What's the least autistic wearable tech that you actually use?

What's the least autistic wearable tech that you actually use?

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asking this question makes everything you consider extremely autistic.



ill break it down for him:
you're autistic and nobody likes you

lol did somebody call you guys a tool for wearing apple watch or something


i've never been called a tool before. you seem to be obsessed with this idea that the tech accessories you wear determine shit about you. asking a question like the one in your OP makes it impossible to select anything and not come off as incredibly autistic.

not really

Pebble - It's a smartwatch that doesn't do too much, so no overheating, long battery life, no overtly fancy graphics and animation.

very simple device (in comparison to other Smartwatches). and thats good. i'm getting the new one with the Fitness tracking shit

simply saying "not really" doesn't discount the evidence from your other posts.

Fitbit Surge, how autistic am I?

I wear nothing. I just walk around as nature intended.

None of them. Even the apple watch couldn't avoid the autism stigma.

>not autistic
Anything that came out of kickstarter is guaranteed to be autistic.

>random theory of projection from few lines of post asking for techwear that doesn't look janky
>counting posts as evidence

you sound truly autistic m8

MiBand 1s. I use it for general exercise tracking, heart rate monitor is nifty but i dont rely on much and i set it to vibrate when i receive texts, calls and emails. Helps save battery on my phone and i dont miss a notification or a call when im walking.

On top of that one charge has lasted me about 3 weeks and only needs about 30mins to fully charge.

Pretty cool how it vibrates 10mins before my actual morning alarm, waking up early in the morning is significantly less annoying.

you're sounding pretty hyper defensive. struck a nerve?

gonna talk about this with your therapist?

I don't wear tech because I'm not autistic and it's not necessary. Unless a regular digital watch counts.

is that b8
because look at the thread u just made


You definitely are projecting that you need to go to a therapist to get diagnosed for autism and aspergers though.

So you're walking around naked?

Wearing an expensive watch that doesn't show time after noon does make you a tool though.

>random theory of projection
>You definitely are projecting that you need to go to a therapist to get diagnosed for autism and aspergers though.
>theory of projection
>You definitely are projecting
Wait, are you doing damage control with what you just said was just a random theory?


ok autist



i have the charge
so a little bit more than me, m8


There is none. Wearable tech is inherently autistic.

The only piece of tech you should consistently have on you is your phone.

Any of Xiaomi's wristbands I guess

>portable botnets

This is why you're autistic user

My Seiko 5, I guess. I used to wear a Casio CMD-40 but the remote buttons fell off.

I wear my watch and have a swiss army knife belt holster


>Not making a watch your self from parts and not booting linux on it
You guys don't know the real autisim


can't even tell time lmao

Fitness watches with minimal smartwatch features.

You shave your wrists.

I'll wear a smart watch when it has interactive holographic projections. Until then they can go away cause they're dumb and pointless.

Pebble Time Steel

How autistic is this?

have you ever fucked pussy while wearing it?

It's pretty good, aside from a few glitches here and there.

This is Sup Forums, what the fuck do you think?

than you have your answer. its autistic as fuck. although, i've fucked all three holes with this on before. im not autistic though

>not a terrorist watch
>having sex
why are you on Sup Forums again?

I'd have an issue if it was a watch or if I intended to use it as one. I don't though. It's simply because I don't feel my phone go off in my pocket and this vibrates when I get texts.


Wear this shit for life

retard now we know you're address

Apple Watch from Santer Klauese. Only piece of wearable tech I have, really.

>wearable tech
>least autistic
There's no such thing, you consumerist faggot.


I'm a NEET, why would I wear something?

Its only 2016 everything available is mainstream casual consumershit. You think someone is going to seriously post their backpack computer and vr helmet?

that's a google image. also who cares faggot.

I have an Alta, it does what I need it to. I wasn't going to trade battery life and price for a heartrate monitor.

Could be more autistic tbqh

I see normies wearing Apple Watches and Fitbits all the time. Wearables aren't autistic.

pebble time steel


i have a rfid implant in my right hand

I have pic related. It looks really sleek with the metal band. Not as noticeable as other pebbles, it just looks like a slightly bigger casio with the right watchface. I love the OG steel.

And this is one of the few Pebbles that didn't actually come out of a kickstarter so it's noticeably less autistic than the OG or time models.


I strap my s7 to my arm when i go for a jog

>sperg detected

I completely forgot these exists.

>aw shit the battery died


>oh user is that one of those Apple Watches?
every. fucking. time.


>When threatened, the gymnast puffy her vulva

I can't find it in the apple store :(

a vibrating strapon

idk, how autistic are terrorists?

The original Mi Band with RGB LED's. The white only one sucks, including the 1S.
I'm interested in the Mi Band 2 though. I wanna see how much third party development it gets.

Used to have a fitbit charge HR, but that shit broke.

whooptie doo

this is goat tier. wear it everyday.

literally doesn't matter. get a tenga or a fleshlight you pleb.

Xiaomi, you dumb fuck.

there's an app in the play store called mi band tools and notify. Works great with my mi band 2, does everything I'd need.

>Pretty cool how it vibrates 10mins before my actual morning alarm
You're wearing it in bed? Aren't you risking damaging it?
Or do you just put it somewhere where vibrations make noise?

How does it work? I'm curious. I've never really thought about/looked at one before.

>>portable botnets

Guise stop using phones. Dsy habe bonnet on dem xd look how Sup Forums I am guise accept me

Yep i wear it, i think its pretty unlikely to damage the device since its pretty solid. Ita light enough too that its easy to forget that youre actually wearing it.

anyone help me find my perfect wrist tech?

>under 200
>tells time
>swim proof
>vibrate notifications/wake up

>long battery life

Fossil Reveler Q no autism required

Yeah I use the app with my original Mi Band. What features does it have for the Mi Band 2?