The LED is the most beautiful electronic component

prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking hell, the things you can do with these little shits

It is...hence why my next build will have a shitload of them.

Looks like shit.


even the old style non-clear ugly ones are still cool to look at, goddamn

hnnnngghh, look at these bitches

I bet some of you are totally into that thick one on the right

Neons exist.




these old seiko led watches remind me of the 80's star trek klingon battle warbird bridges

link to model?


With all the talks about OLED, has any company ever attempted making a silicon LED display? Seems to me like this should fix many of the longevity issues of OLED.

Light emitting diodes are a lot better

Seiko W670-4000



have you ever used Google?


no, link?

You're wrong


shit nigger, that looks steampunk as fuck



I bet they don't have to heat that room in winter


me on the left


I actually bought one of these lamps out of curiosity. They don't put out much more heat than a regular bulb, most of them top out at 40W. The light it puts out is comfy as fuck though, I use it in my bedroom when it's late.

I'm the one with the three legs

Calm yourself ytou fuckin pervert mel Gibson



That yellow one is adorable

Eat shit

fuck yes


pic related are LED filament bulbs

It will do

pic related is an LED filament bulb

leds are so fucking fun to work with. been always fascinated by them.

Stop it

the pic posted was LED filament bulbs. they put out about 3W each, not 40W

Absolutely disgusting

Didn't pay close attention, but the one I have is an actual filament bulb. Didn't even know they made LED knockoffs, that would kill the entire point of it.


I'm pretty amazed by that pic.

That's exactly my sentiment.



cute, I wonder what material they used for that cloud

>t. butthurt retard with no taste


This thread brightened up my day

Because and LED is a diode,could you made a bridge rectifier out of LEDS?

yes, leds suck at it though since they are only rated for low forward current and reverse voltage

big clive had a video on an extremely cheap led lamp were 4 of its leds doubled as light and rectifier

as an owner of an LED filament bulb, they are awesome. Its the best of everything. Even the glass is just continued production lines of tungsten filament bulbs. the LED filament consist of like 50 tiny LEDs coated in phosphorous, so they produce a nice spectrum. and they are more efficient than everything else

you posted LEDs

top fucking kek

yes but for that purpose they have a relatively large voltage drop

you made a trip just for this thread?



blaze it

If only they didn't give me brutal migraines all the goddamn time.

>shitty LED backlit things
>i'm fucked
>shitty LED lighting
>i'm fucked
>LED light that's too bright and placed somewhere dumb
>annoying as shit

tfw you buy a laptop and there's a bright blue LED light just in front of the screen and you need to put tape over it to stop the brutal distraction

Blue LEDs suck, especially when the manufacturer insists on making them SUPER FUCKING BRIGHT AND IN YOUR FACE.

I had one of those on my Acer monitor before I taped the bastard over. One of my computer cases also had a fucking annoyingly bright as fuck blue LED for the power indicator light. I said fuck it and tore that one out.

I know your feels.

I still use incandescent lighting almost exclusively because trying to get an LED bulb or flashlight with good color rendering and no 120Hz flicker or PWM is a huge pain. LEDs are amazing but consumer applications of them are generally terrible.



old eprom through a microscope.

that's technically the use for trips, you nigger

this is an anonymous board, faggot

>this is an anonymous board, faggot
there's no need for a name on an anonymous board, you attentionwhore

Thanks for spoonfeeding me, was wondering how they work but hesitated to google

you wanna fucking go mate


Ma & pa had led filament bulbs for a while, tey were terrible. Shitty orange colour, low output, don't work well with a dimmer and worst of all a 50hz flicker that's worse than a fluorescent tube.

y'all got a boner right now lookin at this shit dont lie to me

you didn't get my point, that's what I was saying.

Although trips can be used to be identified when doing recurring threads (e.g. falcon) or as a disclaimer to your autistic faggotry (e.g. jordan)

Flats are justice


Nixie tubes my man.
What's with the italian captchas btw

This is the only reason I want a tube amp.

Used to have a hybrid one, but wasn't very good and had only one small tube.




where did you buy it?

I'm into LED COBs.

CLU056-3618 masterrace.


Quantum dots >>>>>>>> LED

Like this lednigger says .
A-class led lamps.

And if you are poor (like me) go for IKEA's RYET or LEDARE led bulbs.
NITTIO if you want a cheap led filament lamp, kinda like this .

Fucking love nixietubes shame they are not produced anymore and you can only buy rather expensive ones from Russia

led waifu: claimed

she's pure.


>common cathode

What part do you want to make out of silicone actually?
