I3 in 2016

>i3 in 2016
Why do poorfags even live?

>an i3 beats the shit out of most amd cpus at half the price
thats why

Wtf I hate i3 now

>still use an i3 I bought in 2011
>can run most games maxed out
Why upgrade?

i3s are pretty much fine for most shit though, great budget option

epIc baitoru memE BRUh xDDDDDDD

>using any other window manager

>xfce in 2016
Why do gtkfags even live?

cos I'm not a gaymer

I thought about getting a skylake i3 for mini itx build. why not? less power still does same shit and can be oc'd

now everyone needs a fucking i7 with 3 1080 video cards. rocking sandy bridge on laptop righ tnow and pretty much loads everything quick

delete this.
who do you think you are

I plan on buying an i3-6320 in the next few weeks. It has insane single thread performance which is more important to me than multicore performance.

at least its not a celeron atom or pentium

this bait is great af desu senpai xDD

bentium g3258 @ 4.3GHz reporting

>not still using a Phenom II

I have an AMD 8350. I can't find any reason I would need a more powerful CPU. Power consumption maybe would be pretty cool, but I doubt I would buy a brand new skylake or whatever the top of the line CPU is when I go to buy a new CPU.

Fucking shills. I'd prefer an ivy bridge or haswell over sandy bridge though. I love my X220 but fuck it puts out a lot of heat.

It's just a marketing term, there are i3's faster than i5's and even early i7's.

>AMD anything in 2016
It's like poorfags want to die in a fire.

Difference in power consumption between 32nm Sandy and 22nm Ivy (or Haswell) is neglible. Haswell runs at lower frequencies, but it doesnt matter shit.
They all ran at very low voltages with lower frequencies (from desktop chips, for example, 2500k@stock runs as low as 1.00V vcore).

you need i7 to run mineswapper


you fell for the 'higher numbers are better' meme