Be an admin of """"your"""" OS

>be an admin of """"your"""" OS
>can't delete a file because it's in use by a program
>doesn't even tell you what program is using it
>can't force delete it
>it's just sitting there and you can't do shit about it

Nice fucking OS you got there wincucks

Great thread, OP, you're really raising the quality of discourse on this board.

>own a house
>technically you don't but suspend disbelief for a moment
>you can either clean it all up weekly or hire a dumb mexican to do it or you
>people are lazy and choose the mexican
>people who aren't lazy look at the mexican an wonder how people live lole that


and it just works both ways

>classmate asks me to make his craptop faster if possible
>can I install gahnoo plus loomix for you?
>he comes to me later in the same day with a popup onscreen that says he doesn't have permission to turn off the computer

Sometimes shit is better.

Only reason he wouldn't have permission is if he WASN'T root. So he wasn't given admin of his OS.

more fun things
>install linux subsystem
>open bash
>touch /mnt/c/NUL

>install unlocker
>right click
>press unlock
>kill processes using the selected file/folder

>Only reason he wouldn't have permission is if he WASN'T root.
What sort of idiot runs as root?

running as root gives a 10% performance increase since it bypasses all privilege checks

>winfags have to install 3rd party software to achieve even the most basic functionality
Top kek

>you have to install something to add functionality or customisation
No shit

>have to install 3rd party software filled with crapware to do a simple task
wew lad

You only get the unlocker extension, what are you on about?

>open installer

are all Linux users this autistic?

>actually unironically using winPOO
How new are you?

>People on Sup Forums unironically use Windows 10

If Linux is so much better how come I don't like it?

It's funny because Linux is full of options but when they see options on Windows they spaz out like they don't know what to do.

>want to unmount a partition
>can't do that bae! :^)
>you cd'd to /mnt in shell!
Nice going freetards.

>>it's just sitting there and you can't do shit about it

You have to fucking reboot the computer, or run it safe mode to delete programs like that. It's tedious as fuck.

Better less retard analogy
>own home
>Can't dig hole bigger than X
>can't cut down trees.
>cant fuck with cable coming in
Why do people love in America? Why not just live on a deserted island where you can do all these things!?!?
Also your friends retarded. There is probably a root command to shut down.

Just use procexp to find the handle for the file and remove it. Takes literally 5 seconds. Git gud lincuck. Alternatelu you can code something to do just that for fun quite easily.

you can --force it but that wouldn't be very cash money of you

>running as root gives a 10% performance increase since it bypasses all privilege checks

or find the process holding the handle in process explorer?

>having to install anything to achieve such basic functionality
Who am I kidding, of course a winfag will try to justify this

>you're suggested to install a program, with the option to say no
>hurr durr this installs bloat
Are you 8 years old? You don't have to click ok/accept on every screen you see.
The fact is you will rarely need to be told which program uses the file you're trying to delete, if you don't know what's using your file then you're an idiot. Installing 3rd party software isn't always bad. And as if you don't need to completely tweak and install some additional software to make any Linux distro functional.
>complaining about 3rd party software having to be installed on a board where majority of users use steam for games

Just reboot. Chances are that you'll have to some time in the next 20 mins, so why not?

>be an admin of """"your"""" OS
>stopped reading right there

It's not your OS, you stupid fucking person.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

>this much of a master-slave mentlaity


KenM, is that you?

> 2016
> Power user on windows and aren't using sys internal suite
> unaware of process explorer, a MS utility that will fucking tell you what is locking your file

that is some Louis KEK stuff