
Thinking of buying E-reader so I could study on a go, reading textbooks, review slides all that stuff.
I have never used one so I have no clue what to look at.
I see kindles from Amazon are industry standart, but I'm not willing to spend 60 eurobucks for their cheapest model.

What are some cheap alternatives with best price/quality ratio?

Are they useful overall?
Also can anyone tell me their experiences?

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Had a good thread about them last week.

Basically get the $100 kindle if you just need to read ebook files and nothing else.

But considering you mention slides and textbooks, you will probably have to view graphics/images and pdf files. Ereaders are shit at those things. Seriously, just google 'ereader pdf' or something.

So you're much better off getting a cheap tablet instead.

I would not recommend an e-reader for textbooks. Many textbooks are in pdf format and ereaders suck at rendering pdfs. Ereaders are great for novels and text-only non-fiction.

Get a cheap-o 9.7 inch tablet. You can pick up a used HP Touchpad that will run the lastest android for $40 on fleabay.

>Reading textbook at 768p
I would better burn my eyes with a laser

I disagree that e-readers are bad for PDFs, but only for the higher-tier hardware which is out of your price range. You're better off getting a cheap Chinese tablet with a high resolution. Just a reminder, the base Kindle model is still 600x800.

>Thinking of buying E-reader so I could study on a go, reading textbooks, review slides all that stuff.
E-readers are godsent for novels, types of literature that you read in a purely linear fashion. But have no illusions that it will be comfortable for textbooks. Reading PDFs on e-readers is suboptimal. Reading stuff where you often want to go back or jump forward is horrible.
If you want an e-reader, go ahead, but don't expect it to be a good replacement of computer/tablet for textbooks.

I use an ipad for work/reading on the train, it's fine for marking up stuff/document review.

Heard decent things about the Kindle Fire, but you're probably going to have to spend more than 100 eurobucks to get something with a decent battery life/not a chink megatablet.

This is a little out of date, but relevant.


If you actually indent to read mostly text books (textbooks usually are not mostly text - diagrams, side notes...etc) then get a paperwhite. Can't really beat that as far as quality / $ goes.

If you want something to read textbooks with and review slides (6 pp powerpoint or something) then either buy a netbook or tablet in the same price range. If you want to invest more get something like a surface pro or ipad mini. Both have very nice screens and work well with pointer devices for annotation and navigation.

Kobo Glo HD

Same. Sup Forums seems to be full of neckbeards that don't value comfort or visual quality and just recommend used shit with awful screens.
Just buy a Kobo or a kindle.

I'm just making sure we're on the same page, but you know that e-ink screens usually aren't much better than resolution, if they even get to that at all right?

A touchpad like user recommended would be a little lacking, but something like a nexus 7 2013 just blows a kindle out of the water unless you're only desire it to read trade paperbacks.

What is ppi
What is eye strain from a fucking led screen.

>reading textbooks, review slides

Don't bother, e-readers horrible for anything but pure text. Also even if I have to resort to my kobo glo, I usually have to bust the epub open to darken the images so they don't look washed out.

This. I had the original Kindle and currently use Kindle touch. I though I can download books from piratebay and just read it on Kindle but no... most of the files will come in PDF which Kindle treats like a photo so you cannot adjust the font and you would have to zoom in everytime and once you move to next page it would go back to original resolution . Anything with images is just shit

I wouldn't recommend an e-reader. I have a pretty decent one but I barely use it, because most of the time I forget it at home and wind up using my phone instead. Its allways on me, epubs scale pretty good on mobile devices and with an oled 4k screen it doesn't give me eyecancer. I read most textbooks on my laptop but for a quick look up the phone is fine too. If your phonescreen is kinda shitty and you are ok with having to carry an extra device on you every time you want to read on the go, get yourself one. If you only read at home, get one too. If you plan on only reading textbooks, don't get an ebookreader. they are not meant for this.

>most of the files will come in PDF which Kindle treats like a photo so you cannot adjust the font
You can adjust the contrast. You can't adjust fonts, but you can't even fucking do that on most mobile PDF readers.

>you would have to zoom in everytime
Your Kindle screen is 600x800. The Paperwhite appears to be 768x1024, and the Voyage is 1072x1440. The Paperwhite has a similar resolution to the bottom-of-the-barrel cheapo tablets including the current Fire, and the Voyage has a higher resolution than even the Kindle DX. Combine that with the automatic zoom that crops out margins, and it's not a bad experience. This goes for Kobos too.

>epubs scale pretty good on mobile devices and with an oled 4k screen it doesn't give me eyecancer
Regardless of your resolution (you really have a Z5 Premium?), your physical size is lower. 5.5" with 16:9 vs the Kindle's 4:3 at 6" results in about the same height but the Kindle is wider. Considering that your phone's PDF reader probably resizes to fit the aspect ratio, you either strain your eyes or zoom in to scroll around while on the Kindle your aspect ratio is more compatible and you're more likely to see the entire page at once. Who's got eye-cancer now?

So here's the actual hierarchy of things considering PDF reading experience:
Great High DPI Tablet > Cheapo Tablet = decent e-reader > Base Kindle/anything 600x800
An e-reader is at least equal to a cheapo tablet, because you don't have to scroll around and the battery life is amazing. Your cheapo tablet won't be skipping around pages as fast as you think because its cheap CPU can't keep up with page rendering speed.

Of course I expect that you as a consumer can make your own decisions based on what you need because you don't just buy shit randomly, but I just want to put forward that the tablet PDF meme isn't 100% bulletproof.

itt: plebs

don't buy an eReader right now, the Kobo Aura One (pic related) is coming out very soon. it's a 7.8" reader by Kobo (aka the best eReader make for freetards and people who aren't complete normies). it has a flush screen, 300 dpi, is waterproof, and will be the largest practical eInk reader on the market.

if 7.8" is not large enough to comfortably view pdfs in portrait it's surely large enough to view pdfs in landscape (my 6.8" reader is large enough for that)

forgot pic

All else is shit in comparison.

dude is a fucking ereader, the 2012 original paperwhite is just fine.

you would think that, until you actually use one.
the difference between a 7.8" and a 6" is gigantic when it comes to reading PDFs or manga.
plus stock Kindle firmware is trash.

>muh vaporware
keep dreaming kid


The Good e-Reader 13.3

I don't know about now but a few months ago for a Kindle 4 for $30. It was in almost perfect condition.

new Kobo coming out soon


i can afford it *shrug*

Kindle Paperwhite

The Kindle fire's fucking 50 bucks for a full on tablet. Just get that shit

The Kindle Fire also fucking sucks.

Get an iPad. There's literally nothing in the world better for reading PDFs. Pro if you value making annotations, Air 2 otherwise. You can get a good brand-new Air 2 for $300 now.

Any good websites for downloading textbooks?

more like Kindle Paperweight


Price/quality = Paperwhite.

I've got Paperwhite 2nd gen, it works amazing. Strong battery, amazing screen (like the name suggests), it's small and light so I take it everywhere I go.

>60 euros too expensive
>get a 300 eurobux device that doesn't even have E-ink

OP your best bet is a used device, a kobo or kindle.
Lean on the kobo since expandable storage, better format support, and no amazon botnet.

pick something with high screen redraw rate. usual workflow with textbooks is searching for stuff in them and jumping around, and you'll need things to be fast for that purpose.

if you just want to read books for hobby, you can pick whatever that has a decent display.

>~6" device
>for PDFs

Holy shit, that is a bad idea. And this is coming from someone who tried PDFs on both a Kindle Keyboard and a Kobo Aura HD. The experience is *terrible*. I wouldn't recommend it as a daily driver to my worst enemy.

Seriously. You want something responsive, standardized, long-lived, and with a full-color display. The iPad is the best choice.

>but you know that e-ink screens usually aren't much better than resolution, if they even get to that at all right?
>what is the Aura HD

came here to say this.
will probably be getting one for muh mango.

The InkPad by PocketBook has been on the market for literally 2 years or so.

>1600x1200 pixels
>capacitive touchscreen

As a matter of fact, they're releasing the InkPad 2 with better display or something soon.

Don't buy the Kobo shit, and don't believe Kobo shills.

Also link: pocketbook-int.com/us/products/pocketbook-inkpad

>inb4 hurr durr, it must be chinese, I'm a true patriotic murican
The company is located is Switzerland.

For textbooks I'd get a Thinkpad or Dell with touchscreen.

Also video: youtube.com/watch?v=rsJizVAMpDQ

interesting, didn't know about this one.

>Kobo shills
still better than Amazon shills though.

Buy a kindle fire hd

lel it doesn't compare
> Carta vs Pearl
> backlight quality
> 350g vs 252g (39% heavier)
> Pocketbook's garbage firmware vs Kobo's goat patchable firmware + KOReader

And what about the fucking price?

supposedly it's 230 Canadian dollars aka 178$, that's less 20$ less than a Voyage and even cheaper when compared to the InkPad when bought new.

are you done with your buyer's remorse-fueled shilling of outdated tech?

get an android tablet, google books is great or amazon kindle has an android app, at least you can do more than read with a tablet,

>study on a go, reading textbooks, review slides all that stuff.

Get a tablet then. eReaders are great for novels where you just read from page 1 to the ending. But for your purposes they are shit (unless the newer models changed significantly I guess. I have a Kindle2)

why does every post that mentions kobo look like a legit shill?

I got one of those old backlit nooks at goodwill for $10

runs rooted android 2.1

Battery lasts forever

pretty comfy but the resolution really sucks for those rare times that I want to read a comic or something

And the price is completely insane.

Also, their fucking website is offline and has been for a while due to "technical problems" fucking idiots.

>their fucking website is offline
It's up and has been up for a while.

what's the best tablet for manga Sup Forums? i was looking at a nexus 9 but im not entirely sure.

What is better for PDF textbooks 8" or 9.7"?
I'm thorn between an iPad mini 2 / Asus ZenPad 8S or an iPad Air 2


is there a sub that talks about books to read? I have one but I don't use it much and I want to make my moneys worth but I don't know what should I read.
I'm a real piece of shit in life so I'd probably start with some self help but reading those on my kobo feels weirf.

9.7 of course

it's even better than the 10.1 ones because the 10.1's are long and skinny instead of resembling a sheet of paper

I swear by my Kindle PW2. After installing KOReader it comfortably fulfills most of my needs in a reader. Some PDFs have to be read horizontally though, which I don't really like but can live with.

To be quite honest, Kindle/Kobo is more about hardware than software if you're willing/capable of jailbreaking yours. In my experience, Kindles feel a little more solid and well-built than Kobos and that's enough for the price difference for me.


Is there some fucking way to rip books from yuzu?

Where are good places to find torrented textbooks?

Those are some pleb as fuck books, user.

I have been using an older Kindle DX with 9.7" screen since their release (one of my favourite purchases ever and I still own 2)
Its great for text but still not good enough for diagrams
I just bought a sony DPTS1 a few days ago
Diagrams are much better but the greys/ or colours shown as grey are still washed out
otherwise I am very happy with it

Not torrents but libgen has a lot of stuff.

I overpaid for my oasis with 3G but I like it a lot more than my old paperwhite, it's fucking based. The aluminum chassis is really nice, makes it easy to take everywhere in my back pocket without any really worries.

So, there is no device with e-ink screen that is decent at reading pdfs?
I don't need a tablet.

Also, are e-readers good for manga too?

Buy em and buy em cheap. Every now and them amazon dumps old models or refurbisheds for 30-40 eurobucks. Even at 60 its a good deal. bought one 5 years ago and its one of my most prized possessions.

Seconding . If you want something and it's not on libgen, you're probably screwed.

>I just bought a sony DPTS1 a few days ago
it looks amazing but quite pricey, shouldn't sony release a new model soon as to drop the price again?

Color e-ink when?