Has Apple ever invented anything?

Has Apple ever invented anything?

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Has Microsoft ever invented anything?



Have YOU ever invented anything

they invented the gui and the smartphone.
as much as I hate apple, there's no denying the facts.
you can stay delusional if you want, as long as it keeps you from giving apple a single dime

Xerox did that before Apple.
Symbian exists.

> They invented the gui and the smartphone

No, Douglas Engelbart invented the GUI, Xerox parc developed a gui that, on the surface, is akin to the guis we're used to today. Then, one day Steve Jobs decided to visit Xerox parc, took their ideas, and commercialized a watered-down version of Parc's gui ideals.

Don't know about the smartphone tho

Global menu bar

I can't think of anything.
But one can't deny that they sort of "re"invented a lot of stuff.

Portable MP3 players weren't a really big hit before iPods.
Smartphones with touchscreens weren't popular before the iPhone.
All-in-ones hardly existed before the iMac.

>d commercialized a watered-down version of Parc's gui ideals.
Sounds more like a pointless jab than any sort of fact.

Hes actually correct , apple didn't invented a gui on a smartphone , hell they didn't even created the first smart phone. A chink company did that in the 90s and then,they took there idea.

Pretty much this. I can't think of anything Apple produced that wasn't just unveiled in a much more obscured product that failed to capture the public's attention. Apple's only real feat is marketing.

Apple yes, Steve Jobs no.

Are you claiming Apple was even close to having the first smartphone? There were at least dozens of smartphones before the iPhone came out.

When the iPhone came out it didn't even allow third party applications. Steve Jobs said web apps were enough.

>used a Nokia running Symbian for ages
>finally get a smartphone
>pretty much no difference apart from now I have to use a shitty touch screen instead of actual buttons

Not gonna lie, the jump was really underwhelming.

Please reread, i said they DIDN'T created the first smartphone

iphone, ipad, imac

list goes on


How is that the slightest bit relevant?

No shit, but you were acting like they had one of the first

How was i acting? I said mid 90s, iphone didn't comeout till 2007

>no apps
Also, just to trigger you. Reminder that SJ was a retarded wanker.

Stop talking to me, retard.

Sir do you wanna talk about your feelings

Is any of the Open Source software original?

Have anybody invented anything??

Who is palm.

Is Apple supposed to be some sort of invention company or something? They are a manufacturer of consumer electronics. Why do they need to "invent" things?

They invented multi monitor desktop.

Good joke.

Like all apple fags do when they can't make a proper apple shill thread without a pointless jab in every post to every other company.

Nobody uses full screen mode anyways.


>nobody uses fullscreen
>defending apple's failure
unbelievable level of autism
truly, a new world record

They invented the apple logo

Check mate!

Tax evasion schemes

> I can't do it so I don't need it
the macfag, everyone

no jobs was a hippie faggot stealing others ideas

>Has Apple ever invented anything?
Many little things. Features. Mechanisms. Production processes.

Apple II may not have been the first complete computer on the market, but it was among the first, and offered a compelling value proposition because of Woz's inventiveness in designing it for affordable production.

Likewise, the Mac was the first really complete, ready-for-prime-time GUI. Many gaps had to be filled in the earlier efforts, and ways found to make the capabilities fit in an affordable machine.

Apple hasn't invented a damned thing.