He doesn't code in LaTeX

>He doesn't code in LaTeX

i write all my documents in notepad, i have never experienced any problems. all these faggots just want their special snowflake shit pieces of paper when it all looks the same in the end.

I keep my file sizes small so Word works better as your graph confirms.

I do, but you really have no choice in the field I work.

I don't really get the whole obsession over LaTeX though. It's good, it really is, but if you look at the quality of the average publication made in LaTeX it's fucking laughable.

>he doesn't use nano

but I do

LaTeX is unironically a fucking mess for anything but the most basic tasks, yet it's the best thing we have today

>implying the first two dashes of Word doesn't cover 95% of people's uses or requirements
>implying you're not in that 95%
>learn latex anyway, thus be less efficient, but at least you're not "one of da normsheepz!!"

Why do you compare editors with a markup language?

Only trolls use word to write anything other than documents.

What exactly do you mean by the quality of the average publication?
Are you talking about the content or something that has anything to do with latex?
Because publications must follow the standard of the journal, there shouldn't be much variation between papers.
For the most part, latex is easier.

Emacs/Vim has nothing to do with document formats, wtf.

I too make up charts for lulz

I just use the best of both worlds, LyX.

what are you talking about?
The hard part of latex is to install it and build the first document.
Once you have done that, you are at the intersection of word and latex.

And for your 95% remark you pulled out of your ass, who gives a shit?
Most documents doesn't need more than a couple of section titles, text and pictures.
Doing that in latex is just as easy.
In the new iterations of word, the hotkeys doesn't even make sense, and I wonder how young people even find them as the meaning was removed 10 years ago.

95% of people covers lots of third worlders eating dirt without internet access. If you're writing a thesis in STEM you're already using Latex. That's not such an insane requirement for college-educated people.

This, it's basically only still alive because it is the only free renderer for formulas.
As for modern, multi-target type setting it's a mess.

how does LaTeX look so fresh and so clean?

Because Knuth

Does it? Computer Modern is an awful font honestly.

>Not writing your source code for LaTeX in vim.

It literally takes 10 minutes to insert a pic and make all references and shit work. Most of the time it's not worth the hassle.

Word fucks up all the time. Disappearing references, fucking annoying spell check that doesn't remember settings, image formatting that drives people insane,... Never have any of those issues with latex; that shit just werkz.

Found the manager.

Then use another one. I default to DIN

10 minutes?
I know some people type slow, but damn.
If you have trouble typing, there is a lot of ways you can get help.
I love to use snippets, but you can also use menus like you would in word if that is your thing.

As for captions and references, that doesn't take more time either, you still have to write sentences.

Once you have it working the way you want it, then it's faster. Spending hours and hours looking up templates and tutorials and shit and it's still shit.

I had a lot of problem when the pics and captions wouldn't show up where I wanted (I know, this is the point of latex, it jyst werkz), but when the pics just accumulate and are places 3 pages later then where you wanted it to be, it's fucking frustrating to fix it.

if you want a page with nothing but pictures, throw in a clearpage.
Otherwise, latex will try to mix text and floats.

So if you don't have any text and a lot of pictures, images will show later than when you put it in the text.

But do you think this takes 10 minutes to write?
In figure \ref{example}, it can be seen that you are a faggot.

\caption{Yes. I think that you are a faggot}

I think it's easily fixed by using \begin{figure}[H] or something

Palatino is literally sex

Aren't you using shortcuts for inserting stuff? Being either TeX or Word.

>>He doesn't code in LaTeX
> The Emacs/Vim line is added via some paint program nullifying the whole fucking point
Really entices one to ponder, OP

>he codes in notepad

If you had used Microsoft© Word®™, it would have corrected that for you.

LaTeX isn't a text editor, you moron.

>he fell for the word processor meme

neither is word.

getting shit done: Word
pretty professional layouting: InDesign
AuTiSm: LaTeX

I thought InDesign used Latex in the background, basically just cutting out the coding aspects of it.

That's LyX, and probably a bunch of others.

>write my docs in org-mode
>export them to whatever I want (including LaTeX)
>org source files are just plain text

>he couldn't figure out vi

>he doesn't use I'm-so-retarded-that-I-need-keyboard-shortcuts-listed-on-my-terminal-at-all-times editor
Nano is only acceptable when you haven't learnt a proper text editor yet.

>using a "lets code like it's the 80's since my autism doesn't let me move on" text editor

When will this meme end? Watching people with decades of experience coding in emacs or vim is more painful than watching senior citizens typing emails by searching and peaking.

Very few people benefit from using terminal editor, everyone else just wastes so much time wrestling with it.

Fucking this, org-mode is all you need

Everyone's first time sucks dude.

This. Since I've discovered emacs and org-mode I've gotten to like it very much.

LaTeX is a lot of effort. Probably even more effort than emacs. Plus, emacs has a lot of funny things like the eww browser and whatnot that just make it a pretty useful program to have overall.

Writing lab-reports in latex was pretty damn time consuming to format. Nevermind the content.

>>he couldn't figure out vi
Didn't have the time to waste.