 out of the fucking water
"60fps on medium graphics in 1080p"
Bullshit, I got 60fps in insurgency, sure, on minimum graphics while experiencing frame drops to sub 20fps

Close-up of mousepad please.


Can't remember if Concessions or not.

Doesn't that feel cramped?

How do you live without a numpad?

Kek immy

That depiction of Nicole is specifically a side comic from The Order of the Black Dog series.
A little, I need a higher desk and taller chair, I dislike hunching

I fucking love the clock, the vape is a little neckbeard though.

It's been a long time since I've read webcomics; I thank you for reminding me of them. Immy still needs to git gud at art though.
I'm glad my computer is under my desk so the lights don't bother me.

Where did you get the mousepad?

It's better than smoking

Yeah, he's been slowly getting worse and worse if you ask me, mid concession is when it all went downhill and he opted for the cartoony style...
Order of the Black Dog is a neat read, art is ok, but is visibly getting progressively worse as time goes on.
art$cow 1$ mousepad meme

Nice lizard.