NVIDIA GTX 1080 Mobility GPU - 20% Faster Than The Titan X




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Isn't the 1080M just a 1080 with an underclock?

designated poo in loo forums

It's got to be more than just underclock. That sounds slow and hot as shit.

Looks like I'll be buying my first gaming laptop (1060m not 1080m). Playing muh games in the hotel is going to be so comfy.


Release when?

>1920x1080 screen
>1080m SLI

Yeah I'm sure this is a real product and not something some retard through together in mspaint

>gaming laptop


gaming laptops are usually overpriced pieces of shit

The mobile 1070 has more CUDA cores than the desktop version. Cucked again.

Well some of us have to leave home sometimes for days on end and would like to still pursue our hobby of pc gaming in our free time.

>Chad thundercock with his gaymen laptop will have more graphical performance than my watercooled 60lb last gen flagship

Average AMDFAGS:

>b-b-but who care of the temp, the power draw and the perf per watt

They are BTFO, where is mobile Poolaris? :^)

1060m will be slightly faster than a desktop 970. Does that mean I'll be able to put a laptop in a backpack and do untethered VR with a Vive or something?

Wait... What? Really? It's it just meme paper performance brought down to levels of 750ti caused by thermal throttling or are those new mobile chipsets actually cool?

better AMD Fag than an nvidia shill, how are you doing with your 3.5 gigs of vram?

What? Even the 980m is faster than the GTX 970...

Where did the cores go to?

Yeah, 20% faster for the whole 2 minutes until the battery drains

>*GeForce GTX 970M and 980M do not meet the minimum requirements

You'll need the 1060 or greater according to Nvidia to be VR Ready TM

>play with the battery

wew lad

fun fact, cores are in RAM

I don't think I've ever used a laptop on battery.


Mobile high-end cards sound like jet engines anyway.

>wanting to own a gaymen laptop

Back to Sup Forums, kid.

Games are a legitimate form of entertainment!

I need a gpu on my computer no matter what so fuck off.


I have been waiting for this day for years. If we can get near gtx 970 performance for the price of the current gen gtx 960m/35w Skylake laptops($800) 1080p gaming will finally be a reality on reasonably sized and priced laptops. I'm so happy

They'll probably gouge us on price for even 1060 models.

nvidia shield running no man's sky


Ain't that the truth. I guess we will wait and see. Maybe amd will do something cool with their Polaris die. I'd settle for a cutdown 470 as long ad it's as butchered as the 460 is. Bit of a amd fanboy anyway since I had such good experiences with my 4850 and 6970

>intel igpu


Shit was never in my poorfag reach to begin with. 1060 was a good contender, but my OCed MSI 470 basically matches it for $170. Would have gladly grabbed the non SC single fan evga 1060 that came up for $220, but at the same timd it was also the literally worst cooler for that card. Whereas the msi shroud is massively over engineered for the 470. Shit is essentially silent at load.

Top end, Nvidia is definitely the way to go though.

Oh, just noticed you said mobile. Well ignore me. Price to performance will probably still apply though.

who is this shill posting

"THANK YOU BASED NVIDIA" since march or may, it's like his shitty tagline it doesn't even make sense and he doesn't reply

fuck you fucking advertisement fuck behind 5 vpns


You must be new

If your on vacation you should enjoy it faggot, stay home if your gonna be playing games in your hotel like a retard.

amd arch is soo shitty they can't make it mobile. too inefficient. it's just a cheap turd for poor people

thank you based nvidia wasn't here 5 years ago it doesn't mean bollocks except the shill army mingles with the fanboys, it's just this first new thread poster "thank you based nvidia" it's not even a meme or pasta it's a plain advertisement - there's nothing to be oldfagging about this shit

you don't see advertisements on any other board

>he think it's the same guy

someone should make one geared toward vr with no screen, a ventilated backpack and hot swapable batteries.

Sup Forums is becoming nvidia shill central

Yeah sure as you say so mean2hile let me play gta 5 high in 1080p in my MSI laptop hooked onto a tv :*:*

lol What a piece of shit.

>muh hbm
>muh polaris

Hell No.

Well they do objectively have the best GPUs on the market, AMD really need to step up their game so we're not left with an uncompetitive market, both with GPUs and CPUs.

So it's about 15% slower than a desktop 1080?

I think Sup Forums is the worst board on this entire site.
When he says he has to leave home for days on end it means he travels for work you idiot.
My father was in sales all through my childhood and he bought himself all kinds of portable media devices because get this shitnick; even the coolest cities get old after you have been 15 times in one year for work.

Fuck off my parents decided to go on vacation not me

you have to be 18 or older to post here

>log on to Sup Forums 3 times a day for 7 days
>count AMD threads vs Nvidia threads
>Amd: 329 Nvidia: 48

fuck right off.

>amd is shit nowadays
>le shills

i really wouldn't even call these gpus mobile. there is nothing mobile about them.

150 watt tdp? rofl. no wonder why its nearly as fast as a regular 1080.

just get a freakin desktop. oh you want to move around? then use a laptop as its meant to be, a mobile device.

with this thing at most you might get 30 minutes of battery life with a brick attached underneath. maybe an hour or so if it down clocks hard when unplugged.

laptops with this thing are going to be loud and big since it has a 150 watt tdp.

nearly 80% of those amd threads are amd hate threads started by nvidia shills.

there are very little pro amd threads on /g. and even the few pro ones that prop up quickly get taken over by nvidia shills and turned into amd hate threads.

its been like this since 2012.

same thing going on with /pol with correct the record has been going on with /g for over four years now.

fuck right off 80% of those are

>look at mah new 480 470 460 4whogivesashit.


>mah dx12 look at ashes.

>nvidia shills actually believe this

A, great, just what I want. A GPU for my mobile work station that draws three times the power of the rest of the system, both under load and at idle.

I know I have the space for an extended battery and a backup pack somewhere in my case...

>i've been waiting for this day for years. If we can get near P4EE performance for the price of the current gen PentiumM/45w laptops VM development and multi-userspace work will finally be a reality on reasonably sized and priced laptops.

>I've been waiting for this day for years. If we can get near 9800XT performance for the price of current gen Mobility Quadro laptops content creation on the go will finally be a reality on reasonably sized and priced laptops

Repeat ad nauseum. Wanna know how I know you're under 20?

you know the watercoolers just so it wont spontaneously combust, right?

Does anyone have the picture with the 2 indian guys with the caption that he left intel and AMD is his new friend?

he left nvidia*

nigga get a desktop then

AMD vs Nvidia is no longer just " Do I like the color red or green better" like it was a few years ago or "do I want no drivers or hourseifres". After Maxwell Nvidia just left AMD in the fucking dust with no chance to recover.

I like Nvidia because of Shadowplay, AMD will never learn.

the saddest part here is that amd cards are perfectly capable
they're just fucking up on the software side like they always do

I will do exactly the same thing for AT LEAST half the price better with a simple tower near the TV