Tfw phone is now more powerful than your first windows vista desktop

>tfw phone is now more powerful than your first windows vista desktop

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ever owning a windows machine

>phone is probably now more powerful than your entire 600k city's computers combined at the moment of your birth
Really makes you think

how underage do you need to be for vista to be your first desktop

mine was a Windows ME Compaq

>tfw phone has 32 times more ram than your first custom made pc

>tfw your gayming computer would have been considered a super computer in the mid 90s and before

How sad you need to be to compare your age to the anonymous strangers on the internet to feel better about yourself?

People who were born in 1998 can post here without being underaged

It's sad but true

If you don't include my commodore 64 and amiga 500 I owned in the early 90s I never owned a computer until XP was out for a year or two

It's pretty possible for people to not have owned a computer until Vista and be like 40+ even.

>If you don't include my commodore 64 and amiga 500

Why wouldn't I?

>falling for the Megahertz Myth

First Windows Vista desktop != first Windows desktop

You don't own your mommy's work computer, even if you spend all day playing emulated pokemon on it

I don't think you know what a super computer is...

of course I do silly, super computers are apples ;)

I bought this cheap ass laptop in 2009, it's served me great and I used it as my main machine until recently when I got a new one, my smartphone has way better specs but lags like hell and isn't nearly as useful.

Why is he a meme again all of a sudden after all these years?

its a Sup Forums meme like 'za posting

>Never owning a windows machine

phones have been more powerful than my first desktop for many years now

>buy an octa-core phone, more powerful than the computers than took the man to the moon
>post Sup Forums memes

>how underage do you need to be for vista to be your first desktop
Maybe not all of us a rich, you fucking shit lord???
I remember my elementary school had a Windows 2000 computer.
It broke within weeks because >6 year old children

Are you retarded?

>you fucking shit lord???
are you 12?

ARM != x86

i assumed it was his first desktop because that's the only way you'd be young and uneducated enough to buy or accept a windows vista machine.

it was mine

i was in a very middle class family in a fairly small house with one floor and a basement living in the mountains of jersey in the middle of nowhere. we got our water from our own well and the power went out constantly because it was a mom & pops power company. dont give me that.

Are smartphones REALLY more powerful than older pcs then?

I've got some 486 CPU's mounted on the wall I used to use. Along with a shit ton of other vintage processors and some wafers.

In terms of transistor count my current phone has about 1,000x more than my first computer.

These die shrinks are insane. We're using transistors that are smaller than bacteria and viruses.

Yeah if benchmarks mean anything, calculation wise, they are

>ever using a shitty i ferior lonix os

This actually does bother me. The tech creep is too real and it gives me a complex.

>tfw phone is more powerful than pentium 4 HT desktop machine from 11 years ago
>tfw they managed to fit that 250W of power into a

>30 years ago they didn't even know what a transistor was and now you have millions of them in your pocket
Makes you think

maybe at fp32
fp64 is what supercomputers were measured in.

my first computer had windows 7

im lmaoing at your life grandpa

The microcontroller in some lightbulbs is probably more powerful than the first machine I had at home

> tfw I thought the same when I was reading a Note 7 review
> it has 4gb RAM a exynos 8890 octacore cpu (+ uhd resolution and all that other meme tech like nfc etc)
Makes me wonder how thing will be in 10 years or so from now

really makes you think

Don't be sad. Soon, you'll miss that feeling of being overwhelmed by progress. Consumer electronics are hitting a ceiling. I can feel the feels already

>tfw the rig you built in 2016 can play 2026 releases





You could conceivably play 2016 games at bottom of the barrel settings with a 2006 rig. Core 2 Extreme and a couple of 8800 GTX.

>30 years ago they didn't even know what a transistor was
>30 years ago

>Core 2 Extreme and a couple of 8800 GTX
Nigger you can literally play Doom right now with a Pentium 4.

>ftw i can now say my age because i was born in 98

I'm sure they'll find a way to make you upgrade

Just a highly-parallel computer. This required 2 weeks on a supercomputer in 1991, now it's done in 4 hours on one GTX970.

Normalize for AAA games being shit and you're golden for 20 years.

That feel when win 95 was first PC and felt underageB&

That feel when reading this thread and felt better because all these kids are acting like vista or XP was nostalgia

That feel when realize i'm distracting myself with a false sense of superiority over age because I don't want to accept the fact I'm almost 30.

That feel when I get worse at video games every year and it's one of my only hobbies

That feel when everyone else in my hobbies are way younger than me and I've started getting called old man by peers

Picture related, me watching everyone else in my life get replaced by people who are younger and better at things than me

You say that as if thirty is some magic cut off point. It's still young, you're not actually old before you're well into your fifties. In the grand scheme of things the only thing that has changed is that you can't hit on 18 year olds without it looking creepy anymore.

>yfw phones really aren't as powerful as the numbers make them seem

I don't know, I just played CS:GO solo que and got paired with a bunch of 16 year olds screaming and instead of joining them I just muted everyone because I'd rather enjoy the silence.


This is true to a certain extent but last time I checked the iPhone 5s was trading blows with laptop core 2 duos in LINPAC, which is far less biased than geekbench could ever hope to be. That still makes my galaxy s6 more powerful than my old dual pentium III rig.

I've never played CS:GO but I've almost always muted online players. If you give anonymous a microphone then you shouldn't be surprised when you hear something that sounds like an user with a microphone.

>Calls others young
>Brings up an Operating system older than System 7/Windows 3.1


You mean newer, surely?

any sources?

What would happen if you take your current gaming pc back to the 90s? would you be a god amongst men

Nothing would work.

why so

No OS support.

i meant going back with a full pc, like with an os that supports everything


No because you cant code in fortran or C

Screaming teens are highly annoying even when you're one of them.

You're not old dude, stop mistreating yourself

The stock Cortex A15 is a bit behind the Jaguar core per clock.
Jaguar is about equal to the K10 core per clock.
The Cortex A57 is near on par with Jaguar.
Cortex A72 and A73 cores are significantly more powerful per clock than the A57.
A flagship smartphone today is more powerful than my 2006 desktop.

OS won't support applications.
>cuda apps are written in exactly these two languages

Someone would probably kill you and take it

>tfw current phone has 4x more cores than your current laptop

>not having a 286 beast as your first machine
GUI kids

>not posting from emacs native running on a Lisp Machine connected to the Internet via IP over avian carriers
Fucking plebeians.

Tfw your machine would be magic if it existed in early 1900s

I guess that's technically true since I've never owned a Windows Vista desktop. It's beyond me why anyone would've wanted to run Vista.

windows Vista was 10 years ago and people born in 98 are allowed here now

shit, son, my fucking routeris more powerful than my first PC (yeah, one is X86 other is MIPS but still).

>486DX4 120Mhz/16Mb RAM

>600Mhz/ 64Mb RAM

I'm not even talking about my friends Spectrum clone back when I didn't have a PC.

>not having a NeXTSTATION as your first machine

non-Unix kids

well, they use DDR3, which means, at least the memory in phones is way faster than that that in old systems.

I thought that was a /ck/ meme

> 2500k is still a top processor

>32bit pointers at most
>ram capped at 4GB
>gpu wouldn't work because no drivers
>your cpu would run like an original 8086, because no newer instruction sets would be supported, though it would be way faster than the cpus at the time
>playing original DOOM at most

Do people hating on Vista hate it because it's common for tech illiterate to hate it?
There was nothing wrong with Vista.

Companies sold Vista computers with XP/Win98 hardware and made shitty driver support. There was nothing with it.

90s were 16bit PCs era, m8. x64 CPUs don't even have these instructions anymore.

>windows me

talk about young

windows 95 master race

The nintendo 64 was released on 1996, it had a 64bit CPU.

The i80386 was produced since 1986.

>nintendo 64
>16bit PCs
MS-DOS was 16bit, so was most of the soft for W95/98.

Do you not fucking know what the 80386 is?

>microsoft's shitty operating system was shitty at the time

So what? x86 architecture has been around since the mid-80s

My 6 year old phone is more powerful in terms of computing power than Voyager 1, Voyager 2 and Apollo 11 combined.

Really makes you think.

>tfw my palm pilot in high school 7 years ago was more powerful the monochrome sharp laptop with win3.11 I had when I was 6

if this is the case why can't we fly our phones to the moon?

what kind of bullshit is this

d...delete this

>tfw you would remember more about the fall of the soviet union, the fall of the berlin wall and chernobyl in the year 2000 than you're likely to remember 911 and the iraq war today

I can vividly hear a normalfag saying this

We're overwhelmed by constant barrage of information...remember ebola? I do, but only barely. Nothing registers. Too much big stuff happens for anything to truly matter to us.

If princess Diana died today, we'd barely notice.

No, it's not, retard. Just because it has more RAM and CPU cores does not make your facebook machine any better than a 15 year old mid-range PC.

vista came out in 2005; 20 years ago.

I had to reinstall Vista multiple times after it mysteriously fucked itself up beyond repair for no discernible reason.