>RCMP uses VLC


What is that?


Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Canada's version of the FBI.

>impyling I give a fuck what some retarded leaf faggots use


>implying we give a fuck what some faggot anonymous stranger gives a fuck about

Well if the FBI was also the regular police on top of that. They do pretty much everything law enforcement wise.

>implying they know shit about technology

>when lincuks uses vlc

In fact they technically aren't police at all, they're technically part of the British army and are sworn allegiance to the queen and not Canada.


You clearly do or else you wouldn't have made this thread.

i have a serious question.

Why does mpv look like ass on my system, cause blockyness in all the dark images and overall have a greyer black level?

whenever i use vlc it looks alot better, i just have to deal with it freaking the fuck out once in a while

>RCMP uses horses

camel fags BTFO


Its for show, like the big furry hats on the palace guard in the uk.

This sounds made up but I don't know enough about rcmp to argue.

Is this real?

Completely. Their storage server got "corrupted" and when it came back on they tried to preview some footage. Not sure if it was really still corrupt or if VLC was fucking with them.


I'm pretty sure this is just regular VLC behaviour.

Fix your color profile.

Funny how only Ontario and Quebec have provincial police forces.

fuckin kek


>somebody somebody Canada fbi
Literally who


I'm sure it's exaggerated, but VLC really does have frequent artifacts. It's truly awful.

0 artifacts here, fuccboi. Artifacts only happen when you have a shitty HDD, and even then you can fix it by simply adjusting the default file caching size in the settings.

>best media player of all time
pick two and only two