What are the Sup Forums approved trackball mice for various price ranges?

What are the Sup Forums approved trackball mice for various price ranges?

trackball mice are never Sup Forums approved
cut back on the fapping if your wrist hurts

>He doesn't use alternate input devices

The concept of 'Sup Forums approved' input devices is retarded. You have to find out which ones are comfy and best suit your needs. Notice how all the 'Sup Forums approved' mice are all really Sup Forums approved?

CST makes some good ones i hear. Around 130usd a pop.

Gonna pull the trigger, looks like an upgrade to my marble mouse.

How does that feel to use?
Anyone here own one?

the good old ones are gouged to fuck

you can get a m570 new yeah but it's pretty shit, Logitech needs to update.

never tried an elecom

This is now a trackball thread
I used to use this bad boy back int he day, waiting on a Kensington orbit for now usage.

The trackball has been deprecated for a long time by trackpads like pic related.

>no constant movement
>Constant readjustment of hands
>requires cleaning
>no physical or haptic feedback
>looks like ass
Only benefit I can see is the multi-touch which is supplanted by programmable buttons.
Applefags gtfo

Square or weird spaceship shape?
My vote is square for muh aesthetic.

On laptops only.

comfiest RH-only trackball evar

Square is better than sex toy but these are better than both.

>Thumb input
check urself b4 u rek urself m8

Shit's comfy, yo.
I also need to be able to aim and use both left and right click in my Sup Forumsirgin manchild gaymes.

Do you need two hands to use a square trackball?


I have an m570 and it's pretty great. $20 and it's better than any mouse on the market.

>Readjustment of hands
Nope, your hand remains over the trackpad you just move fingers

>Requires cleaning
Its a solid piece of glass, only time you need to clean it is if something spills on it

>No physical or haptic feedback
The apple trackpad 1 has physical feedback, the magic trackpad 2 has haptic feedback and force touch

>Looks like ass
Magic trackpads are pretty aesthetic.

I have pic related. I switch back and forth with this and mouse to avoid RSI. I had it pretty bad at one point, so now mouse is restricted to gayming and gimping. It was the only trackball in store but has served me well for 4 years now.

Elecom trackballs are pretty solid from my experience. They could use better software for customizing and programming buttons though.

Got my wife's son one a while back and he really likes it.

This was always a trackball thread you dumbass

Thumbs are surely sturdier (less likely for RSI) and more accurate, no? I've only used the kind for thumbs so I honestly don't know

>Thumbs are more accurate
Which finger do you usually use on your touch screen? Your thumb?

Used to use one of these playing HL deathmatch back in teh day.

Good times.

when playing games and typing and scrolling websites and... yeah pretty much 90% of the time

Because you only play games or type with a trackball and never navigate your OS.

I used this mouse for years, it made made unstoppable in Halo multiplayer.

te st

Good thing touch screens are only used in toys and social memedia.

The only correct answer in this thread