"iPhone 7's Secondary Speaker Holes May Be Purely Cosmetic"

> "iPhone 7's Secondary Speaker Holes May Be Purely Cosmetic"


Everything about any Apple product is purely cosmetic :^)

Apple is a fashion product before it is a phone


it sounds like the report is sketchy and conflicts with other reports. i think the bigger question is why the OP is scouring macrumors and taking the stories even *they* call dodgy as fact.

>remove headphone jack
>no external batterys
>no msd slot
iPhones are for poor and stupid people that think iPhones are the cool thing to have

Never said it was a fact. It's a rumor site after all. but with Apple being Apple, i expect it to go this way. Stereo sound on an iPhone? Nobody needs it /s

please be trolling

"APPLEL STRIKES AGAIN" made it sound like you were pretty much convinced that this was a true story about apple/the iphone 7.

or is the "STRIKES AGAIN" referring to something else?

are you saying
>APPLEL STRIKES AGAIN [at being a subject of interest that rumor sites will post about]

There was a second pair of holes in the iPhone before and nobody bitched about it.

They should have removed the speakers instead of the headphone jack, honestly never used those in ever. That would have saved some serious space.

im sry about ur autism buddy

You've never use the speakers of a phone?


jesus fucking christ. i never thought i could cringe that hard. kys.

Serious question: what point would stereo speakers be if they're approximately 1cm away from each other?

I can kind of understand stereo speakers on the HTC One M9 et al, but that's only because they put the speakers as far away from each other as one can on any given device without them facing opposite directions. If you're going to put speakers on the bottom, is there an audible difference between stereo and flattened mono?

I agree I wouldn't want Apple selling something that looks like stereo, only for consumers to find that it's still mono but now looks more legit than it is, but why are we acting like this is an enormous loss?

the other part of my comment where the /s was implied thats probably what apple would say. im sorry ur so autistic

Wouldn't it be like the nexus 5? One speaker one microphone?

Not the speakers in the bottom of the phone.
Humans tend to press the top of the phone against their ear, so it is easier to speak into the mic in the bottom.

And I don't skype a lot.


i'm sorry for not jumping on the bandwagon of brain damaged autists laughing at macrumors stories.

Good its a weight reduction

It's Apple, what do you expect?

Have you ever heard someone complain about their iPhone being too heavy?


i didn't know you were an apple engineer. what complaints are you hearing about from iPhone owners?

What for?

not him, but every smartphone i've ever seen has had pretty tinny, awful speakers. even phones described as having some of the best speakers reviewers have heard in a phone. because that's just it: they're the best speakers reviewers have heard *in a phone*.

we're still in this shitty time where the speakers are just good enough to do basic jobs, but that's it. it's like when cell phones had cameras but until literally just a handful of years ago the cameras were generally so shitty that they were useless in all but the most optimal situations. sure, there were some cameras that happened to have SIM card slots, but generally if you were even remotely serious about the picture quality, you bought a P&S or a DSLR.

the same is true of speaker quality. if i wanted to play music for friends in a room, i would buy and use bluetooth speaker things like the UE Boom or something like the Sonos 1/3/5 or something.

i wish and hope for the day that my speakers won't be garbage, but that day isn't today and it probably isn't even within this year.

iTunes :^)

Literally nobody uses the speaker on the phone. That's what they should really remove, the fucking speaker. But then it couldn't ring so yeah.