Tell me one (1) reason to use GNU/Linux now, your imaginary "freedom" doesn't count.
Tell me one (1) reason to use GNU/Linux now, your imaginary "freedom" doesn't count
for a cute desktop
It's lightweight.
Package managers, full open source OS, drivers in kernel, full custizatipn, god tier ext4 and no defrag bullshit, secure, no malware (if you catch some you are incredibly stupid), choice, no Candy Crush and bullshit like that, it's free so you don't have to pay for it.
Because its fun to do things the hard way.
cygwin's fork() is painfully slow
You'll also have trouble building certain software and you'll have to patch it manually to get it to build. I think libcaca comes to mind, and I never could get compiz to build either.
Virtualization is the correct way to use *NIX tools on Windows, or even Microshaft's new Ubuntu on Windows deal.
cygwin really sucks, you have to recompile everything against its dll and can't run native Linsux binaries.
source: long time cygwin user that eventually got fed up!
Its free
hi jordan!
config files that you can edit in a text editor
for the most part they are found in sane locations, no need to go through 5 gui windows or mess with the fucking registry
also much better compatibility with my [spoiler]macbook[/spoiler]
It works!
You can't do this on Windows
also your setup doesn't allow you to use kvm/qemu or xen, two of the best hypervisors available
Free, faster, safer, more stable, always up to date.
I would say bash, but I guess I can't really say that anymore. If you take out the primary reason, FOSS, then it really does become pointless to me.
Actually you can, but you already knew that and just wanted an excuse to shitpost.
>he doesn't know the joys of being gay
Windows is free if you steal it
Ye freedom is pointless. Fucking faggots who think freedom is important amarite.
Hello desktop thread!
Ask Reddit or something, they'd be able to actually convince you by kindly explaining every single bit to you.
Now stop posting the same thing every single day for fuck's sake. Don't make Sup Forums make your research for you.
"Freedom" is literally the reason GNU/Linux exists, you cuck.
Tell me one reason to use Windows now, but in a world where GNU/Linux has more applications, games, and users.
>your imaginary "freedom"
It's free and unlike Windows / OSX you're given full control over your computer.
These are all pretty good reasons, all of them valid too. seriously consider them, OP. It's also nice to not have to restart my computer fucking ever. I can also use my computer while it installs updates, instead of "please wait while Windows installs updates..." Before you can even log in.
Also: no viruses ever, no need for an antivirus. And my computer actually boots up in less than ten seconds. I log in, and everything is ready. Now with Windows, it takes at least a minute to get to the login screen, and a while for it to actually load the desktop because it has to start all that fucking spyware and telemetry or whatever the fuck it's starting. That's why Windows is always so sluggish for the first few minutes after you log in. None of that shit on Linux.
nice PS1
forgot image
I tried today to update Windows 8.1.... For fucking 7 hours. Tried everything. I had this problem before, even with Windows 7. Windows Update is one of the buggiest things ever. I will wipe that fucker from my laptop tomorrow, I wanted to be a switch to Windows but I can't deal with this shit anymore. I don't want to use outdated and vulnerable shit.
It's free
I legit think it looks pretty alright. I dunno what the + is for, but mine is set up pretty similarly.
I hate having a huge prompt, and you only ever really need the current directory name to remember where you are. You can always pwd for the whole thing.
>do not continue if we are not in a bash shell
linux faggots personifying bash scripts lol
You mean download it? Software piracy isn't a theft.
Windows would be good if I didn't have to reinstall the audio drivers every time I boot the operating system. Linux just werks
For the love of holy cow... Put that bar on the left.
what's this theme op? how did you get it?
Because Microsoft has backdoored windows 10 and has admitted to randomly reading your files, accessing your microphone, or monitoring your typing.
>inb4 nothing to hide
If you think this you're the biggest cuck imaginable.
Omg..better...thanks... Good cow
Because i don't need bloat on my kernel + i like not depend on 1 big Corporation
After this thread I'm gonna make a fuckibg good setup tomorrow. Arch + libre grsec kernel on my laptop and all the security and privacy shit. Windows 8.1 + Arch on my desktop. Can't fucking wait.
>refurbished Windows XP background
Fuck windows indeed!
Fkin freetards can't come up with anything original ever.
Windows took our bash. Comment about that. Is Microsoft a freetard corporation?
>do not continue if we are not in a bash shell
>not just using a #!/usr/bin/env bash shebang
>finally unbanned :)
I'm a Linux developer, it makes the most sense to use Linux.
My Windows computers would always grind to a halt for no visible reason, and take forever to load a browser window or log on or some other innocuous thing. Once you try Linux and get used to a login taking 3 seconds, it's hard to go back.
at least we have an updater that doesn't take 20 hours to update
When you don't have a legal copy of windows laying around and don't want to deal with/risk sketchy keylogger ridden keygens/cracks.
Yeah freedom. Not getting cucked by pajeet is called freedom. Fuck off with your adware OS
I like penguins. They are funny.
Simple. If everything you do can be done in Linux, there's absolutely no reason to use Windows.