/mkg/ - rustled jimmies edition

/mkg/ - rustled jimmies edition

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Supreme meme aside, is there any reason to avoid this?


Very overpriced, awful caps, meme manchild website & company.

Also, why the fuck is this an "Artisan" keycap? Good luck getting good support with these children.

I just thought the idea of the switches being removable without tools or voiding a warranty was neat.

You should avoid it because you can get a new full size buckling spring keyboard for $50 less, which will have better switches and better caps.

its a gimmick

This thing is so quiet holy shit. Becoming one with cup rubber feels good.

What sort of pointer devices do people here use?

muh Ducky

My qfr

did you just change the keycaps on NT? I found upstroke noise incredibly annoying.

Ducky one Blue over black for the win


I ordered a barebones NT and stuck on some PBTs. Upstroke is definitely noticable but noise-wise overall, it's an improvement over the MX Browns I had before. Stabilized keys are a bit rattly, but they're less noisy than unlubed Costars.

Hi friends, I've been using vintage Apple mechs for a few years, but I want to get an MX compatible ~60% board. I'm used to the heavy tactile feel of alps switches and I want to get a cheap ass new board, so I don't know what to do. I'm looking at the MagicForce 68 with either Outemu blacks or browns, or the Royal Kludge with blues. I don't love blues, but it is a true 60%. Any recommendations? I know there's a few alps users here who might have some ideas.

I had browns before too. Can't really compare cherry and topre, but NT felt good for me only after i silenced and lubed everything i could.

Pok3r with MX Clear.

Recently picked up an Adesso EasyTouch 635 open box and pretty beat up from Microcenter for $45. Everything works great, and I'm totally fine wit the fact that the keys are knock off Cherry's and not official Cherry Blue's. However, I HATE the keycaps. The font is atrocious and I can barely read some of the numbers.

Anyone have experience with Adesso's knock off switches and know whether I can use caps made for cherry switches on this? I'd like to order some normal looking keycaps, nothing super weird/fancy.

>muh full rgb lighting
>replaceable switches
I want something where I can change out the switches and keycaps for custom ones at the least loss, similar to the zhuque
Is this worth looking at?

left control key isnt working. literally the most important fucking key

only had this ducky keyboard for like a year and took care of it well. its clean, tried rstarting and reinstalling and whatnot. this left control key just stopped working out of nowhere for no reason.


Where can I buy harambe button?

Any good deals on keycaps lately? I really need to replace the ones on my magicforce they got dirty and shiny in like 2 months.

I have lots of ducky keyboards where i live, and i'm having trouble picking one.
these are the options:

shine 4 - green/red switches
shine 5- red/blue/black/brown switches
year of the goat edition - black/red/brown
zero - red switches
legend - blue switches

anyway i really want a year of the goat edition, but i will never get red/black switches and browns sound good on paper but i read that its not that good.
what do?

What's the difference? amazon.com/Storm-QuickFire-Rapid-Tenkeyless-Mechanical/dp/B007VDKLLM


>rustled jimmies
What is this, 2012 Sup Forums cancer? Kill yourself

Want arrgeebees? Shine 5.

Want greens? Shine 4.

Don't care for RGB and want a fuckoff thick metal top plate? Legend.

Why are you so angry? It's just a unique-looking keycap. No need to get upset. He wasn't even using it as a joke.

reposting from last thread:

is there any keyboard that looks exactly like this? keycap shape, mechanical springs and everything?

lol mate i'm gonna do it again next time too

Yeah, the one on the Apple IIe

Learn to use thread subjects so I can filter your shit you fucking newfag

Anyone been doing any /diy/ lately?

Been planning to put new LEDs in my Ducky Shine 3, kinda wanna go the SIP socket route to make it easier to switch them out in the future but that'd add a ton of work.

i don't care about leds, i'd prefer my keyboard without it, but the year of the goat looks so good.
legend has only blue switches, and I don't want my keys to be too loud.

are brown switches really that bad?

I actually like my browns because they're fairly quiet and quite light, but you may want something a bit heavier and/or more tactile (in which case, try to find clears).

If you like the YOTG's looks, check out the One. It's the same case but available with no backlighting and with no limited edition markup.

>are brown switches really that bad?

They're the shittiest switch that cherry has to offer.

My first keyboard was a FILCO with blue switches, still use it now. I don't like rice or LEDs because they never look good. Is there any moving up from here in terms of upgrades to the keyboard? Thinking about maybe getting some plain looking PBT caps. I know topre exists but I don't want another keyboard

Doubt anyone remembers but I was the guy with the custom trs-80 model 100 keyboard a month or 2 back and unfortunately it started acting up so I got this. Loving it so far and have a royal glam wood frame ordered for it

You could put in different switches, or just replace the keycaps. That's about as much as you can do with your specifications.

I remember you. White SKCM alps, right? I remember you were going to hook it up to a teensy? What went wrong?

shittier than reds/blacks?
also blues or greens?
i don't want too much noise from the keyboard, are greens my only option?

chill bro, you can still filter without a subject line

>shittier than reds/blacks?
Browns feel like reds with dirt in them. They're supposed to be tactile, but they barely are, and when you start typing with any kind of speed on them, they start feeling linear. Except for that tiny tactile bump, hence reds with dirt.

If you want something that's properly tactile and not noisy as shit, get clears.
Greens and blues are both clicky switches, they're the last thing you should be looking at if you want a quiet keyboard.

Looking for a suggestion on what to buy. Budget is cheapest one you can find. I live in Europe. Preferred switch type is black. ANSI layout. Form factor 100% or 80%. Don't care for LEDs, and my last keyboard is a random office keyboard I've used for like 10 years.

Motospeed inflictor from Aliexpress

Quickfire XT or Quickfire Rapid from coolermaster if you want a proper keyboard.

>What went wrong?
I did hook it up and program it with a teensy and it worked flawlessly for a good while but suddenly every time I boot my computer I would have to unplug it and plug it back in to get it to work. My troubleshooting led me to believe it was the teensy that needed to be replaced but I didn't want to put any more time or money into working on it. It was nice while it lasted though

Seems kike the prices between the CM and the knock-off one is about 5 to 10 bucka so I'm probably going to get a CM. What's the difference between the TK and the Rapid?

Does anyone make keyboards designed for people with fat fingers? I'm asking for a friend.


Someone should do some beige keycaps with brown modifiers. I'd love a !Noctua keyboard.

The quickfire rapid is from a good OEM (costar) and has a standard layout.

The quickfire TK has sub-par build quality and has a non-standard as fuck bottom row. Don't buy it. I got mine from a friend for cheap and recently put gateron blacks in it (see ), and it's quite ok for what it is, but I wouldn't pay more than fifty bucks for this.

Bit gay lad.

ASK is the closest in layout. M0110 is closest in caps.


>steam logo
why do you advertise a scummy company for free?

i've never understood willingly putting company's logos on things for nothing

>repairing a keyboard I broke when repairing it (at least the key I was repairing back then works now)
>have to check the whole matrix to find out what's wrong
>find out which of 18 columns and which of 8 rows fits each key
>every fucking key

Maybe I should just hook it up to that Arduino I got for 3$.

Just cut up the PCB and handwire it

trust me

Opened up my I-500 to see if I could change the switches, have little to no idea what I'm doing.
Looks like the PCB is held to the faceplate by these rivets. They appear on the faceplate and under the board, and they don't act as a screw.
Tried the paperclip method to open up a switch from up top, but it didn't work (most likely my fault). I'm gonna consult my friend who's used those 60% TKL super ghost phantom gamer korea (south) diy kits, he has the tools to open this shit up.
I have a theory that the Tomoko/Topop/EasternTimes I-500 can be a sub-40USD customizable TKL board. If you can replace the switches, this thing might have potential.
inb4 sideways image

made in taiwan user

>he fell for the mechanical meme

next time when you buy something expensive, make sure it isn't manufactured in a third world shithole

>GE Healthcare Unicomp Model M
>Dated 04/09/2014
...should I?

Looking at getting a poker iii but why is the lettering colored differently on this board? Its like a brownish color compared to the white lettering on other versions.

Preparing for it. I still have a lot of time until I get my switches so now I'm making various projects to use them in. Planning to make a super comfy ergo keyboard (I'm kinda stuck at the moment as I don't know how to connect thumb area to the rest of backplate), a flat fairly portable one (pic related) and maybe a small macro board / numpad since I have 3 Arduinos to use (and a lot of switches coming). I only hope that cutting and bending the sheets won't be too expensive. Could use one of the Arduinos to fix my Zalman though (and make it support NKRO).

As for the pic related, I wonder if I should add 1x2 keys in the corners or just leave it since that place is a little uncomfy to press anyway. I suppose it won't hurt to have more keys.

Those keycaps are garbage and fade quickly. Get the vp3 from wasd keyboards. It's the same exact keyboard with good custom keycaps for only ~$20 more

I know you

Unless you need it for a collection of some kind, no.


Thanks user


Thx u my man.

I mean, if it works like a normal Unicomp, I'd totally get it. I just need to know, though, I don't wanna waste money on something that can only be used on a piece of medical equipment.

So I have £90 to basically splurge on a new keyboard and mouse. Thought i'd ask you guys for a bit of help. Now i'm a huge tech philistine but i'd like a nice lux mechanical keyboard because I constantly drop stuff and have a bad habit of spending no money on peripherals which leads to me break everything I own.
Now I have £90 but I'd rather not spend all of it unless it's totally worth it so keep that in mind
Up to £90 but pref cheaper
>Location (continent at least)
L O N D O N (UK)
>Preferred switch type
Not really fussed but silent would be nice, soft as well
>Form factor
I'd like music controls on my keyboard so one hundred percent would be good (My number one and kue buttons are broken on my laptop keyboard kek)
Might be cool if it's not distracting
>Previous/current keyboards
I use £5 keyboards no joke

A Unicomp Ultra Classic 103 key black/grey costs only ~$100.

Where do you know me from?

Holy shit user we're twins.

Also; dye-sub or double shot? Thinking about white key caps if that makes a difference

anyone willing to tell me?

Doubleshot if you're getting ABS

Dyesubbed if you're getting PBT

Are you blind? They're two different keyboards.

(Quickfire TK is a piece of shit, don't buy it)

One's backlit and has the numpad...

where can i get those keycaps?

Would it be possible to fit the diode (not LED, the ones in the matrix) in the cherry switch? I'm gonna hand-wire a keyboard and want to reduce the clutter.

don't listen to him, the wasd keyboard sucks and so do their shitty custom keycaps. just get the poker and a set of vortex PBT caps. it'll be beter in the long run.

Thats what I initially though, but some people on reddit are saying that they are not the same somehow, I'll just get the red one I guess.

is that the novatouch? how do you like it? should i get this instead of the hhkb or the realforce?

wait dude. are you sure you want red switches? you can get it with other switches.

Whats the difference in the board then?

The way you phrase it makes you look like a troll, but I'll bite.

Recommend me one.

you can program the poker 3, it has a better and more sturdy case made, it has backlighting if thats your thing, and it has dip switches. i'm pretty sure the v3 has none of that.

>£150 / $200 / €170
>UK / Europe
>Ideally reds because I play games and i've never tried anything else
>Full keyboad with num pad and F keys - no macro keys or at least kept to a minimum. Media keys and volume control are essential. Corsair style is ideal.
>Backlight would need to be blue or be able to be blue (to fit in with existing setup.
>currently using corsair K90

well have you put any research into switches? my favorite are the blues, they're clicky and you can feel feed back when you type, the reds dont give you any feedback at all, but if you wanna play a lot of fps games and dont really care how it feels i guess go for the reds or browns.

What? Is this not a poker 3?


Yeah it's the Novatouch. I did the mod suggested in this video:

I just bought silicone and some leather hole punches. The reason I did this was because I really liked the sound of the HHKB Type S but couldn't justify the price and I like my arrow keys. I liked how clean the NT was and the price but the sound wasn't exactly right. I heard the landing pad mod reduced the tactile feedback of the switch but I enjoyed the sound after it. I ran across this guy in some random video suggesting to bypass the landing pads and do it yourself with the silicone. It's an extremely pleasant sound. And the rattle from the keys are gone.

This keyboard is good for keycaps as well as it's clean and the cherry hybrid switch allows for a ton of options. I'd go OEM profile though, and as another guy suggested, dyesub or double-shot.

But reviews on the realforce are legit. I don't think you could go wrong with that board either.

Yes, I did research them, and honestly dislike blue's because of how loud they are, and I am mostly using it for gaming.

Preferably I would of gone with browns, but reds are fine.

Clears are pretty nice if you're really concerned about noise.

reminder that ISO is pretty gay

ITT: Inbred hipsters.

What's gay about it? I can't live without the 105th key, it's so useful that I literally have shift bound to dual-purpose on ANSI keyboards (it functions as both a modifier and as a key)

HHKB is love. HHKB is life.

So does everyone with a keyboard without arrow keys just use vim all day?

if only ISO layouts were sensibly designed :^

if you want a small keyboard you would probably want an hhkb
of no then a realforce

they came with the keyboard from wasdkeyboards

I wanna buy one of the b.face 2 keyboards badly, but i can't solder (nor do i have the shit i need) and i don't have the kind of money to have them make it. How can i sell my body to make the money?

Get a j o b.


gonna get a b87 when i start my cushy job in september. i'd honestly prefer the layout of the b.mini but the extra row looks hideous imo. i don't want my keyboard to be a square, and that approaches square.