There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think SSDs are a meme

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think SSDs are a meme

An SSD is literally the most cost-effective computer upgrade you can buy.
>b-b-b-but i never reboot my computer!!!
>why do you need fast startups for???
Having a beefy CPU and maxed out RAM slots doesn't mean shit when your spinning rust drive is still being thrashed every time you do anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


I find it hilarious that Sup Forums started talking about SSDs so recently when I've been rocking one for over half a decade now. Literally normie consumer central.


>tfw no new videos from smug SSH loli.

Too bad they aren't good for long term storage

what's the point of having a super fast ssd if you can't even use it to hibernate?

This thread should stop being spouted weekly and just wait for their hdd's to die and then we wouldn't have threads like these

Have a 5 yr old Seagate HDD that still works senpai

No signal that it will break nor I/O errors or similar shit

>he fell for the SSD meme

>tomoko lite
ayy lmao

>I find it hilarious that Sup Forums started talking about CPUs so recently when I've been rocking one for a decade now.

It doesn't make sense to use them for long term storage anyway.

>he literally can't stop installing toolbars

I hibernate my laptop with a SSD every day, zero fucks given and my 256GB Crucial M4 is still going strong just shy of 4 years later.

>SSD's die by using them
>Hard drives live forever using momentum from use

Enjoy your casual consumer tech OP

I've had more hdds fail than ssds and I buy Sandisk.

Modern HDDs will die before modern SSDs will

Why would you be unable to use an SSD for hibernation?

>SSD's die by using them
So do HDDs you moron

The best setup is using an SSD for your /
and an HDD for /home and /var.
Having an SSD for file storage is retarded

I don't like this

I prefer /home to be on the SSD as well, with bulk media behind symlinks (e.g. ~/music -> /path/to/hdd/media/music)

Most of /home is very relevant to application responsiveness, especially dotfiles, cache, state, history, etc.

Been using an SSD for around 3 years now. They're cheap as shit now, why don't people just buy them and try them out if they think they're memes?

I disagree. Most normal applications will only store configuration files in your /home. The extra .5s of boot time is worth the longevity of your SSD.
Obviously there are exceptions, and you can just point them to a directory in your SSD.
I like keeping my /home separate because programs like firecuck like to constantly do writes.
A symlink solution works too though, especially if you keep a fileserver and use sshfs

>The extra .5s of boot time is worth the longevity of your SSD.
The fuck? My SSD has a 10 year warranty, and after 2 years of using it for all of my / (excluding larg bulk media like music, torrents and movies) I still have 99% of the P/E cycles left. You are NOT going to exhaust an SSD's write cycles before replacing it for a better SSD.

By moving things off the SSD for the sake of “longevity” you are literally shooting yourself in the foot for no benefit. Just fucking use an SSD what an SSD is supposed to be used for: Making your system fast

SSDs ARE a meme though.

Then again, I got an overpriced samsung meme ssd

You're both literally retarded. He clearly meant that there's a lot of hullabaloo about the value of SSDs when it's obvious every consumer desktop/laptop should use them for storage.

Please fuck off.

We have. They're memes.

i thought it was supposed to be not good for the ssd.

What's the problem with being a meme?

I never got the memo

Who knows, maybe if you buy some $5 off-brand generic OEM piece of shit?

You need to stop worrying about SSD lifetime if you got your SSD within the last couple of years. You aren't burning it out.

It's an intel 530
Can i get at least 5 years out of this thing?

The 335 here died at 700TB

I'm assuming the 530 is better and will have much higher write endurance. SSD quality increased at a massive pace over the last couple of years.

You could check and compare the rated P/E cycle

700TB is incredible but even that fades in comparison to some modern SSDs. Samsung has some 850 Pros still going strong after 5 PB written to them...

Thanks for the peace of mind folks

Personally I'm sitting at 1% of my drive's rated minimum P/E count consumed after 2 years of using them as a OS drive with no discrimination whatsoever (I didn't turn off caching, I dump shit like youtube videos on it, heck I hit it with a history write every single time I type a command).

Unless yours was used as a very-heavy duty storage backend for a server farm hosting high-volume VMs or something, I honestly wouldn't worry about it.

It's just a regular everyday drive for my OS and files since I'll be dorming for grad school and accessing my fileserver for every little file is pretty stupid.
The most high volume thing I would do on it is play a VN through QEMU or something.

That's because the only thing ever mentioned about them is MUH STARTUP.

That doesn't matter to anyone but the most impatient little faggot though.

If more people got told that they "make opening office programs instant" and that they "greatly reduce the time it takes for games to load up new areas and shit", SSD would 100% be the standard in every computer

Or stuff like opening a new browser window, because that hits the profile like a truck

>chrome thrashes my SSD
>ctrl+t again
>chrome thrashes my SSD again


>He clearly meant that there's a lot of hullabaloo about the value of SSDs when it's obvious every consumer desktop/laptop should use them for storage.
>thinking Sup Forums's retarded SSD shitposting is recent
Please fuck off.

>tomoko lite

>tfw my SSD loads all my games much smoother
>tfw windows boots up in 3 seconds

Hello newfriend. As hard as it is to believe it Sup Forums recommended SSDs when they're still a meme.