MP3 Downloads (Not from YouTube)

Sup Forums, where do you get your music from?
Outside of, is there any website or software that is great for MP3s that doesn't fucking use YouTube as a source?

public torrents

don't get rused into private trackers. waste of time.



If I really can't find a torrent anywhere, I sometimes buy it from iTunes if I really really want it.

Walmart $5 bins

Spotify because it's 2016


don't tell it to everyone you fucking retards. i bet you don't seed too

Yeah, good one... How does one use Spotify if they're a DJ? Streaming is not the resolution to all problems... and waffles

everything else is laughably pleb in comparison

I'm sure OP is a DJ and not just a random neckbeard

bandcamp and the pirate bay

>have to answer retarded questions to some autist to gain access
yeah no thanks.

i got invited after oink went down so i didn't have to do any of that

it's not hard anyway... it's just basic bullshit that you should know anyway if you want to use the site

Just trying Soulseek now. This seems too good to be true. Just like the Limewire days...

Yep best music resource on the open web.

>TFW when I couldn't find an MP3 of an artist on pirate bay and found not only an MP3 but a 24/192 .flac discography on glorious rutracker. I love those guys.

The ones that everyone use but never talk about

>implying ruski's give a shit
Also *artist* *album* *blogspot* googles. And the Sup Forums archive (look in the OP of a sharethread)

A bit shady(you can detect suspicious sources because these don't play the preview), but actually searches mp3 on blogs, sites and whatnot

It's seeing a steady decline tho, most of the links are dead

>Using the MP3 format today
The MP3 meme needs to stop. It's fucking shit: Horribly compressed, not free, ass quality. Opus needs to take over as the standard, as the ancient shitheap that is MP3 will never be able to be modernized.

>Pay $10 for music!
>Get the same music for free on youtube and you can just download them

have you never heard of the pirate bay? fucking retard

Great number, dub dubs. I understand a lot of people don't care if it's compressed but at least use something better than MP3, there is litterally no reason not to use AAC. it random blogs. If you want to find something try searching it but add "blogspot" to it. I get most of my metal from (a blogspot website)

Yeah, even if you don't want to pay you can just save it manually or use IDM

Search in Google for "index of your artist name.mp3"

It will list you some FTP server and so on. Works for movie as well.

Public Torrents
The "it's 2016 hurr durr" thing isn't an arguement.
>waaah why isn't it public?!?! why do i have to answer questions :(((
fuck off
but this time it actually works

Relax the crylic language is like barb wire to westerners. The amount of monkeys that get scared of using the translate function in chrome amuses be deeply.

T. Australian

Spotify streams at like 150kb/s.

i buy my own music on cd and rip it myself, instead of relying of technically inept release groups & public trackers
>inb4 le-spotify-meme

>not using a 160GB iPod for free music on the go anywhere

Why even live?