
Holy f, what an ugly chick.

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not technology

Divya Nag knew technology could make a difference in health care. So she founded two groundbreaking medical companies by the time she was 20 years old. Then she brought that start-up spirit to Apple and began investigating how our products could do two things: improve medical research and deliver personalized health care.

She interviewed doctors, patients, and professors about their experiences with medical studies. She spotted three key hurdles: Participation numbers were low. Tests were conducted infrequently. And patients often had to guess at their answers. Divya realized that if there were medical research apps for iPhone — the powerful technology millions of people always have with them — researchers could make discoveries on a much larger scale. She worked with engineers and developers to build, test, and launch the open source framework ResearchKit.

Shortly after ResearchKit, Divya and her team created CareKit. It helps patients record accurate data, track symptoms, and share the information with their doctors.

would fuck



If you don't like diversity the only approved OS is TempleOS.

you need to get your eyes checked

she's clearly a qt3.14

For Americans, maybe.
Edith is ok.

white people are disgusting anyway

thank god

diversity for the sake of diversity is retarded.


they feature several white people, even white males. you don't see google doing that.


Now everyone has swallowed the diversity pill, I can finally create a diverse technology startup filled with traps wearing kneesocks without everyone thinking i'm weird.

Diversity is pure virtue signaling cancer in society. Its bring nothing but unrest with it. A diverse society is a violent crime ridden society.

>our master are disgusting
kk jamal go back to church praying for your shitty god.


Just come out with it and say "less whiteys, especially men". Who cares if they built the nation you're trying to shove them out of? Fuck 'em, right?





Ah yes, Google. Promoter of strong white men.




what the hell are you posting

was for

>apple is sjw cuck
>apple zealots will defend this Pajeet girl with an asymmetrical face
baka desu senpai :^)

what is the proper term for a Pajeet girl?


>he wouldn't jump at the chance to fuck an unattractive female


>browsing Sup Forums
>not being ridiculously horny from a lack of social interaction and emotional affection

>hiring people for anything other than the value they bring to the company

We fucked up as a society.

indian girls are definitely sexy.

if you need proof, just go here:

This is so disgusting. They treat people in China like slaves but hurr look at how diverse we are. And all these hipster liberals will eat it up.

Oy vey.

>implying diversity is bad

yeah, fuck apple and their anti-asian stance

oh wait

Diversity shouldn't be measured in N(non-white)/N(all). They should use some statistic to determine how likely it is that the distribution of people in a company is randomly chosen from the distribution of people in the country. At least that would make sense (every company would fail though).

Apple does not directly employ their slaves.

What's there to discuss? Isn't this Sup Forums material?

This only affects you if you are applying for a job at Apple, in which case you could just not apply for a job at apple if you don't like their policy.

We get it, nobody likes it when a company hires people due to their sexual or racial characteristics rather than technical ability. Nobody is disputing that, you're preaching to the choir or trying to stir up racist or sexist sentiment.

So can I get a job at Apple solely because of my skin color?

the ceo is gay, so maybe your foreskin color

Let's code!

Bah. There's a much better example of diversity in the tech industry already: Microsoft hiring shit-tons of Indian H1Bs.

The results of that:

- Windows Vista and above
- GDI+ and the the bad parts of .NET
- Visual Studio after 6.0
- The bad parts of SQL Server

Basically everything they touch is bloated and buggy.

If you cast your feeble minds back to say the years 1990 to 2000, Microsoft software was arguably MUCH better quality-wise AND lineup-wise:
- NT
- Flight Sim, Encarta, Empires, etc.
- Windows 9x : not a bad compromise between DOS and NT. Really. Think about the technical challenges of integrating 16-bit and 32-bit programs.
- The GDI driver model. Linux, BSD and OS/2 were so far behind they weren't even in the running for 2D graphics performance. This might be an overlooked fact, but the snappy performance of Microsoft solutions at the time was quite a large driver of ISV software sales and the truly ubiquitous adoption across business and home platforms that really solidified their pseudo-monopoly.

It's quite bad how they boast that an increasing percentage of new hires are minorities and women. This is a death knell for an already dead company: Their obligations to diversity prevent them from hiring candidates by merit alone. They can no longer choose the best engineers. Suppose the best were solely white men one year, then they would only hire a portion of those desirable candidates and fill the other spots with less desirable engineers. This gives an edge to non-american, non-diverse companies since they CAN be autonomous in their hiring and firing.


1 and 2 were my shit back in the day.. Rise of Nations at one point later, too.

I've heard of starcraft (never played it despite the fame; I probably should), but are there any similar games like those?

did you prefer the laser guy cheat or the car cheat?

be honest


The car, obviously. I didn't even know it was a thing, until one day a friend of my dad's decided to show me that.

it blew my fucking mind

Sauce on pic?

WWDC 2016

white people are underrepresented.


>hire minorities to make devices for white people

>everyone who's not white is black

>We hire based on skin color and ethnicity!
How is this not some form of profiling or reverse racism?

Ask Sup Forums

It's literally just a token effort to appease liberals. They're still going to be a predominantly white male company, because white males are still the predominant demographic of the tech industry.

Actual diversity isn't going to come from the top, no matter how much lip service these companies pay to the idea. It has to start from the bottom.

>reverse racism
That is a non-word. That is like saying reverse-slavery, it's either slavery or it isn't slavery.

Fuck off, Huffington Post. It does exist.

qt status: confirmed

This makes perfect business sense.

Apple panders to their core demographics, tech illiterate SJWs. Of course they value this over shipping good products; it's also much cheaper.


Delete this

There's nothing wrong with reflecting a country's demographics into its companies' employee demographics. Over-representation is negative, but minorities and women are currently under-represented as compared by their population in the USA. It's not about removing white males from areas of power, but reaching an equilibrium in which neither whites and males nor non-whites and females are over or under-represented. Why else would someone oppose this but for the sake of blind racism and xenophobia?




Are you fucking dumb? The reverse racism your referring to is just regular racism, against white in favor of muh diversity

>Gender is more than just black females


>One Infinite Loo.
top kek

Fuck, meany diversity, not gender

>meanwhile at apple

Is it just me or americans tend to cover all "whites" (germans, poles, italians, swedes, finns, greeks, jews, serbs, russians, brits, frenchmen, spaniards and SO much more) under a blanket term called "white"? Having a diverse "white" company is a possible feat by itself.

don't forget sikhs, according to Sup Forums they are honorary whites due to the fact they hate muslims with a passion

The term you're looking for is positive discrimination.

Americans seem to think about mostly black and white. Their whole approach to "diversity" is pretty weird.

Actually illegal in my own country


For who/


americans suck

Of the 'slaves' could get a better job then why dont they leave


her face is too big for her head and that nose is ridiculous

she is objectively ugly

she isn't ugly in any sense of the word.

you're saying you wouldn't have sex with her? because i would.