Did it live up to the hype?

Did it live up to the hype?


recent exploit cucked this phone either way



absolutely not

This will be my next phone once it goes down to 300€.

It paved way for new BB droids, so yes

Which is why it receives security updates and patches them out.

Depends on who you are. It sucks for me since I can't root it, but if I had to distribute Android phones for my company, I'd pick the Priv. It's also a great phone for normies.

I'm planning on picking up Priv in near future to upgrade from my classic. Should I get DTEK50 instead?

Will the phone be too old (in terms of specs) in a year?

How are the specs? Can it run gaymes? Does the BB bloatware slow it down too much?

If the keyboard didn't end up being a low-tier feeling bendy piece of shit, it could have been great.

Using it right now. It's okay, but was a major upgrade from my previous phone.

I never bought one nor I will because I can't root it. But yes the specs are clearly enough for games. That said there are barely any games for Android (or iOS for that matter) that are worth shit and require a lot of power to run.

Ah, another tech product praised by g which did not lived up to it and then g autists suddenly did not talk about it anymore, just like zenfone shilling

>lets make a phone for power users!
>but make it unrootable lol

It's far from perfect but it's a huge step in the right direction, let's hope BB keeps it's shit together. Here hoping for another re-release of the classic with Android.

I'm not following Blackberry those days, but what have they done to the phone as to make it unrootable?

Afaik, there is no rooting guide on xda, rumors say that you need to do a hardmod for root,

bb is the apple of androids

The keyboard should have been horizontal, and 5 rows. Not this tiny vertical bullshit.


>tfw in the entire timeline of android phones none have had a better keyboard than the original

I'd pay unspeakable amounts for a modern Nexus with a keyboard like that.

Typing on this phone as we speak, I love the thing.

Why do you want real buttons on your phone?

>slides down
>now your phone can break easier and is less sturdy
>more things to break
>keyboard isn't even more efficient
>increased thumb tendonitis and shit

The only thing touch screen is superior for is smart phones. Let this shit die out already.

>I've never typed anything longer than a tweet and have never SSH'd or typed an email on a phone.

>keyboard isn't even more efficient
Speak for yourself.


Because it's too difficult to connect an external keyboard. If you're going to use a keyboard that small, might as well use the on screen one, it's even better for your fingers to tap or swipe instead of pressing tiny keys.

You would know if you hadn't bought a $1000 phone to shitpost on Reddit.

He's full of shit.

Passport is the way to go

Whatsapp support ends this year.

You can swipe on BlackBerry keybaords

It won't stop working, though. Updates will stop. And if you want the latest version of it, then .apk works just fine.

I've got the PRIV and passport.
Passport definitely has a better keyboard, but not enough app support.

Is this phone worth $200? On the fence about it

There are cheaper and better Androids out there, unless you want a physical keyboard.

Can you use it without updating though?

Anyways imo the Passport is too big. The Classic has the perfect size but that screen is too small again. If only they made a Classic slider.

For 200$ that's actually pretty hard to beat, with 3gb of Ram and a snapdragon 808

Can you name any of note


Yeah, if you can pick one up for that much its totally worth it.


Is that on contract?

How long does the battery last? Honestly I think the Phone looks pretty good, even if you don't use the built-in keyboard.

Haven't used a physical keyboard in a long time but I'm pretty sick to shit of touchscreen keyboards, I might want to try before I buy
Off contract, not new. I would think I just need to change the battery if needed and it should be good as new.

I've got one, battery lasts me a day and a half easy with moderate use.

Hiptops are dead.

It doesn't help that nuMicrosoft shit the bed with the Kin.

That's not a hiptop, it's the Google G1 / HTC Dream. First Android phone released to the public.

How in the hell? I have one of these, and the screen being on drains the battery like fucking crazy. I'll get maaaybe 16 hours, less if I actually do anything on it.

>The inclusion of a physical keyboard was intentional, as Android developers recognized users did not like the idea of a virtual keyboard as they lacked the physical feedback that makes hardware keyboards useful.
Where have these days gone?

Checked for truth.

And because applel convinced normies that fingers on glass is superior.

Jesus, I don't know why yours drains so fast.
Although, my "moderate use" probably means a lot less action than yours does.

The original "first Android phone" was supposed to be a BlackBerry-like device, but the release of the iPhone caused Google to make the G1 with a touchscreen and slide-out keyboard.

Literally who?

>Can you use it without updating though?
It should be usable, unless WhatsApp does a duck move of pulling API for it. And if they do, then .apk files run on BB10 OS quite well, so you can always use that. I am not sure, though, if WhatsApp through .apk will have a Hub integration, though, like it does now.

The Priv battery life is slightly above an average Android phone. It's is not terrible, but it is hardly impressive. It will get you through the day with regular use. If you are a heavy user, then you will have to charge it mid-day.

TL;DR Battery life is decent, but not superb.

lol what does this even mean

Top end of last year is comparable to midrange of this year.

The question is basically do you want a physical keyboard?
