"touchbar" on new MacBook Pros

>"touchbar" on new MacBook Pros

Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea?

Martin Hajek, apparently.

The Lenovo touchbar was a train wreck, will be interesting to see if Applel does a better job

>Using a macbook
>Using a calendar system that records and sends data to Apple
>that fucking unchanged dock
>Using your real pic for messenger
>Using Spotify
Yup, total pleb

all me

Am I the only one who thinks this is great?

Now that the only decent Apple product is getting ruined, this will only cement the idea that Apple products are for normie casuals.

>macbook "pro"

Anyone who buys a 15-inch macbook pro these days has to be a normie casual - how can anyone pay that much for a laptop with a 2.2ghz processor and Intel iris shit.

Looks cool but not very useful. I'm not sure what problem it's trying to solve.
You could have just said >using imessage. I don't know why anyone would lock themselves to an OS-specific messenger.

This was absolutely terrible to use, inb4 applel now gets all the praise for how innovative and revolutionary that is

Obligatory response

I hate Apple but this isn't so bad, if it works like a normal touchscreen and is fully customizable.

2bh it's still one of the only 15" with real quad core and decent build quality

only comparable with XPS 15 (which has shit keyboard and is even more expensive) and Thinkpad P50 (which is decent but too thick)

Yeah but giving up your function keys for this? fuck that

Really? Looking for a new laptop at and was looking at MSI and Asus / ROG, but I don't know how bad their build quality is. (It's hard to find a beefy laptop without ending up with a gamer laptop these days.)

>OS-specific messenger
Um no, it can be used cross-platform on macOS AND iOS (both iPhone and iPad).

Wait wtf I didn't even notice the F keys were gone, that's fucking retarded.


nice bait

Is this confirmed or just a speculation?

The dimmer looks as if there's only two options whereas any other laptop gives the user complete control of how bright or dim they want the screen.

Macfags can't touch type, so why not? They already have the worst keyboards.

Can I get a source on the calendar claim?

No idea what you're referring to because on the mockup there isn't even a screen dimmer and on regular MBPs (sold today) there are like 20 dim levels

>it's a Sup Forums wrongly predicts an apple failure again episode

Apple owns the OS and can fully integrate the bar with it, unlike Lenovo.

Probably an autistic way of saying "it saves your calendar in iCloud (if you enable the respective option) so you can have it sync between your computer and your phone automatically"

Given that applel controls the os, they can build in more functionality than Lenovo, who had to rely on Microshaft.

That being said, It's not going to be a jout to lose that f-key row.

Further, I find the idea of the butterfly revolting.

So glad I upgraded to the mid-2015 a couple months ago. Maybe they'll come to their senses or improve this by the next time I need to upgrade. If not, there are other manufacturers.

Shame, really, my experience with apple devices has been really good.

I sincerely hope they will keep selling the 2015 models if the redesign really turns out to be this (or it's just a bullshit rumor like so many already)


why u so pathetic, niggers?

The ROG laptops are good, two of my friends have them and they haven't had issues. Keyboards are nice too.

jout=joy, apologies

That's a fan-made speculation, see and for a more realistic idea of what it will be.

>MSI and Asus / ROG
I'm not all about looks, but these laptops simply look pathetic

It would be physically embarassing for me to take something like this out in public as opposed to a thinkpad, macbook or Dell

but I guess ymmv

Learn to speak english or go back to africa, chimp.

Same here. Really liked OS X and the MacBooks I had so far, but it looks like they are slowly fucking up both. Have to look for other manufacturers and Linux then.

It looks like a slider. I don't there's an in between option.

Go back, Ivan

Screencaping this whole thread. Will be fun to see the reactions when the bar becomes standard in all laptops.

Yes, Linux is much better than OS X as everybody knows! Have fun with it ;)

I actually had one of those for a while - what a godawful satanic abomination that was.
Luckily it was a work laptop so I didn't pay a dime for that piece of crap.

Pretty sure that's a volume slider for Spotify and Dim Sum is a chink artist

1. that's a volume slider
2. how do you get the idea that there are only 2 options? looks like every shitty touch screen slider ever (with lots of positions in between)

There are some hilarious ones, but plenty of them are unremarkable, appearance-wise.

It's not a slider it's a song progress bar you flaming retards.
If it would have e-ink it could be pretty rad methinks.

>Yes, Linux is much better than OS X as everybody knows! Have fun with it ;)
That's really not what I want to say, obviously. I am still using OS X, but the way it slowly goes to shit is worrisome. My MacBook is just a year old, so I will keep using it for at least another three years. Let's see how OS X and macs look after that time, but it sure doesn't look good.

>function keys
>on a laptop

Why tho?

olol sorry I am mac illiterate

Still far better than Linux.

>I don't know a thing
>but we're talking about macs so you're a faggot for knowing it
I guess you're right

>can't read
>takes words out of context
>doesn't have common sense

>hurr durr it's Mac shit so I can't comprehend it

so apple designs its hardware for plebs who look at their keyboard all the time?

This could be very cool, depending on what developers do with it.
Why not put this panel above existing function keys though? I use them a lot on my MBP as they're very convenient.


Chicklet keyboards and flat keycaps are everything that you shouldn't do if you want to type efficiently. Also fucking low travel so it can fit in an enveloppe (?!?!?).

Hold the fucking phone.
If this allowed me to control my music player without actually opening it on my screen, then it's fucking 10/10

what are keyboard shortcuts

One more useless key combination that I have to memorize, which can conflict with other software using the same shortcut.
At least last time I checked.

You literally don't know you retard. Stop being so fucking defensive.

yes looking at the keyboard is better
stay pleb macfag

macbooks and other laptops already have function keys, for play, skip, volume, etc.

>waaaaah I can't move my eyes a milimeter down because I have to keep looking AT. THE. SCREEEEEEEEEEN!
I've never even held an Apple product in my hand.

Oh. My laptop only has system volume buttons, but not player volume or anything else music-related. I didn't know Macs have those.

I know because I was tired of OS X too and I tried Linux. Holy shit it's like night and day, it's literally impossible for Linux to even being near the quality of OS X on the desktop.

After that I stopped being "tired" of OS X.

Spotify is good.

The difference is, I use Linux at work every day, and it's not like night and day. The only things I'm missing are Photoshop and Illustrator. Gimp and inkscape are fucking terrible alternatives. There are many things that are annoying on OS X that are nice as fuck on Linux, i.e. dependency issues when compiling software.

Funny how you guys don't think Applel will do the touchbar right for once, OLED display which will give really low light off when it shows black. Force Touch enabled, so there won't be incorrect presses. Fully integrated with the OS so you don't need third party software to have it function the way you want it to.

It would be great if it was something like that. Then they can get rid of the dedicated menubar all together and finally not have a shit window manager that can't autofocus windows.

>Oh. My laptop only has system volume buttons, but not player volume or anything else music-related. I didn't know Macs have those.
The volume buttons are for system volume, the player buttons (previous, next, pause/play) are also for the system, audio players can use the built in APIs to listen to these buttons.

>You could have just said >using imessage. I don't know why anyone would lock themselves to an OS-specific messenger.
iMessage still can use a Jabber account, it can also send and receive text messages if you have an iPhone.

Apple's stole the idea of a tablet and made it successful. Apple stole the idea of a smartphone and made it successful.

They actually are "innovative" because they steal ideas and make them successful in the market.

>inb4 applel now gets all the praise for how innovative and revolutionary that is

Apple will actually do it right because they also make the OS that they put on their laptops unlike Lenovo.

Elementary OS is literally what Mac OS should have been. No distracting menus.

>Treating a mark-up concept by an independent artist as reality

I think the whole idea is stupid, but I think someof you are forgetting this is a mockup by someone outside of apple.

It's not an official release of what we'll see.


fuck off

>Apple will actually do it right because they also make the OS that they put on their laptops unlike Lenovo.
Why don't laptop manufacturers ever ship a custom linux distro with their notebooks? Would it be good or as terrible as android bloat?

Not the guy you were replying to, but I think the point is that past experience is not indicative of suture experience.

In 3-4 years, Linux might be like the MacOS of today, and MacOS could be much better, or much worse.

It's hard to predict technology 3-4 years out, hence the fact that you really don't know Linux will still be lagging behind in 4 years.

Probable, yes, but who knows.

It all depends on the execution and given Apples recent record with perfecting old ideas, be it tablets or fingerprint readers, it will be probably pretty neat.

I don't use half of the keys it will replace regularly and being able to put the stuff you want there should speed up the work flow.

I would love to get a ThinkPad or Latitude with that, since I love da clitmouse with Linux.

You *Can* get a Dell Precision or XPS with Ubuntu installed.


Damn, my typing is shit today.

he thinks that you need them for keyboard shortcuts on a mac

Apple computers are for retards, and retards love gimmicks like this. I though this was firmly established

Is it bad that I find this unironically neat?

Then again, yet another layer of drivers and software and bloatware and abstraction and layers to perform a basic function.

Still, I can't help but feel like I seen this or something very similar to this before. OLED key caps I think?


wow, who would guess that apple store workers use apple products!

This. My work laptop has one and it's fucking terrible. So unresponsive.

>I don't know why anyone would lock themselves to an OS-specific messenger.
Because it's better.

They usually do :^)

Why would it be that? Why would any company try to implement anything like that anymore? Are you stupid?

What did he mean by this?


they won't
but they don't have to, their users will love it no matter what

8/10 bait

>mfw I have a macbook at work and most of my coworkers have thinkpads with those bullshit function keys

I fear having to upgrade


>uses ThinkPads for serious work
>uses MacBooks to watch videos of launches and landings


They don't use ThinkPads anymore, they switched to HP and the only reason they were using either was due the improved radiation shielding. Due it being not necessary on the ground, they use superior hardware there.

Now that you learned a bit, feel free to go back to Sup Forums

And for Photoshop and illustrator, WINE works charmingly. I am terrified of apples wonkiness lately too, in el Crapitan email still breaks randomly for crying out loud (current year?!??) And they are making fucking watches. Also I have MacBook 12 "butterfly" keyboard and it is fucking HORRIBLE.

Well if they actually make it werk why shouldn't they receive praise?

Why don't they make the touchpad a screen and use it for notifications. Like an embedded phone screen.

Because that would be fucking annoying on many levels.

This will be a nice update. You forgot that Apple don't need to support millions of devices but only their current lines of Macbooks. They also create their own OS and with that said all the apps that will run on MacOS will be supported. I dig it.

But this is a poormens board for neets without jobs if you seriously want to discuss this hit hardware forum.

the patrician and qt don't. everyone else looks 3rd world tier (india, sweden, scotland)

kek, I can't imagine needing function keys instead of using intelligent 2 key combinations to do anything on my computer.

Why would you play video games out of your home?
I prefer to play my games on my home because I can put attention on the story of the game and is more comfortable to play on my couch with a big screen while with a laptop is embarassing to carry on a fat, heavy and ugly design laptop.