XP64 shilling

Windows XP 64-bit is objectively the greatest OS ever made.

People love to use the word objectively to try and justify their non existent argument.

Enjoy your driver problems.

No, it's fucking not. Lacks massive compatibility per many applications.

nope that's windows vista, but nowadays yes everything isn't made for windows xp.

XP x64 had way more compatibility issues than vista.


It's Microsoft's best OS to date that's for sure.

I couldn't install Sandboxie in XP 64bit

Worked fine with 32bit.

Same with a number of games and applications I either tried to run or install...

Major letdown.

check my Windows 10

itt children who know nothing about operating system security. XP was a trainwreck.

7 is the new XP

you take that back, you fucking whore

7 is cuter tho


>based on Server 2003
Wow, it's fucking nothing! If it's so great, I'd like to see you running it.

just use vista x64 mate.

Terrible bait. XP 64-bit was a fucking disaster and nobody used it for production roles. Like "fuck my shit up senpai" meme companies, maybe they tried it.

Actually, that's Windows 10 LTSB N

Windows 2000 is the greatest OS ever made
>based on the same WinNT foundation as XP
>simple yet elegant UI, looks professional and stylish unlike XP's fisher-price theme and the bloated Aero in Vista/7

>>Windows XP 64-bit is objectively the greatest OS ever made.

Windows XP 64-bit is objectively the greatest WINDOWS OS ever made.

Yes, that's correct mate

No it can cause a lot of issues without media player

>world would've been a better place if Microsoft didn't ditch xenix
Why is it okay that only windows has its retarded newlines?

Windows 95 is best OS cuz aesthetics

This. Back when Microsoft made separate workstation OSes. Now the "workstation" OS comes with Candy Crush preinstalled and doesn't allow you to turn off the automatic updates or the integrated antivirus.

Even AMD has more drivers than xp64

That's not true. There's literally a codec pack made for N type operating systems to eliminate all of the problems you might encounter.

AMD is an operating system?

Yeah but the whole point of N is that those features are taken out of it, what's the point of installing it then instead of regular LTSB?

Because it means you have an option other than reformatting and reinstalling if you actually do need those media features for some very specific reason. I haven't encountered that reason, have you?

a.k.a Windows 2003 R2 X64 Lite

It's literally server2003 without the server features

No I'm on regular Pro version right now, I've just been researching whether I should install LTSB or LTSB N and trying them in VM

>when you realize XP 64-bit Edition is not XP x64 Edition

Well, I think my reasoning is sound for preferring LTSB N over regular LTSB. If you need the non-N features you can just install them.

If only it had drivers.


Doesn't it have fragmentation issues?

Fuck outta here with your rose-tinted nostalgia glasses. That thing was a piece of shit and was a huge reason why I dreaded having to do work on my PC at home rather than on the Macs at school.

It didn't start getting good until Windows 7.

It uses ntfs


Windows 7 does the same and doesn't even fragment 5% of the drive in 2 years.