So which one is the most FUCKING stable ?

so which one is the most FUCKING stable ?

Safari. If some page crashes it'll reload just that page.

None of them are Fucking anything let alone Fucking a stable. What stables do you Fuck op?


I just use Firefox on GNU/Linux, Safari on Mac, Chrome on Windows, and the default Android browser that comes with CM13 on my phone.

I like stables that use oak wood but I heard bamboo stables are the best.

I use Opera and never crashed or did any thing weird for me. It's one of the better Linux browsers imo

Geckoes > Webkits > Blinks > Tridents/Edge


Chrome pages have been randomly crashing for me. Kind of annoying.

Is there any other browser apart from Firefox which offers such an extensive selection of extensions?

By standards they are all trash.

Firefox ESR.

Firefox Nightly just werks for me.

Since when have you become Firefox lovers?

Chrome has been flashing red when watching multiple flash players, had to switch to canary and its garbage too.

We haven't. It's just Chrome's so obviously the answer that nobody's bothering to post it, so the delusional freetard browser fanboys are free to pile up.

I like young mares, mind you.


Chrome has a Task for every tab, so that is not a point.
>inb4 so much ram
Get more you poorfag niggers

What the fuck do you mean? I haven't had any browser crash since fucking netscape navigator. I don't even remember that crashing.

You use firefox, don't you?

is lightning good?

firefox is slow as fuck, holy shit, absolute cancer



Slimjet 64bit
Best browser

chrome is the only legit answer

Gello. Or if it's an older phone, Android Browser (I think). Gello is pretty sweet IMO.

Nightly anything is an awful suggestion when looking for stability.

Why is Firefox slow as fuck on my arch install?

is this a meme browser or is it actually worth using? it seems cute

Opera if you want a chrome with no ads
Firefox if you want to have better customization