Remember this

Remember this.

Other urls found in this thread:

No way that's real.

>adblock is extortion on par with ransomware

Is this real life?

Remember what? If it's a private website they can ban you if they want. You have no right to their bandwidth.

>tfw am wanted by Interpol now

>adblock is extortion on par with ransomware
Yeah, keeping your pc hostage by encrypt all your documents and forcing you to pay is the same thing as blocking "how to enlarge your penis by 2km, find out here how to kill yourself" ads

Newfag here care to explain?

HaaH WaaW

This is just stupid enough to work.
If those anti-adblock cunts started putting "BLOCKING ADS IS A FELONY UNDER USC $whatever" dumbshits would actually turn off their adblockers.

What website?

>Blocking packets from entering your PC, a form of security, is comparable to a breach of security.
Lel no

>We are small boutique IT and development shop based in Victoria, BC in Canada.

>go outside
>some disgusting old dude flashes you
>close your eyes and look away
>wtf you can't do that that's extortion
>get arrested

Doesn't block my ublock kek


>Not using uBlock Origin and uMatrix

>ore some other adblocking software
You probably don't want to use that website anyway if they can't spell a two letter word correctly.

>using adblock

ads only make my life easier

>blocking ads is a crime

didn't mean to quote you

I got banned and I don't even have any adblock installed wtf

I think that site is just the one that gets displayed to the ones who are banned.

And they have no right to force me to see their ads either.

>Geocities closed on October 26, 2009 thanks to ad blocking. They used to be a popular free web host for a large number of users. Now its long gone for good.That is what adblokers have done.

done, there goes their shit

I went to both of these sites, Christ. No wonder they're so butthurt about adblockers. The sites are nothing but shitty rehashed slog pasted next to Amazon ads. Literally nobody would re-visit their sites internationally, it's just a SEOed page of ads to trick people using google.

sorry but my browser doesn't support images

Reported for attempted fraud through willful misinformation

>they literally do

Although it's obviously not illegal to use an adblocker.


I am subscribed to every possible anti-anti-adblock list on uBlock origin yet I still get this page ...

More like the bottom fell out of the lucrative "click to win a free iPod" and "amazing free ninja spycam" markets.

They are not forcing you, Did ads magically showed up on your browser? They are just telling you to fuck of if you use ad blocker and that's their right.

If they're not forcing me, then it should be okay if I view their site without ads.

I'll stop adblocking when sites take responsibility for malware injected into their ads.

You have the option to not view the website, therefore they aren't forcing anything you fucking tool

Not the guy above, but personally I just say good riddance to any site that blocks blockers. I haven't been on Forbes in months

>mfw the admins go to the Police/Interpol and get laughed out of the station for trying to report adblock users for extortion

>If they're not forcing me, then it should be okay if I view their site without ads.

You must be one of those fags who think they can go to any place and say anything they want, and if then the owner kicks you for something you said you think that's censorship and an attack on your freedom of speech. What you need is a safespace and to donate more money to Bernie queer.

not clicking

>Block scripts
>Anti-adblock goes away
>Site still works

Checkmate, atheists.

If I agree to not use adblocker, are they going to make ads less intrusive? Because the reason adblockers exist is because ads were getting intrusive and malicious, not because people didn't want to support websites.

>he didn't use adblock plus in 2009 already

wtf I hate the Interpol now

It wasn't that popular back then.

>Extortion is a law and Interpol does investigate

who does they think they are, dropping truth bombs like that.

>on par with ransomware
Nigga what?

You are getting the page you loaded?
who could of though!!

>could of
Are you are nigger?

I'm an attack helicopter.

>adblock is extortion
>not requesting ads is extortion
u wot


This website sounds it is staffed by a bunch of greasy 13 year olds. It's hilariously bad.

If you want to have people giving revenue and those people don't want ads, why not offer REASONABLY PRICED alternatives.

The amount of money you get off a single user viewing an ad is a fucking joke, I could visit a site 20 times a day for a decade and they wouldn't get a dollar directly from me. So offer a $1 ad-free option for users instead.

Not those sites that expect you to pay $5/month, which is millions of times more than they'd ever get through ads on that user.

Yet again I hope these sites die. If they can't afford to run, fuck off.

The internet existed just fine without ads back in the day without the self-entitlement of these jews.

it literally costs $60 a year or so to run a low-medium traffic website

>it literally costs $60 a year or so to run a low-medium traffic website

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Holy fuck, it costs double that to basic security like SSL for a year.



>what is letsencrypt
SSL certs are the biggest pyramid scheme ever invented
>pay your first born every year just so your website can have a green lock

Yeah user, someone will really wanna sniff the user/pass to your underground kyrgyz amputee fetish imageboard

cucked by cucks

This is exactly why ad blocking is a good thing.
Retarded site owners who are wasting money on shit they don't know how to do properly will be forced to either be economical or shut down and let someone competent replace their site with more efficiency.

If you think you need to run ads to recoup the cost of your $100 scam cert instead of just getting a cert that isn't way overpriced, you shouldn't be running a site.

>adblock = taking away my revenue
>taking my revenue = ransom
>ransomware = extortion
>extortion = serious crime

That's some feminist-tier mental gymnastics right there.

Wow amazing! That private website owns Ineterpol!

I do not agree with the statement in red but there's literally nothing wrong in that image.

>being this retarded

Brave new world.

You're right, and it's ultimately their loss.

It's their fault for not adopting a change or die attitude when much of their user base has. The vast majority of people are sick and tired of advertisements and would rather find a usable alternative without the ads than the same product with the ads.

If they want to die, that's their choice.


No, but it's the equivalent of saying "before you can buy our product, you must submerge your head for 10 seconds in a barrel of toxic waste".

>You must be one of those fags who think they can go to any place and say anything they want, and if then the owner kicks you for something you said you think that's censorship and an attack on your freedom of speech.
That's more of an alt-right thing, not something Bernie supporters would say.

>make site
>no ads
>add non invasive donation button
>if the site is good get more revenue from donations than from 000.1 cent per click malware trash
